Heidi Chronicles: Can't Be Long Now, Can It?

Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

Oh, my, sorry to hear about your sister! I will add her to my prayers. I'll throw in a prayer for your day to go well tomorrow. And I think the new straw bales sounds like a great idea.

Hendersonville, NC(Zone 7a)

So sorry to hear about your sister, Cheryl; hope the surgery went well, and that she'll make a quick and thorough recovery.

Loved the description of Heidi's water attack on Trouble; that's telling him, mama! She is so very good at getting her point across without physical contact or conflict. Very cool that she voluntarily touched you for the first time; that is huge progress.

The straw bales/compost area sound like great fun for the kits, if you can stand the temporary mess. It would make for awesome soil amendments. And it does sound like water may be an issue with Heidi's expanded territory; just what you need, more pans to fill and mow around...

It is very hard to describe the feel of a raccoon's coat. The undercoat does stand up, as you mentioned, and you're right in thinking it serves both to insulate and to cool. Their fur is much coarser than cat fur and most dogs' fur. Terrier fur is just a bit like it, but not quite right, either. The undercoat is kind of wooly, but not soft wooly like lamb's wool, more like mohair, maybe? What can I say? It's raccoon fur, and the feel is pretty unique to their species.

Hope HRH shows up again soon. I always get a bit anxious when he disappears for a while, though I know he's probably just courting (or maybe babysitting)...

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7b)

Cheryl, sorry to hear you had such a lousy day. Hope all is well with your sister, that's always difficult.
The idea of straw bales is too cool, raccoon r&r and then wonderful compost. What a deal!! LOL

Ripon, WI(Zone 4a)

You did a good job of describing the hair. I was surprised about the coarse hair that stands up - like you said, you can't see it from a distance.

So sorry to hear about your sister and pray that she came through surgery well. Keep us posted on her progress. Also hope all your hard work pays off and that your visitors will be thrilled with your new app!

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

KyWoods, goldfinch, and all those who said a silent prayer for me to have a better day today,

You guys must know someone in a position of authority (tongue in cheek) because I did indeed have a most unexpectedly better day. While not perfect, things went much, much better today in testing such that scowls and frowns were all but non-existent and while I still came home pretty tired, this time I didn't feel so 'low'. Thanks for your help.

Thanks, too, everyone, for keeping my sister in your thoughts and prayers. She is doing well post-op, but I am most concerned about the long term implications of some of the symptoms revealed to me by her husband before/during her surgery and by her after. For about 2 yrs now she has (unknown to me) been having periodic but infrequent attacks of numbness and loss of feeling in her legs along with back pain followed just recently by bouts of UT blockage and bouts of urinating blood. To me these seem like very ominous signs. I am not at all convinced that anything they did in surgery will address the cause of these symptoms. She has a 4yr old child which ups the ante all the more.

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

Thanks, Ruth,

When I saw Trouble get into the pool - after Heidi had marked off the territory for the new kits arrival, I was a bit concerned, knowing that we simply could not have Mr. Trouble feeling free to hop in the pool with those babies when they get here. When Heidi growled at him the 1st time, there was a pause before she took the matter up again. During that brief interval I thought she was going to let this infringement on her territory go, and was a bit concerned about that, but as usual, she had everything under control - and, as you mentioned, without so much as a fight.

I'm not too concerned about HRH not being there. I left early while everyone was still eating. HRH likely arrived after i left as he frequently arrives late.

