Dallas Red Lantana seeds

Marianna, FL(Zone 8b)

A few of my Dallas red lantana have what looks to be seed pods on them. They look like little green English peas. The plant files on DG say that they do not set seed. Can these be collected and planted, and, if so, how long should they stay on the plant? I also have something that looks like seeds where my delphenium was blooming. I'm new to seed collecting, so please pardon the dumb questions.

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

The PlantFiles listing has several reasons for not saving the seeds, and it's sometimes confusing to people reading the information. Dallas Red is an hybrid. The PF choice for seed saving on hybrids, lumps the various reasons into one line. The N/A means 'not applicable" The other reasons are, It *may* be sterile, it *may* not set seed, or the seeds will not come true. In the situation you are in , it looks like the plant sets seed, so you will get lantana plants if you save them They just won't be Dallas Red. A hybrid will not resemble the parent. You'll more than likely get some that bloom red, but there is a chance of other colors, and the plant may be totally unlike what you got the seeds from. If you just want lantanas, chances are, you'll get something that you like, but they can never be called Dallas Red. Only the generation you are growing now is that. Also, if you save seeds from next year's plants, they will be different yet again. Only an Open Pollinated cultivar will come true from saved seed, and it will only do so if it hasn't been accidentally crossed with another lantana.

Marianna, FL(Zone 8b)

Thank you for such a wonderful explanation. If I go ahead and cut these seed heads off, will it encourage the plant to bloom?

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