Spring Photos

Lancaster, PA(Zone 6a)

The cherry tree is in full bloom.

The purple plums are done for the year.


This message was edited Apr 22, 2008 8:18 PM

Thumbnail by linuxogre
Lancaster, PA(Zone 6a)

Apple Trees are almost there.

I don't know what kind they are but the apples are a nice combination of sweet and tart. Of course we have to share them with the wriggly critters...


This message was edited Apr 22, 2008 8:20 PM

Thumbnail by linuxogre
Lancaster, PA(Zone 6a)

My Blue Bells came back.

They were pretty much gone when I transplanted them from the nursery last year but they have increased in size and with luck will spread to take up a bit more space. When I lived in New Mexico we never had anything like them. Kind of ephemeral but so pretty while they last.


This message was edited Apr 22, 2008 8:23 PM

Thumbnail by linuxogre
Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Lovely photos - been kicking myself that I haven't taken many pictures this spring. These past few weeks everything has been so beautiful and with the recent rains everything is waking up and so lush, green and fresh looking! Missed getting shots of the Magnolias, but the crabs are all blooming now, maybe I'll have an opportunity to get a few shots to share soon.


Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Very pretty, Roger. Now I know I need some bluebells! I have some seeds but never started them, to many other seeds to start, I guess.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

PA is a good place for growing
my crabapple bloomed well this year. I love thet scent, when I pass by, but at the time of year, when its nice I am all over the yard gardening and when its not nice, its chilly and I'm inside. gotta stop and "smell the roses"

Thumbnail by sallyg
Lancaster, PA(Zone 6a)

SallyG: What a lovely crabapple. The tree must be gorgeous.

For what ever reason this has been an outstanding spring. All of the blossoming trees in this area have been spectacular. The red oaks and maples have also leafed out more densely than usual. I suspect we will have a bumper crop of acorns this year. Last year there were very few. The maple whirly-gigs have been piling up like mad. I'll probably be pulling young trees up all over the place as the year goes on. Shrubs have done well except for some pretty wimpy forsythia that I may dig this fall and replace with something else.

Now if the returning perennials will do as well it should be a good gardening year.

Photo is of my purple plum when it was in bloom.


This message was edited May 13, 2008 7:40 AM

Thumbnail by linuxogre
Lancaster, PA(Zone 6a)

The front walk garden is coming back nicely. The small azaleas I put in last year are blooming better than I had hoped.

Thumbnail by linuxogre
Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Roger, What a lovely home and front walk, very welcoming.

Lancaster, PA(Zone 6a)

We bought the house a couple of years ago and the mature landscaping was one of the things that made the decision. My wife and I have gypsied over much of the country until I retired and rarely had a chance to see the many trees we have planted grow to any serious degree of size. The house has taken a lot of work to get in shape but it has been worth it. The garden area around the pole lamp was originally occupied by a mass of obedient plant. Hah! what a misnomer. It took gallons of Roundup and multiple roto tillings to get rid of it and patches still show up from time to time.

Beautiful as this spring has been it is also a banner year for weeds and invasive grass. But then what else do I have do with my time other than the job jar.


Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

roger- we have to keep you from roaming the streets!
Obedient plant is one thing that has apparantly choked out my mom's Bishops weed.

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