Show and some answers please

Perth, Western Austr, Australia

Ok, I been looking around at your pics and ya places, very nice by the way, and I am only a recently new gardner (if I may call myself that yet) and well, I don't know alot about the game nor alot about the names of me plants, I have been getting most of them going now over a period of about 3 years or so, alot of them are still in pots because im not sure where to put them really and what to put them with, so I have taken shots of my rough lot of booty and would appreciate a name or two to put to some plants I have and any suggestions good or bad would be greatly appreciated, the reason there still in pots is I got put in a housing place and told that they would be moving me out in 8 months, well 3 and a bit years latter they did move me and finally got put in a place that im going to be staying at for many years to come Good Lord willing, I have put up lots of shade cloth to protect them, and am going to be ripping up the back yard to get rid of the lawn and build a shade house and a nice garden instead of lawn. ok there you go, you all up to speed, my chilli plant I put in the ground and my curry leaf tree as well, and of course some out the front of the house, and now let the show begin.

Chilli Plant

This message was edited Apr 10, 2008 8:10 AM

Thumbnail by Norm_au
Perth, Western Austr, Australia

This guy was where I have my EPI that is flowering at the moment, he was bigger but I had to cut it down some to get it out of where it was, it was growing up into the roof and gutter of the garage, so I moved it, not where to put it and will it be ok in the pot or should I put it in the ground, I think it is a hybiscus

#1- Hibiscus

This message was edited Apr 10, 2008 8:11 AM

Thumbnail by Norm_au
Perth, Western Austr, Australia

This guy neally got tossed, I asked a lady if I could grab some of her bird of paradise I love the flower, she said ok, so I dug, and dug, axed and dug some more, got a half dozen with what looked like roots of a sort, stuck them in the pot and watched them all wither and die, I decided the pot needed to have something else put in it went out to rip the stumps out and saw a wee little green shoot, and he is that big now, risen from the ahses lol, this one will stay in the pot, I know what they will do if fet into the ground no thanks. :)

#2 - Bird of Paradise

This message was edited Apr 10, 2008 8:12 AM

Thumbnail by Norm_au
Perth, Western Austr, Australia

The one on the left no idea, it had a nice little flower, the one on the right I have no idea, but Kerri_67 has a flower like this one gets, and I really like the flower your's gets on it weedwoman the stapelia flower I think you called it, I am going to try and get one now lol .

#3-Left, Climbing/Trailing Geranium. #3-Right, Stapelia.

This message was edited Apr 10, 2008 9:23 AM

Thumbnail by Norm_au
Perth, Western Austr, Australia

This one I really like, it has a flower like a miniture carnation and a strong scent very nice smell

# 4-Dianthes.

This message was edited Apr 10, 2008 9:24 AM

Thumbnail by Norm_au
Perth, Western Austr, Australia

This is one of my favourites, it is a crown of thorns, it caught my eye because of all the thornes, then I saw all the leaves grow afetr a while and now I really love it.

Thumbnail by Norm_au
Perth, Western Austr, Australia

This is an EPI that was given to me, repotted it and it gets a little to much sun in the arvo I think hence the yellowy colouring on the lower leaves

Thumbnail by Norm_au
Perth, Western Austr, Australia

This is all three of them together, I think one of them is not like the other two lol, not real sure though.

Thumbnail by Norm_au
Perth, Western Austr, Australia

The first two don't know, the one on the fence was a gift from a fellow from church, the next one I rescued from a friends house, he has ms and his daughter was in Romania with his wife and it was nearly dead, it is doing ok now, and the third one is a moses plant I think.

# 7-Left, Aspidistra, # 7 Middle, ? # 7 Right, Moses in a basket (Rhoeo)

This message was edited Apr 10, 2008 9:27 AM

Thumbnail by Norm_au
Perth, Western Austr, Australia

I just liked the look of this thing, I put it in a hanging basket and I dunno it may need to be repotted, I don't think it is in enough dirt

#8-Fishbone Fern.