Unlike all of the toys, pool, and plastic containers accumulating back there, at least the straw and compost will disappear on its own in a year or so leaving only vastly improved soil in their wake. Last year the kids seemed to derive so much enjoyment form that old bale of straw that just happened to be there. As to the water issue, I considered taking one or both of the basins from Heidi's area and relocating them for others since she already has the pool, but decided against that option because I've seen that the kits also enjoy 'washing' things in the shallow basins, too. It looks as though the pool and basins offer subtly different water experiences for them. I think this time, I'll orient the new water container in an existing flower bed, probably by the roses, so as to avoid killing anymore grass and adding something else that needs to be moved prior to mowing.

edited because I forgot to mention: I was so surprised when Heidi actually touched her nose to my arm however briefly. Recently, she had walked up one day and touched her front pay to my shoe, a croc, and had even pawed it slightly before turning around and walking back to her food as though nothing had ever happened. At the time I had been most shocked by her most uncharacteristic behavior but had dismissed it as her not knowing my foot was in that shoe - but, honestly, that explanation never really worked for me as I am quite sure Heidi knew my foot was in there. She seems to be showing interest in knowing more about me, in the kind of discovery that came so natural to baby Dennis when he felt my finger that day so long ago. I figure this is an incredible development which shows how very comfortable she has become, comfortable enough to begin thinking about investigating me instead of keeping a safe distance between us.

This message was edited Apr 29, 2008 11:42 PM

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

This afternoon (as I felt a bit more upbeat and less stressed about the need to get more work done at home), I took a few minutes to check out the new blooms in the garden. Widget accompanied me, that is, at least, when he wasn't over at the fence keeping an eye on Heidi who was already impatiently awaiting the signal to come to dinner even though it was only 5PM! Normally, when I see her out there I drop everything and feed her but that can be a bit inconvenient since it effectively ends my opportunity to do things in the yard for the day (since it will often be dark or nearly so by the time she leaves). And she seems to be coming by earlier and earlier! So tonight for the few minutes required for me to finish my relaxing stroll about the garden I just ignored her altogether - since I've learned that to speak to her or acknowledge her in any way is often seen as an invitation to 'come on down'. Afterward, I grabbed the food and walked out saying, "come on Heidi" at which point she rushed down the fence just like any pet might.

Here is a quick pic i grabbed to show how much better she is looking now. I call this one "Bless this food that we are about to receive" Actually, of course, she's just caught in the middle of lifting kibble to her mouth.

Edited to add; "...and take good care of the human who transports the food - so she'll always be able to do so."

This message was edited Apr 30, 2008 7:46 AM

Thumbnail by DreamOfSpring
Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

Awww, that is precious! It does look like she is saying grace! How nice that she is comfortable with getting closer to you, too.
I'm so happy to hear you had a decent day today, too. Always good to hear when prayers work.

Bartlesville, OK(Zone 6a)

That is so sweet! I am so excited about see the 08 babies! and while I am in Indiana I can watch videos!!



Hendersonville, NC(Zone 7a)

Your sister's symptoms do sound alarming, especially since they've been going on for some time. Hope the docs will find solutions for her.

I'm very sure that Heidi knew your foot was in the shoe. It does sound like she's finally reaching a comfort level where she feels she can start to satisfy her curiosity about you. That's really remarkable for a wild creature of her age: both that she would want to know more about you, and that she'd feel comfortable enough to gently investigate.

I think you're right that Heidi will want shallow water basins in her territory in addition to the pool. Dipping or "washing" their food seems to be very important to the raccoon, though no one understands why or which items must be washed. It's like the cats' purring: no one understands what that means, either. And no, cats do not purr just because they're comfortable and happy; they purr while in labor, and no one has ever described that as a comfortable experience (lol). I've also had the heartbreaking experience of needing to pick up mortally injured cats who had been hit by a car; if conscious, they were almost always purring. Some researchers suggest the purr is a means of self-comforting or reassurance for the cat, which would make sense; but why then do they purr when they ARE happy and comfortable? There are so many things about other species that we can never truly understand, just speculate about.... and boy, is this all off topic. Sorry....

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7b)

Cheryl, that's a wonderful picture of the gurl!!

I hope the drs get the situation with your sister figured out. Your right that set of symptoms sounds very odd to say the least.

Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

I finally got to watch all the videos! How cute! It seems like as soon as they see a peep, they immediately put down whatever they're eating and run and grab it, lol. I like seeing you actually hand it to them, too. That's great that you were able to take the video while doing that!

Hendersonville, NC(Zone 7a)

We need a year-round source of peeps. Hey, there's a new ad slogan for them. Peeps: they're not just for Easter anymore! Christmas peeps in red and green, Halloween peeps in orange and black, I could go on and on.... Red white and blue patriotic peeps. Help, I'm out of control...

Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

Peep-aholic, are you? LOL Hey, they're fun to eat, and even more fun to watch raccoons eat!
Can we get a new thread soon? I almost finished a hand of solitaire waiting for it to load, lol.

Hendersonville, NC(Zone 7a)

Acutally, KyWoods, I can't eat the darn things myself: chocolate is my great weakness. But I was starting to sound like Diva for a minute there...

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

ROTF, KyWoods!

No. We can't have a new thread until the new babies arrive. I've already ordered the pics, design, and layout for the new thread in a baby theme.

Seriously, I am SO sorry. The past week or so I've been working and sleeping almost exclusively. Haven't had much of a chance to catch my breath, no weekend, then the thing with my sister. Sorry, with all that I totally forgot all about thread length issues. We've blown way past my usual cutoff, and if you hadn't said something it's no telling WHERE this thread might have ended. (I don't know why that suddenly struck me as funny. Maybe the way you said it. Maybe the realization that I always put my life on hold during these times of extreme stress and overtime at work and now I have a counter (top of thread) to quantify that behavior. Or maybe just an early sign of work induced psychosis.)

Ok, I'll fix that first thing tomorrow evening. Thanks so much for reminding me, BTW. Have to get to bed right now. Also I'm on the work laptop so don't have access to the photos needed to start a thread right now.

BTW, glad to hear that you had a chance to view the videos and that you enjoyed them. I chuckled today when I read your comment about me handing them the peeps on the video and how it was good that I was able to 'film' that. LOL. I tried to hold the camera and hand the peep to Cissy at the same time. Sure didn't go at all smoothly. ;-)

That was Cissy, BTW, who came over to get her peep from me. When they were little tots Cissy used to come over to me when Dennis was there. If he was with her she was fearless around me; otherwise, she would stay back a bit. Anyhow, that's when she learned to take things from me, back when she was a little tyke. As she grew up she grew farther away from me but is still willing to come near me for something important like a peep. Did you also notice how HRH took his head out of the bucket to look up when I called him? I think that's because I call him when I want to give him a treat, so now when he hears his name he thinks treat. And when he sees the peep land near him he drops everything to retrieve it before anyone else get the chance to steal it.

Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

That's ok, I like solitaire, lol! I can't wait for the babies to come out, and I hope you're able to get videos of them, too. I wonder how many there will be...patience, lol.

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)


LOL - I must be over the edge now. everything seems funny. I thought we did have almost year round peeps now? Due to popular demand didn't they start making peeps for all of the other holidays? I'm almost certain I've seen valentines day peeps. of course, they don't look like chicks, hearts maybe. And peeps already come in all kinds of colors, not just yellow anymore. The peeps I bought were a bright blue, almost neon blue. I know WAY too much about peeps because my now X-fiance (sp?) WAS a peep-a-holic. He had to load up on them when Easter rolled around each year, and he complained that it didn't make sense to have available only once a year. You can, no doubt, imagine his unbridled glee when peeps 1st showed up for some other holiday. A dream come true.

BTW, I was enjoying the part about cats and purring.

Hendersonville, NC(Zone 7a)

Really? They already have peeps in other shapes for other holidays? Is there a raccoon on their product development team? Or just another addict like your ex? I don't get out enough....

Know what you mean about times when everything seems funny; right now I'm obviously pretty punchy myself.... Sleep well and try to survive all the stress.

