name for my new pulmonaria?!?!

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

I know, I know... it's a long way from the plant markets yet, but I'm already excited about this little Pulmonaria seedling! Even if it never makes it any farther than where it's at. It's a hybrid of "raspberry splash" x "silver streamers". Any thoughts for names? Even if it's only on the tag that it will get in my yard! How mottled the leaves will be won't be very apparent until next year. My first guess though is that it's going to look pretty close to silvers streamers as far as the spotting on the leaves goes. Unfortunately the little leaves got damaged by the snow that I had last week.


This message was edited Apr 16, 2008 3:30 AM

Thumbnail by redchic01
Flora, IN(Zone 5a)

Congratulation's it is a beauty.
My first thought would be to combine names like streaminberry splash or raspberry streamers.
Good Luck ^_^

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

ohhhh those are great! I like the raspberry streamers---it's easier for me to say with a cold right now!

(Zone 6a)

A few names I thought of are Raspberry Marmalade, Raspberry Champagne or Silver Berry Bubbles...
Just a few names that came into my head :)


Warren, OH(Zone 5b)

how about Berry Streamer

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

OHhhh I love rasperry champagne, that will be great if the leaves stay that tanish beige color ( I doubt they will, but we can hope). Since my nose is congested I can hardly even think berry streamer let alone say it. but it's really cute and there is a stream nearby!. today I went to take a closer look at the spotting on the leaves and it will definitely have spotting a little more like silver streamers than raspberry splash. Unfortunately I think we'll have to wait until next year to have pictures that demonstrate that. My camera isn't very good with close-ups. I tried to take a couple more today, not sure how the've turned out yet. what fun!

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

well I was wanting to replace the original image with this, I think a little be better picture since it wasn't nearly dark out when I took it, but I could find a way to replace the original. So, here it is as a reply

Thumbnail by redchic01
(Zone 6a)

He looks like a great little plant!
BTW, I really like the look of your garden with the moss, do you have a veiw of the whole bed?


southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

i would it's definitely the "au natural" bed, plus maybe some mulch many years ago. well, lets see if I can link you over to a thread that I have just posted some pictures in. the pics start about 4/5th of the way down the page at post number #4823442. the first 4 pics have that plant bed in them. We could play where's waldo except for "Where's the new pulmonaria" in those pictures!

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

they weather turned really cold again today (they say snow is coming again) and now the flower has turned to a light reddish purple with dark purple stripes. It's odd, but cute.

(Zone 6a)

Oh, your beds are so nice! I couldn't see the pulmonaria but I like that bleeding heart!
I really like the bush with the pink flowers,'s an Azalea?

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a) are so nice! Believe me I only post pictures of the decent looking areas, i have a lot of spots that are "under construction" as I call it. and am too embarased to post pictures, or even take them!!! but, I'm not sure what pink flowering bush we're talking about. Was the picture in my garden diary/ blog thing??? or was it posted in a thread somewhere? If I were on my home computer I would be able to just post another pic. of what I think it might be and put it here in this thread, but I have no access to those pictures for another couple of days---I think.

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

oh..... you followed the link I bet?????

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

If you followed that link, and it happens to be the second picture that I posted there..... that's a rhododendron called lem's cameo. I love it. It's probably about 2 weeks away from "popping" with a lot a flowers this year----even though I pruned pretty well last year!

This message was edited May 2, 2008 3:47 PM

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

you have a lot going on at your place as well!!!! you must have a fantastic cutting plants. that lilly, I think that it was called starburst, is amazing!

(Zone 6a)

I did follow the link :) But will have to check out your garden diary, I don't have much in mine yet...Thanks for the name on the rhododendron 'lem's cameo', it's very nice.
I really like that lily too, the colouring is amazing! Nearly black and orange, some plants don't show they're true colours in pictures, but with that one what you see is what it is.
I love it!


Madison, WI

Interesting flower coloring. Congratulations! One way to get the name to reflect the flower habit and not just it's parentage you may want to observe it over a few years through the seasons and pick a characteristic feature that sets it apart from the others.

