Direct sow or start inside

Gilmer, TX(Zone 8a)

Hi, I've got so much info stuffed in my brain, I am to the point now that I don't know what to do again LOL

Of course it is plenty warm here to direct sow, but I'm wondering if I should start inside first. I noticed the ones I started in side under lights seem to be better looking than the outside ones after the same amount of time.

Is that usual? I go back and forth, one minute, I'm heading to the lights, next I'm headed outside, so someone stop me so I can get something planted!!!

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

I direct sow most annuals cuz its way less work.

Gilmer, TX(Zone 8a)

I've got to figure out how to not plant on top of each other. Even the markers don't seem to help, mainly cause the dog thinks they are toys.

Someone told me they read to get colored sand and just get something where you could kind of put a border around what you planted. Course it would be gone soon, but maybe I'd have time to at least get them planted. All my beds would have outlined circles and squares and stuff all over them!!

Have you ever done anything like that.?

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

Lorraine, I have. I have also used aquarium gravel...both are expensive, but the colored sand is a lot more expensive here. If you don't need to have different colors, and just need to mark where you've planted, use "silver sand". It is WHITE and shows up really well. You could also dust with peat moss.


Gilmer, TX(Zone 8a)

It doesn't need to be different, just something to know where the little darlings are. I putthe little markers out, by I forget how far out they are planted.

I used kitty litter yesterday. It shows up but you can't see it unless you are close. I'd get the colored stuff, put it down too heavy and you could see it from Boston

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