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

I would love to get video of the kits. That might take another leap of trust on Heidi's part though - or some new equipment for me. Right now I'm limited to daylight videos, so can only film raccoons who brave the yard in sunlight. I doubt if Heidi will bring them to the yard in daylight. too risky. On the other hand, since Heidi is now eating earlier and earlier in the day (soon I'll be coming home for lunch to feed her), now the others are starting to follow her out during daylight. Today Cissy and Dennis came out with her in daylight and Trouble showed up a little later but still before dark.

I had run out in a hurry to toss them food and leave so didn't take the camera (sadly). Even had to run back for treats when I saw Dennis and Cissy expecting something. Grabbed the rest of the bag of peanuts because it was at the back door and a handful of widgets pb candies which I also keep at the back door (baker's rack). Since the jar of dog candies was almost empty I took the whole thing along.

Dennis wanted the dog candies as soon as he saw them so I let him have the jar (which probably had 5 or 6 candies). I tried to hand him the jar but he had already begun to climb onto the chair so he hopped up there to reach into the jar and get them. That was cute to watch and I kicked myself for not having the camera with me. Those candies were gone in a flash. May have to buy them a jar of those, too. The only problem with those things is they contain vitamins and are supposed to be limited to 5 or so a day depending on weight. Dennis doesn't understand the concept of limits, esp not 5.

Everybody enjoyed the last of the peanuts. Dennis was in the chair trying to shell his. I ended up shelling about 1/2 of them for him. See why he doesn't mind me touching his food? He has me trained to chip his eggs and shell his peanuts. LOL. petted him again. his fur reminds me a little bit of horse main, esp when it's roached (cut short to stand upright). His hair is finer and less coarse than horse main but that's the closest thing in my fur list.

There was only 1/3 bag of peanuts tonight. Heidi wasn't at all happy when they ran out. She came over to me to look for more. As she approached, Dennis, who had been standing in front of me turned to face her and backed up against me my legs as though for protection. She grumbled at him as she drew closer, and he backed up closer against me. I didn't offer her anymore peanuts (because I didn't have any more), but my box was in front of me and within her reach. I had folded the empty peanut bag into the box to take back inside. I guess she smelled the peanuts on it, so she grabbed box, stole it really, and took it back over to her spot to pull the bag out and check for peanuts. About that time I found 1 last peanut and tossed it to her. About that time Trouble arrived and I decided to leave as I had things to do. But I really needed to take my box back with me and heidi had it over there beside her, so in daylight I stood up and walked over to Heidi while she was eating kibble, reached down and picked up the box beside her and came back to the house. She never stopped eating.

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

Thanks, doccat!

Thanks, Susan! Hope you get to see the videos soon - but maybe not too soon since I have more to upload.

Ruth, that's a riot about the raccoon on the peeps team! (like I mentioned I know way to much about peeps. it's scarey. before the x, i barely knew they existed.)

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

...so in daylight I stood up and walked over to Heidi while she was eating kibble, reached down and picked up the box beside her and came back to the house. She never stopped eating.

Wow... it wasn't that long ago that when you stood up, everyone disappeared! That's awesome, Cheryl. :-)

Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

I always thought peeps should be outlawed myself... but for the sake of the raccoons they could be allowed to be fed to animals!

Amazing progress with Heidi, but a good example of the long, hard work it takes to gain a wild animal's trust.

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

Hi Marylyn -- Thanks so true. Good catch. To be honest, even I was surprised that I was able to walk back up to Heidi and get the box without disturbing her.

Hi nanny -- I honestly didn't realize that one could every make this much progress with wild animals, so it has been a learning experience for me. As for those peeps, when I was telling the guys at work about recent events (I hold them hostage and tell them even though they scream as though I were torturing them), one said, "Oh, NOoo! Now you are introducing junk food into the wild!?!" (Hey, raccoons are the original dumpster divers. I think they have met Mr junk food by now.)

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

Ok, Folks, you asked for it and here it is by popular request, the new thread: http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/842086/

Hope you will join us there!

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