Maple-Leaf Checkermallow?

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

As I was learning about the wonderful world of Checkermallows (Sidalcea spp.) I came across photos of S. malachroides. This is a beautiful plant - at least it appears to be very photogenic.

It's also most definitely a wildflower; I can't find any information that indicates its been cultivated. Is anyone familiar enough with it to provide the vital statistics? (Height, spacing, hardiness, light and water requirements, etc.)

And is it a protected species?

Any help would be most appreciated, including any links to information (my web searches just came up with photos and indications of where it's been spotted growing.)

Speaking of photos, here's a link to one. When you see it, I think you'll see why I was immediately captivated:

Westbrook, ME(Zone 5a)

I found the this at (The Sea Ranch Association) -
Sidálcea malachroìdes. Maple-Leaved-Checker-Bloom. Perennial, native. Rare in coastal scrub. Listed in CNPS Inventory of Rare and Endangered Plants of California, List 1b.

There might be some more information found here

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

I tried for you Terry but was unsuccessful!!

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

Thanks, PoppySue and Louisa! I would like to add this to the database, but I need a bit more information. It's an intriguing plant. It's unfortunate that it is so rare, and doesn't seem to be available commercially from a responsible nursery - a step that could help increase its chances for survival.

Eagle Point, OR

I have Mountain Globemallow seed collected in southern Oregon which closely resembles a Sidalcea which I have pictured on my trade page. The blooms are almost identical but the leaves are different. My identification may not be correct (I am not a botanist, I only play one on the computer) but it is the closest match found in my Peterson's Wildflower Guide.

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

Thanks, Chuck - I'll check it out. (don't we ALL play botanist on the computer? chuckle.....)

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