Persimmon/Pomegranate/Walnut Freeze

Brownsville, CA(Zone 7b)

I'm in N.Cal mountains and we had a late freeze. My young (4 year-old) persimmon and walnut trees, as well as my pomegranate bushes, were all just leafing out. Now they're black and crispy (we've since had 80+ degree weather). I watered them pre/post frost. Does anyone know if they'll send out new buds from the frozen buds? Are they goners?

Baltimore, MD

Sorry to hear that. The persimmons have backup buds which should sprout. It may take a week or two for them to get going. Last year there was a very late freeze in the midwest and it killed a lot of persimmons but they were further along in their growth, not just leafing out, and the freeze was to 22F. I don't know much about walnuts.


Brownsville, CA(Zone 7b)

Thanks Scott, I'll keep a look out for those buds. This surprise freeze was 22 degrees too.

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