This message was edited Apr 12, 2008 12:20 PM

Thumbnail by Norm_au
Perth, Western Austr, Australia

Three cuttings I got from a friends house and stuck them in one pot, im thinking when they get going that it will look quiet good.


This message was edited Apr 12, 2008 12:21 PM

Thumbnail by Norm_au
Perth, Western Austr, Australia

Another that had a nice flower, it looks like the other one earlier, but it is different shaped leaves and the flower is different to, maybe
the same family

#10-Ivy Geranium.

This message was edited Apr 12, 2008 12:22 PM

Thumbnail by Norm_au
Perth, Western Austr, Australia

Ok the plant behind the green spotted long thingy no idea, the green spotted thingy, no idea, aloe vera is the other green one, and the little one in front, I found it growing it another pot plant I had growing, big dangly things hanging all over any way, it has a bright bluey purpley flower I liked it so put it in a pot and some one did tell me it was actually a weed, don't really know.

#11-Back Left(Gasteria) #11-Back Right(Aloe Vera) #11 Front Right( ? )

This message was edited Apr 12, 2008 12:35 PM

Thumbnail by Norm_au
Perth, Western Austr, Australia

This one is a Hydrangea I think


This message was edited Apr 12, 2008 12:36 PM

Thumbnail by Norm_au
Perth, Western Austr, Australia

I got a few peaces from a friend, threw them into that hanging basket and it got all these really nice little flowers all over it, it looked really nice, then it got hung in the car port when I moved here and lost all flowers and some condition, only has been in the spot where it is now for a couple of weeks, so im hopeing it will come back, but no idea what it is

#13- ?

This message was edited Apr 12, 2008 12:38 PM

Thumbnail by Norm_au
Perth, Western Austr, Australia

started this little fella from a cutting from the mother plant I put out the front dont know name

Wow found one myslef.

#14 - 10 Alternanthera Tricolour - Joseph's Coat

This message was edited Apr 12, 2008 12:39 PM

This message was edited Apr 16, 2008 7:48 AM

Thumbnail by Norm_au
Perth, Western Austr, Australia

A cacti of some sort, I have had them before but havn't had much joy with them, they die on me

#15-Zygo cactus

This message was edited Apr 14, 2008 2:03 PM

Thumbnail by Norm_au
Perth, Western Austr, Australia

A creeper of sorts, I liked the big leaf


This message was edited Apr 14, 2008 2:10 PM

Thumbnail by Norm_au
Perth, Western Austr, Australia

another creeper but I keep cutting his runners off him, I like it this way don't know the name


This message was edited Apr 14, 2008 2:11 PM

Thumbnail by Norm_au
Perth, Western Austr, Australia

a plam in the back, a minature jasmin I think and that is me the other no know

#18-Left, Aglaonema. #18-Right Rear, parlour palm. #18-Right Front, Minature Jasmine.

This message was edited Apr 14, 2008 2:15 PM

Thumbnail by Norm_au
Perth, Western Austr, Australia

The one at back I liked the light green colour with white markings, and the dark one in front don't know its name either of them.

#19-Back, deifenbachia, #19-Front, Holly fern (maybe)

This message was edited Apr 14, 2008 2:18 PM

Thumbnail by Norm_au
Perth, Western Austr, Australia

another cacti, this one was one little plant when I got it, it has grown heaps and split the pot left right and centre, im thinking of putting it in a quiet little spot in the ground but need an idea where it can go, does it like full sun, some, shade so on. thx.

#20-Echiveria species.

This message was edited Apr 14, 2008 2:20 PM

Thumbnail by Norm_au
Perth, Western Austr, Australia

This little guy, I was looking around on one of our many rubbish drives we have here in Perth ( I like to get hold of pots people throw out ) and laying on the ground was this guy, a little withered so I picked it up, put it in the boot with the pots I scrounged, and went home, took out the pots closed the boot, 2 days latter opend the boot and saw plant oh, bugger, whacked it in the pot with some poop and water and it has done well. don't know what it is called though

#21-Philodendron zanadu. Back Left, cyclamen.

