"I don"t like tropical gardens".

Redondo Beach, CA(Zone 11)

Nice shot Mike! If your lke me you couldnt imagine life without Jacaranda!
And those #^%(*@ who cry, "Oh my goodness, there so messy", just slap them upside the head.
And underneath is a pool of purple, spectacular!

Thumbnail by LApalms
Redondo Beach, CA(Zone 11)

And deep in wildflower season... Nothing to do with the subjest, just like the pic, wish I had taken it!

Thumbnail by LApalms
Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Imagine living on that street! Gorgeous!

Atawhai,Nelson, New Zealand(Zone 10a)

Love the photos!. Can you buy property where that seaside pic is taken? Looks like a great place.

Thumbnail by mike_in_NZ
Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Here in Florida, the Poincianas and Royal Poincianas are in full bloom. When we purchased the condo, we used it as a winter holiday place, 4 weeks in December/January and then returned to the deep freeze that is Montréal (Canada) 9 months of the year. Then in 2000, we spend 3 weeks in Florida in June. The first time we saw one of those poincianas, we parked the car so we could look at it. The property's owner was working on his lawn so he crossed the street and invited us to come see it up close. We really must have looked like we had just fallen off the turnip truck, walking around this massive tree with our heads up, going OOOH and AAAH.

Hurricane Wilma tore out most of that tree. The owner removed the rest but memories remain and there are plenty more poincianas in bloom right now.


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