Green and Gold (Chrysogonum virginianum)

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Have any of you had luck with this? I bought a bunch last year and it did great until February or so when I transplanted some of it into an area that should have been perfect for it, and as far as I can tell all that I transplanted, plus most of what I didn't, has died. I'm wondering whether it was my mistake in transplanting at that time, or whether it is a trickier plant than I thought in our area. Given the name, I would have thought it would do great in these parts!

Laurel, MD(Zone 7a)

I had to try this several times before it decided to grow for me here in Maryland. It's not growing as well as I wanted but it has lived for a couple of years now and has sent out a few runners. When I lived in NC it was almost weedy. Guess it just takes a while to get going.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Thanks! It was so vigorous when I got it, and all through the early winter. Then it disappeared! I was wondering if maybe it was slugs. I guess I could explore to see if I can find roots.

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Happy, this is another one of those plants that I can "take it or leave it" :) Most years it just sits there and just doesn't do anything for me. However, this year it's beautiful - go figure! It's planted in an area under pine trees and the soil isn't great. We had hoped that it would be a nice ground cover for the deciduous Azaleas that are planted there. Shirley's right, it takes a long time to get going but heck, it was planted over 7 years ago and the runners still haven't spread far enough to create the mass effect I was hoping for!

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

I can't remember where I aquired it -- probably either Bluestone or a co-op -- but it must have come from an area where it does well because it was incredibly vigorous and stayed so all year. But now it is in the decline. Doomed gardening in action at my place, once again!

Laurel, MD(Zone 7a)

Don't give up on the green and gold. I tried for several years to get for-get-me-nots to return to my yard. Finally they are back in several places. The green and gold and spring beauties are two that have survived but reluctantly so. I intend to convince them to stay if I can. I kept planting them and they kept "not returning" the next spring. This year I have spring beauties and a few green and gold . Same thing with toadlilies and heucheras. I may have given up on toad-lilies and heucheras. Last year, once again, I planted several of each. This year, nothing except one heuchera and it's small, smaller than it was last year when I planted it. No toadlilies to be found. I keep hoping it's too early but in my heart I know they just didn't come back.

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