Anyone know citrus trees?

Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

I posted this on the tropical fruit forum but someone over here might know what the problem is.

Fertilizer burn?

La Grange, TX(Zone 8b)

If you checked the underside of the leaves and didn't find any pests, then overwatering or soggy soil may be your problem.
Scroll down to watering.

Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

No pest found and no it's not over watering. The trees are planted in full sun in fast draining soil with about a 6 ft circle of dirt around them. No mulch. I don't have irragation in that part of the yard so I've been hand watering and I probably should be watering more than I do.

La Grange, TX(Zone 8b)

Consistency is the answer to watering problems.
I found this somewhere when I was looking for the link a sent earlier. The link I sentCitrus need moist soil at all times, on the drier side of moist rather than wet. You didn't mention how often you water or how much you apply at one time. Hand watering often times means shallow watering. Maybe your citrus are stressed, maybe getting too much water on the surface and going too dry farther down. Citrus need deep watering to make sure that the entire root system gets water.

Glendale/Parks, AZ

I with oldude on the other forum. Looks like thrips to me. Not a problem, just unsitely.

Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

I'm having trouble ID'ing who's the trouble maker. Might be aphids but they may be thrips. The time I got a look at something on the leaves I just went a head and sprayed the tree down with soapy water. Whatever it was is gone for the moment. I just don't want it to end up in an endless cycle.

Either way both are fairly harmless. Still the same I would like to figure out what exact bug it is and get rid of it if possible. Last year was drought and it stopped raining about two weeks ago so maybe we'll have another year of drought. Drought and bugs are not a good combo for fruit trees.

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