Finally some blooms !

Pontotoc, MS(Zone 7b)

I finally have a few blooms . Forgive my hazy photos. Will be taking more as I get more blooms. My favorites are the doubles, but my favorites to PHOTOGRAPH are the singles !!! They are just so delicate looking (as David said) and the centers are so interesting.

Thumbnail by corgimom
Pontotoc, MS(Zone 7b)

I have trouble taking a photo ( I just have a point and shoot camera) of two poppies and keeping them both in focus. Any suggestions ???

Thumbnail by corgimom
Pontotoc, MS(Zone 7b)

this one seemed to be dancing - although if it had been it wouldn't had been in focus at all !!!!

Thumbnail by corgimom
Dallas, OR(Zone 8a)

beautiful poppies... I just love them. Have had success with them by just scattering seed. Have lots of tiny plants emerging all over my property. Can't wait to see which ones made it this year or ones
that reseed from last year.
Your photo's are clear when the picture is enlarged.Great detail.

Pontotoc, MS(Zone 7b)

I find the double hard to photograph - the light reflects off each petal so much and I just don't know how to set my camera for that

Thumbnail by corgimom
Richmond Hill, GA

Your poppies are gorgeous. Here are a few on mine blooming today.

Thumbnail by cattjovi
Richmond Hill, GA


Thumbnail by cattjovi
Richmond Hill, GA


Thumbnail by cattjovi
Pontotoc, MS(Zone 7b)

all are beautiful , but I especially love the tangerine color !!!

Louisville, KY

they are all beautiful

Dallas, OR(Zone 8a)

Not a fancy one..but found my first Ca poppy of the season cuddling up to his blue little friends.

Pontotoc, MS(Zone 7b)

BeaHive, I am anxiously awaiting the pic that goes with that statement !

Dallas, OR(Zone 8a)

Silly me.. forgot the picture ... here it is.
Good morning all..

Thumbnail by BeaHive
Pontotoc, MS(Zone 7b)

oh, blue and gold - that was worth the wait ! ( I've done that plenty of times so don't feel silly - I just had to tease ya !)

Pontotoc, MS(Zone 7b)

this has been my darkest red one so far, it just doesn't show it in the picture. Excuse my fat hand but the wind has been blowing so hard these last few days I couldn't get a picture of it.

Thumbnail by corgimom
Greenwich, OH

Your poppies are pretty!I noticed today I have some poppy sprouts.hopefuly!the poppies will grow well and will be able to share some photos in the summer.I like your red peony poppy.

Dallas, OR(Zone 8a)

corgimom- that is one beautiful poppy. Do you have the name..need to put that one on my must have seed list. Terrific!

Pontotoc, MS(Zone 7b)

no, all of these came up as volunteers from last year's crop ! ( and those seeds were bought at our Master Gardener's sale - so not even a name last year !!! They came out with the ones you see on this thread as well as ones I posted on last year's thread here ( which I have looked for and cannot find now), which included pinks and lavenders. I am still hoping for some more colors to bloom !!!!

I had singles, doubles, semi doubles of all colors and just let the doubles drop their seeds. I collected seeds from a lot of the other doubles,too, but just didn't plant them. Although they are the prettiest to look at in person, I love to photograph the singles.

Dallas, OR(Zone 8a)

keep on doing what you are doing..they are terriffic!

Pontotoc, MS(Zone 7b)

thanks to Elphaba, of the Roses forum, I have better photos to share with you ! She sent me a dmail, encouraging me to keep trying with my photography and sent me what she did. I took these this morning. Hope to do better in the future ! ( don't get fooled - I took some real lousey ones ,too !! You WON'T be seeing those !)

Thanks Elphaba !

Thumbnail by corgimom
Pontotoc, MS(Zone 7b)

center of poppy

Thumbnail by corgimom
Pontotoc, MS(Zone 7b)

red double poppy trying to open

Thumbnail by corgimom
Pontotoc, MS(Zone 7b)

single red one dancing

Thumbnail by corgimom
Pontotoc, MS(Zone 7b)

pink with lavender petals inside

Thumbnail by corgimom
Rockport, TX(Zone 9a)

Corgi, you are too kind to me and my meager advice! Just so the rest of you know, Corgi asked me about a photo. Otherwise, I would never presume to give photo advice! I'm about the worst one out there, but in a way that's good b/c I talk about photography in kindergarten terms!

All of y'alls poppies are stunning! I wish I could grow them. I've thrown seeds out and gotten zip. I've even planted some hoping they would come back the next year, but alas, no.

Pontotoc, MS(Zone 7b)

stages of the poppy


Thumbnail by corgimom
Pontotoc, MS(Zone 7b)

bud begins to open

Thumbnail by corgimom
Pontotoc, MS(Zone 7b)

to reveal a lovely ( or not so lovely sometimes) poppy

Thumbnail by corgimom
Pontotoc, MS(Zone 7b)

poppy pod after petals have dropped off

( I don't have a dried seed pod yet, so that is to come....)

This message was edited Apr 18, 2008 4:59 PM

Thumbnail by corgimom
Pontotoc, MS(Zone 7b)

single lavender poppy

Thumbnail by corgimom
Pontotoc, MS(Zone 7b)

single pink with red one in the background

Thumbnail by corgimom
Calgary, Canada

Have a look at this poppy garden from last year.

Dallas, OR(Zone 8a)

cowgirl..Wow! I must start looking for some seed. I loved # 33 Queens poppies & # 46 Red-cut-petal single.
Thanks for sharing.

Pontotoc, MS(Zone 7b)

Wow is right !! Both last year and year before that I had many more colors but I didn't plant any this year. All of mine are volunteers !

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

What pretty poppies! I think this one may have come from you corgimom. Looks like one above, except more shaggy..


This message was edited Jun 10, 2008 10:13 AM

Thumbnail by lincolnitess

Here's mine first lauren grape poppies blooming...I'm so excited...

Thumbnail by
Dallas, OR(Zone 8a)

If you like the California poppies...check this out..
Poppies everywhere! I love them!!

Thumbnail by BeaHive
Dallas, OR(Zone 8a)

A bee enjoying the poppies..

Thumbnail by BeaHive
Dallas, OR(Zone 8a)

Macro shot of poppy.

Thumbnail by BeaHive

Just gorgeous Bea!

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