General Discussions - Chapter 21

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Kent, I read your article in the Iowa Aging mag. It was very good. Have you gotten any feedback on it? Or do they do that with magazine articles?


Wake Forest, NC

Jeanette: according to the marketing director they are getting some good responses back, but that's all I've heard.

Wake Forest, NC

Kent my squirrels are so fat from eating walnuts, they don't need any supplementing of their diet. They even leave the bird feeder alone.
If I get really hungry I might think about putting one or two in the soup kettle, right along with those wascally wabbits. LOL

I haven't had squirrel or rabbit stew in ages. You couldn't pay my wife, and especially my daughter to hold one while I dressed it.

I held many a one for my Grandfather when I was a kid.

Days gone by for sure.

Hornick, IA(Zone 4b)

Well I narrowed the rabbit population down. Got three with the pellet gun tonight. They were just getting to brazen in their activities. Be surprised how close you can get while on the rider mower. There is one more that I only gave a sore foot. or leg. sure did shake its hind leg for a second before running around the front and across the road.
The resident cat is getting its belly full tonight. Maybe it will get a taste for rabbit. If I quit giving it dry cat food. If I don't feed it it races through the garage door when we open the door. Sometimes we just open the back door and shoe him on out without feeding him. He just won't take a hint and go to the neighbors. LOL
Got some much needed weeding done by some new peonies, Guess while I have it fairly clean, I better get some paper and wood chips down. Don't really want to spend another day on hands and knees weeding the same place over again.
The garden seems to be drying a little I may be able to get in there tomorrow and get some more planting done.

I wonder if bird netting staked to the ground under the the tomato plants. and kind of loosely folded or rolled would work to keep the squirrels from using the tomato patch as their private delicatessen??

Brisbane, Australia(Zone 10b)

Jeanette: Sorry to hear your sad bean story :-(

Kaelkitty: Thankyou for sharing your cardboard roll method! It sounds wonderful. Its got me thinking up all sorts of ideas for using homemade paper or cardboard seedling pots. I think I will try something simelar with my cucumbers, zuchini, and pumpkins in spring. I always sow those direct, but often end up with two strong seedlings in one hill, and just a single weak one in the next! I will start saving the the cardboard inserts from now on.
How has your summer been? Are you getting any frosts yet? We had a record summer in terms of heat and dryness, and a very long drawn out autumn. Frosts started a few weeks ago, and the wet winter weather is finally here. I still have a few tomatoes slowly ripening out there, but they taste funny by now so Ive left them for the birds.


Wake Forest, NC

I wonder if bird netting staked to the ground under the the tomato plants. and kind of loosely folded or rolled would work to keep the squirrels from using the tomato patch as their private delicatessen?? - Russ

It's been a long day and my eyes aren't focusing because when I first read the first 7 or 8 words I thought you said something about a bird sitting naked on the ground!

But, I guess that would certainly get a squirrels attention.

I need to go to bed!

Hornick, IA(Zone 4b)

Kent; That sounds about right. If I have the naked birds sitting beside the naked ladies that I could plant between the tomato rows.
No self respecting squirrel would come near.

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Jan, I lost you and don't know how to find your message. Hopefully Kent or someone will come along and help with your little spiders. I couldn't find anything on the Sevin site that said it worked on them.

Very interesting Kent. If I were a shrink I would have fun with that one. Probably could anyway.

Sorry, Jeanette

Wake Forest, NC

Russ: you may be on to something!

Jeanette: as Andy told someone about Barney, "He'd make an interesting study for a psychiatrist." :-)

marshville,, NC(Zone 8a)

I like to come here early in the morning to get my big laugh of the day....better than comedy central! ;-))

Wake Forest, NC

All: check out this link:

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Whoops, I wrote on the logo post. Jeanette

Wake Forest, NC

Jeanette: that's what it's there for. Write all you want

Dahlonega, GA

me too, if i didn't know i wasn't supposed to ,i wouldn't .can i pretend i didn't do it?

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Digger, aren't you a Sally?

You are being facetious. I think I spelled that right.

Do we get "do overs" in everything? Or "let's pretend it's not there".

Dahlonega, GA

jnette, "can i pretend i didn't do it " is a southern expression for,can i be forgiven?i didn't take into account that on dg i was talking to a vast geographical population. if you or anyone found this expression out of line,please accept my apology ,it isn't my nature to be facetious .anyway, can i be forgiven? sally

Dahlonega, GA

now jenett, i will be facecious, ( yes, you spelled it right) sally

Hornick, IA(Zone 4b)

Gee can I be a little bit facetious too. Or is it CATY I can set out a bowel of milk :>) He he he

Wake Forest, NC

Now that Russ has set out the milk, let's start a new Chapter!

Here's the link to Chapter 22:

Pipersville, PA(Zone 6b)

Back to the question of beans- I soak my peas and beans for a few minutes in a little warm water with a few drops of honey in it, to make them sticky; then coat them in a Legume Innoculant, and push 1 seed down into a soaked peat pellet/pot, along with a little more of the innoculant, and plant the peat pot into the bale (in a little extra soil). They did GREAT, although more of the peas appeared than the beans. Don't know if some rotted or were 'stolen'. They're so beautiful and strong- I'll try to get some pictures later and post them.

I lost most of my little seedlings that I started inside- they wer leggy and delicate, and I think the 2 weeks of rain storm did them in. I'm replacing them, little by little, with mature 'store-bought' plants and they're doing so well! I love showing people my bale garden! NEXT year, I'll know better what I'm doing and start everything in a little more educated way.


Dahlonega, GA

suz, we haven't seen a picture of your bales for a long time, how much longer are we going to wait? i know they are beautiful. sally

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