Apple tree is blooming!

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

The Pink Lady apple tree I planted a couple of days ago is blooming. It arrived bareroot well packaged from the online nursery and had pale green leaves that clearly needed sunlight. Of couse it is not strong enough yet to support a crop, but it is fascinating to watch nature's cycle and I feel fortunate to be a part of it.

I have strong hopes for this tree. Apples are marginal here, and I've lost some. This variety is reportedly self-fertile and needing fewer winter chill hours. The lovely plant is showing promise.


La Grange, TX(Zone 8b)

Yuska, I lost my Pink Lady last year to grasshoppers. Living on a ranch has its downside. We've had a real bad grasshopper problem for the past few years. After they ate the leaves on my citrus and apple trees, they started in on the bark and managed to girdle it below the graft union. I lost a few citrus trees as well. If you have any grasshoppers around, I'd suggest you wrap the tree at least until the bark gets too thick for them to gnaw through.

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

Many thanks for the alert! Haven't had a grasshopper problem in the past , but they are a real scourge when they do move in. A couple of days ago one showed up in the house, above the kitchen sink of all places. I'll be on the lookout - my young kumquat trees will be especially vulnerable, too.

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