some basics help peas

Milwaukee, WI likely has more info an i know there are pics up too--i should update too

anywho this is my first season starting from seeds i have a parsley plant it looks like with its first real leaves it looks like i trimmed the chives too short (same fer catgrass) an many of my plants im not seeing anything from (shoulda said seeds ohwell) so yea i have a greenhouse decent size its inside with a west facing window a door an a mirrior right there too im unable to put lighting on right away i have been misting my plants near daily just ta keep humidity up an that theres PLENTY of water in the system too ive been using some seed starting mix with most an a seed starting stuff mixed with outher seed starting stuff an topsoil (my planters outside have topsoil in them have fer years an its been great ta me) so yea im corious if yall have any tips fer me or that

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

I'm not sure I completely understand what all you're looking for help sounds like one problem is seeds that you planted but haven't come up? It would help to know what seeds those are and how long ago you planted them, some seeds maybe you just need to be patient, but other seeds have special things that you have to do to them first like soaking, cold treatment, etc and if you don't do those then they won't germinate. I also wouldn't use topsoil, for seeds and for potted plants it's better to use soilless potting mix (basically anything that says on the bag that it's for containers should be OK)

Milwaukee, WI is the list of everything ive got fer seeds tho i didnt plant everything i looked at the package directions an i didnt notice anything saying to soak or chill or that as fer time yeesh it musta been like a month or 2 now (yea i think 2 thats how old this laptop is an i think i started just before i got it the dates on the thread are accurate to shortly after i started the pics in the current link are from that day)

as fer the soil its alittle topsoil like 1/4 inch on the bottom of the pot thing an the mix that goes in has like 1/3 topsoil in just ta keep it a cheap mixture cause the seed starting medium can get expensive (costs more then topsoil an ya get less its expensive) it should be enough ta help start some nutrients so yea its all hand mixed by me so yea

with the potted plantsare you talking indoor or outdoor ones?? cause with outdoor thats all thats in my clay pots same soil fer the last 4-5 years an no issiues just the cheapest at farm an fleet i herd you should swap out every year but my herbs are dooin great so why change whats workin there?? indoor i could proubly get some soilless an maby mix it in (im usted ta gettin the best fer less an all that) with the topsoil ill be shure ta fiigure something out (oh speakin im gonna revive old soli fer this year in a few years itill be good as new an were gonna ditch some of that sawdust thats in the basement at my uncles house in the process)

help at all?? i should update the images that mug had seedlings in it one even has real leaves an ive a margarita glass i can add to it!! (glasses break i fix with nailpolish thats lyin bottle cost 33 cents i use glass fer plants hmm what would work with a magarita glass??) be warned im really into art

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Topsoil is not good for containers or for seed starting in containers, it doesn't drain properly. And it doesn't matter if it's indoor or outdoor containers, potting mix is a much better idea. So for your seeds that didn't come up it's possible they might be too wet and rotted. Or maybe they're buried too deep, some seeds need light in order to germinate so you need to just barely cover them.

On the glasses and mugs...are you drilling drainage holes in those? If you're not, you're really taking a big risk that you're going to overwater your plants, it's very hard to water properly when you don't have drainage. And as the plants get bigger and their roots stretch into the bottom of the mug/glass/whatever where the moisture collects you're going to wind up with the roots rotting.

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