I am falling in love with Pulmonaries myself for their consistent delivering of spring color when one yawns for it. This is so true for my zone especially.

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

Steven, where might one find a good place to get this "starburst" lilly?

I agree with you enya.....I just don't know if I have the patience to wait that long! can you believe I'm already trying to figure out ways to propigate it without having to wait until it's large enough to safely divide (like tissue culture). How bad is that?!?! Believe it or not I have actually had some patience with it. that little plant is actually 2 years old. i noticed it last year when it was about 1 and and a half inches tall with a little group of striped flowers right on the top. I agree with you about the pulmonarias! I have many more than I let on, and actually quite a few of them are hybrids, but there's nothing that unusual about them. I get really paranoid when anybody walks through that bed because i know that won't see the tiny, first year pulmonaria seedlings---even though there's about 50 of them. eveybody must stay off that plant bed!

Anyhow, here's a picture of what the little plant looks like now. Unfortunatly it's a little dark outside when I took it, so the pitcure is a little granular.

Thumbnail by redchic01
Madison, WI

I have a suggestion for you - root cuttings. I tried it, works great.
I'd wait till the bloom is over and try gently digging on one side to get a couple of
larger roots to safeguard your treasure.

I used this advice a year ago:
"Pulmonarias grow easily from root cuttings. For a good crop of young plants in spring, try placing short 7.5cm (3in) sections of root into a seed tray and covering with potting compost."

Looking at the closeup of the flower I for some reason though of the 4th of July and the fireworks. I love the big globe ones when they send out different colors :) Good luck with your plant adventure and thank you for sharing your joy.

(Zone 6a)

Heres a link to the plantfiles entry it says there's a vendor who has it forsale so you could check that out or you could try googling it to find a garden centre close to you that has it.

The way the colours mix on your pulmonaria makes me think of something bubbly like 'blueberry soda' or something like that :)


southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

Oh wow, thanks for the idea. You think that it will actually have large enough roots to do that? That would be cool though if it did! I've never had luck with anything that goes into a seed tray because on the off chance that I have to leave for a few days, i've never been able to find anyone who will truly baby them as it should be babied. But, I have no plans of going anywhwere until late summer, so maybe they would be large enough to be ok under the outside sprinkler system.... anyhow, that's just sort of rambling/thinking outloud anyhow.

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

Thanks for the Link Steven, I'll look into that! Hopefully they are somebody who doesn't have a spring cut off for shipping!!! Blueberry soda and fireworks.... sounds like summertime!

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

That vendor is even in Oregon too! Less than and hour and half away! Maybe a road trip here soon? However, still might cost less to have it shipped :-p

Madison, WI

A two year old plant should have good enough roots for that. The key here is pacience :)

(Zone 6a)

Wow, you should take a road trip!!! You could email them to see if they have it in stock in their store? I hope you find it, it's worth the hour and a half drive!


southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

I'm thinking that's what I'm going to do! Road trip! Plant budget is zapped this month, but I'll see if they'll hold one and you can believe the first available day in June.... I'll be there! Two things to do: road trip and grow some patience!

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

I just thought that I would post an up date on the "little feller." apparently it's a year older than what I thought, because it has quadrupled in size. It is the silver one in front!

Thumbnail by redchic01
(Zone 7a)

Oooooooooooo!!! Pretty! What's the polka-dotted one behind it?

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

ummm... it's a pulnonaria seedling as well. It couldv'e come from any of the silver foliaged ones as well, but i think that the odds are very good that it is a seedling of the only moderatly spotted one in that area which is Roy Davidson. It had some really cute blue and pink flowers this year!

This message was edited May 23, 2008 10:17 AM

(Zone 7a)

That does it. I need them!

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

I would agree with that!!! they're great plants and I think that everyone needs more. this one is one of my absolute favorits of the silver leaved ones.

the last two pictures on that page are of my plants that are about 5 years old.

(Zone 6a)

Wow, he grew up fast! hahaha :) Very pretty pulmonaria!
Did you go on the road trip for the starburst lily? Mine is loaded up with flowers this year so I'll be sure to take some photos!!!


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