What is the best way to "trellis" Raspberries/blackberries?

Lawrenceville, GA(Zone 7b)

We have a raised bed against our privacy fence and are planning on putting a raspberry and blackberry vine in there. What is the best way to trellis them without them being so wide?

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

So you have already chosen trailing blackberry and raspberry varieties?

Some of the pruning advice I have read that seems very interesting is A) pruning back primocanes (not flowering/fruiting floricanes) to 4 feet to encourage them to branch and B) removing canes such that there are only 1 cane every 4 inches, so a 15 foot row should have 45 canes.

For support, a T post at each end and heavy string or wire seems to make a lot of sense.

Alas I am growing an upright thorny variety -- Kiowa, so will not need to do much trellising.

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

I used to have a link to a site with a wonderful trellis for raspberries/blackberries. I cannot locate it, but I found it googling 'raspberry trellis' and I think it was on a vendor site.

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