AIS 2008 Convention

Raleigh, NC

That's really why I wanted to go, though, missed learning so much, and iris folks are just the best of all! met Blyth in Keppel's garden, and he is so gentle - would love to hear him speak, same of Keppel, had plans to see Dee Stewart - JUST DARN.
(paja - Acky is bi color)

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Omgosh...I love it! I love that graveyard of plant tags, lol...

Very cute!

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

Thanks, bonjon for letting me know that what I posted as Achy Breaky Heart was actually more likely My Blue Heart, Opal Brown 1998. Darn! It turns out Achy Breaky Heart is actually two-toned pink and blue. Well, I guess the labeling in Austin was not one of the pluses. But there were still beautiful iris and I so agree with bonjon and IrisMA that iris people are the best. I have now been to a number of AIS events and it is amazing what nice people they draw. Just returned from the Aril, Arilbred, and Median trek in Albuquerque. It was great, too. The irises were in better condition as well -- though Dorothy Willott and other iris experts told us that many of the medians grow smaller here than in other places. But they were still pretty!

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