5 in one apple trees

Louisville, KY(Zone 6a)

Has anyone tried these? Do they really produce well?Do they remain dwarf sized? I keep seeing them advertised but am nervous about trying them.

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

They do work and are dwarf if grafted onto dwarf stock. They are a pain to keep balanced as some of the grafts want to take over and others are shy and recessive. I consider them more work than they are worth, but where you are pressed for space and willing to devote the time to pruning, they do work.

Gulf Coast, United States(Zone 9a)

Yes multi-grafts will produce fruit.

As to whether they will remain "dwarf" depends on what rootstock they are on. I'm presuming you are looking to purchase the tree from a home-garden center. Rarely will a home/garden center know what the tree is grafted on and in reality they are usually actually "semi-dwarfs" and will end 15-18 feet tall and just as big around if not kept in check (a single story home is typically 12-15 feet in height for a vision).

In regards to the multi-grafts, some varieties will be more vigorous than others and you will have to keep up on pruning just to keep it in check and not end up with a lop-sided tree.

Personally, I don't bother with them. Not worth the effort to keep the branches in check for the common varieties typically offered when I can pick up a common commercial variety apple tree on true dwarfing rootstocks for around $5-$6 and espalier it to make it fit in my yard.

If this is your first apple tree, I would highly recommend a tree that is single variety due to the pruning required for multi-grafts. If you are in a residential area, other folks within a mile will almost always have either a crabapple or another apple tree to provide pollination.

Louisville, KY(Zone 6a)

Thank you,
I'll pass on the 5 in one thingy.

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