Plants that attract Hummingbirds

Millersville, MD(Zone 7a)

What perennials, shrubs and trees do you find are irresistible to hummers? Please share your experiences.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

God knows I've traded for enough "hummer" seeds - but this will be my first year putting it into action. Will be interested to hear what others with more exp behind them have to say....

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Last year I put in my first Cannas and the hummers were at them all day long. I also have a huge trumpet vine although many people don't want them because they can be pretty invasive. I do have to work at keeping mine contained but I think the enjoyment I get from it is worth the effort. I can't seem to find the picture with the heavily laden flowers they pretty much cover the whole thing.

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Second on Cannas, and they also spent a lot of time on my catnip that was in bloom next to the Cannas. Also mimosa tree-terrible nuisance tree but so sweet smelling.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Cannas - check! Trumpet Vine (pink and orange seedlings emerging) - check!! Next?!?!

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Trumpet vine definitely. I always hang a hanging basket of petunias near the feeders and that draws them like flies. They seem to prefer the darker colors - red, purple, dark pink.

If you're coming to the swap at Becky's house let me know if you want trumpet vines. I have oodles of them.

Four o'clocks are another one they love and it's a very easy plant from seed.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

I'm co-hosting so I WILL be there...would love some - just in case my seeds don't survive. Petunias are a must for me every year...I LOVE the deep purple - spicy scent ones esp....ahhhhh!!! Trying to find some reds to hang out back though where all the hummer plants will be...
Diane - my stock DID reseed from last least one plant...God knows the Nicotiana did...every where...LOVE it!!!

Shenandoah Valley, VA

I'll add it to my list. Make sure I put you down for some. It grows all along the back fence so I have as much as anyone could want. That's great about your stocks!

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Thanks to you dear friend for finding it for me!!! Hugs!

Shenandoah Valley, VA

I was glad to help.

Net4, Walmart has a couple of kinds of 4 o'clocks seeds in with the Burpee seeds. You're probably in a warm enough area that they'll come back for you or you can dig up the tubers and keep them inside over winter or let them self sow. Four o'clocks are also supposed to help keep the Japanese beetles from eating your other plants such as roses. It's poisonous to the beetles but they prefer it so they eat that and die.

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7a)

I've had good experience with Hummers loving perennial salvia (gregii, etc.) and agastache, both of which come in many shades of coral, pink and red. They bloom until frost here in Northern VA, and will overwinter when conditions are mild. All of mine survived this year, even the ones in pots! Otherwise, I treat them as semi-expensive annuals. ;-) The bonus is that the foliage smells grand too (especially the agastache).

For those of you in the DC Metro area, you can find a good selection at the Green Springs Plant Sale on May 17th.


Millersville, MD(Zone 7a)

Thank you everyone for your suggestions. I've tried planting varieties that I've read in catalogs and websites that attract them, but not with the success they suggest. Please keep your ideas coming, I'm making a list and to take with me to several nurseries next week.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Yes, agree Green Springs Plant Sale is great!!!

Shenandoah Valley, VA

I forgot to mention the 4 o'clocks also draw luna moths at night and hummingbird moths during the day.

Salvias and agastaches are a great suggestion. I didn't even think of those.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

I wonder if my having had a big mimosa tree for years next door, and then tall red cannas- was a good 'red flag' to get them checking me out? It must be hard to find the right flowers when you're a H bird ; I don't know how creatures can manage what they do.

Vienna, VA(Zone 7a)

Red monarda and cleome are the flowers they visit in my garden. On the other hand I don't have any of the plants other people have mentioned.

No wonder we try to lure them, they really are magical.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

tubular flower shape is a common denominator, right?

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

That's my understanding, Sally...and bright colors to draw them down...although I've heard conflicting stories about that. So far I've got just about everything everyone's listed....fingers crossed

Millersville, MD(Zone 7a)

I too have read and heard red tubular flowers, but they must produce nectar. Many hybrids now days are produced for how they look and they have lost the ability to produce nectar. So I was trying to get an idea of what plants in our area have been the most successful in luring hummers and keeping them around.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

To get them to come to your garden, I have to say petunias have done the trick here and they do prefer the red or dark purple or pink ones. I can not see a single hummer and as soon as I put out a hanging basket of petunias they're all over.

Trumpet vine is probably just as much of a lure but blooms much later. The other things they will visit but the petunias seem to be what draws them here.

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

My hummers like Columbines, the old faschion ones. Also hanging baskets of Fuchsia.
I think the bright red color is the key, have you ever worn a red hat and got buzzed by a hummer, happened to me!

One of the columbines they visit. (old picture)

Thumbnail by ladygardener1
central, NJ(Zone 6b)

When we first bought this house(3 1/2 yrs ago) I was sitting out back and I heard that tell tale wings buzzing noise( at the time not realizing it was a hummingbird) I had never seen one in Jersey. It was attracted to the hibiscus she had. I may need to plant another one.

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7a)

flowerjen, I've had that happen sometimes when I'm bending over digging in the garden, and have a brightly-colored t-shirt on. I try not to move until they're gone, but sometime's it's impossible.

They've also come up to my t-shirts when I'm standing up, sort of checking it out. Too funny - of course, they don't stay long, but it's a fun encounter anyway.


Falls Church, VA(Zone 7a)


The Green Springs sale is awesome, isn't it? Such a great venue too. It's almost within walking distance for me. I had the great good fortune to live next to one of the directors of the park for almost 20 years. What an invaluable gardening resource I had living right next door. My gardening education really grew by leaps and bounds during those years.
He moved to Ohio to be near a daughter about 4 years ago, and I still miss him very much, both as a friend and mentor.

Not sure where you are in the "middle" of VA, but the Lewis Ginter Botanic Garden plant sale in Richmond is also terrific. It begins on May 1 this year.


Falls Church, VA(Zone 7a)


I learned about the salvias & agastaches from my former neighbor, who was very involved with Green Springs Farm Park up here for years. He was also a big Penstemon fan - come to think of it, they'd be good for hummers too, I would think.

I always try to have a few salvias & agastaches in the yard each year, mostly in pots in the past. I might try some in the ground now that we've gotten some more sunny spots available for planting.


Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Hmmmm....I'll have to let Becky know...we generally do day trips hitting various nurseries. I'm in Richmond is about an hour or so south..not too bad. :) Thanks so much for letting me know.

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7a)

I just had another thought - they also love Lobelia Cardinalis, and I got a gorgeous variety about 3 years ago at the Green Springs sale - it's called "Ruby Slippers" and is a deep magenta color. Blooms late, until frost. My neighbor had the more familiar deep bright red one and the hummingbirds enjoyed both of them.

Having said all this - I can also say that I've seen them working lantana, penta, cleome, monarda, and even impatiens - and the colors of the flowers I just mentioned were not all red/pink either.

Guess the bottom line is just to have at least one feeder and lots of colorful nectar-filled flowers available - you'll get hummers all summer. They might start with the red, tubular flowers, but will check out other possibilities too!


Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Picked up 4 varieties of Petunias today - that spicy full size dark purple (ahhh, for me), some "wave" minis that are a white w/purple veining (nice scent too - not as strong as purples but definitely a nice scent) and 2 types of reds. Gonna mix them all up in 3 hanging baskets...put two out back with feeders and one out front.

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7a)


I drive down from Falls Church (just about 1.5 hours to the Botanic Garden) every year, and come home with a car load of treasures. I meet my good friend from college, and we do a quick recon mission of the sales, make our "important/must have" purchases" then adjourn for lunch, then go back for a final pass, and tour the grounds before leaving.

I'm a big daylily fan, (obviously - LOL), and the Richmond Area Daylily Society (RADS) has an amazing sale - tons of double fans for very cheap prices. The list of vendors is very extensive. (some of the same people as at Green Springs, but not much overlap).

The grounds and conservatory of the Gardens are worth the trip alone, and there are 2 very nice luncheon places there too.

If you're within an hour - it's a MUST!!!


Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Do you remember if they had vendors selling Orientals/trumpets/Oriepets (sp?)

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7a)

Hmmm - I don't recall that specifically, but will check with my friend. I'm fairly certain they have lilies there - they've certainly got everything else - iris, hostas (same group that you'll see at Green Springs), azaleas, herbs, vegetables, succulents, etc., etc.

I'll get back to you on that.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Thanks DD....appreciate it...found a vendor to order from...but if I can just buy them minus s/h - well that just leaves more $$ for an additional plant...LOL

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7a)


Oh yeah, I hear you on THAT!!! This is why I come back with 500 daylilies each year (slight exaggeration)... because they're such a good deal!!!

I've sent a note to my friend, who usually answers very quickly.

Also, if you will not be coming on the first day, I can let you know who & what I see when I'm down there.


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