This message was edited Apr 14, 2008 2:23 PM

Thumbnail by Norm_au
Perth, Western Austr, Australia

This is a cyclamen, only reason I know this is I had a big red one before and when I moved it died, but I did manage to get some big pods from it once when it flowered but I can't seem to get none to sprout, some hints would be a big help please.

#22 - Pink Cyclamen

This message was edited Apr 16, 2008 11:07 AM

Thumbnail by Norm_au
Perth, Western Austr, Australia

I think this is a birds nest, and it don't like full sun, I had it out the front and it started to do weard stuff, so I put it in the car port, it is happier there.

Thumbnail by Norm_au
Perth, Western Austr, Australia

A cacti of sorts

#24 - Jade Plant.

This message was edited Apr 16, 2008 11:11 AM

Thumbnail by Norm_au
Perth, Western Austr, Australia

These are the long hanging thingies I mentioned earlier on in the peace, they are not happy in the car port but I don't know where else to put them, it is really heavy now and I just don't know where to hang it

#25 - Sedum burrito, common name is burro's tail...

This message was edited Apr 16, 2008 11:12 AM

Thumbnail by Norm_au
Perth, Western Austr, Australia

Another cacti

#26 - ?

This message was edited Apr 16, 2008 11:53 AM

Thumbnail by Norm_au
Perth, Western Austr, Australia

A little old lady named Elsi from church gave me this one, don't know what it is, but I think I have seen them around, they can grow quiet big if aloud to

#27 - Crassula orbiculata, Jade Plant.

This message was edited Apr 16, 2008 11:52 AM

Thumbnail by Norm_au
Perth, Western Austr, Australia

Now I know this thing looks quiet ugly, but when I first got it it was going very well for a couple of years, then for no reason it started to turn the leaves brown so id get rid of them as I went, it has a small sprout at the bottom it has been there since it grew, I almost chopped it of to let the new shoot grow, but since I been here it seems to be getting brighter again, but now im running out of room it is getting to tall for the small foyor I got at the front

#28 - Dracaena fragrans, Happy plant.

This message was edited Apr 16, 2008 11:54 AM

Thumbnail by Norm_au
Perth, Western Austr, Australia

These two chaps have been doing very well since I have had them, the one on the right has sprouted a shoot out the base of it

#29 - Related to these guy's, Dracaena fragrans.

This message was edited Apr 17, 2008 12:16 PM

Thumbnail by Norm_au
Perth, Western Austr, Australia

This has a really nice little yellow flower, and grows like a vine

#30 - Climbing Guinea Flower.

This message was edited Apr 17, 2008 12:21 PM

Thumbnail by Norm_au
Perth, Western Austr, Australia

This has a lovely little mauve flower I think it is a ground cover of sorts

#31 - ?

This message was edited Apr 17, 2008 12:22 PM

Thumbnail by Norm_au
Perth, Western Austr, Australia

This is the mother plant of the earlier one, I broke it up from the pot when I got here, it has filled it all in well beed 4 months now starting to look good.

#32 - Alternanthera, Joseph's Coat.

This message was edited Apr 17, 2008 12:24 PM

Thumbnail by Norm_au
Perth, Western Austr, Australia

I bought this at a swap meet, it looked good, it has grown some, is it in an ok spot

#33 - Dracaenas

This message was edited Apr 17, 2008 12:25 PM

Thumbnail by Norm_au
Perth, Western Austr, Australia

This is an orange jasmin I think, it has grown since I got it but hasn't flowered yet

#34 - Murraya (Orange Jasmin)

This message was edited Apr 17, 2008 12:26 PM

Thumbnail by Norm_au
Perth, Western Austr, Australia

These little guys, one each side of the orange jasmin, grow a small pinky red bottle brush looking thing, hasn't done alot since I got them, there in front of glass from the foyor is that ok ?

#35 - Hebe

This message was edited Apr 17, 2008 12:27 PM

Thumbnail by Norm_au
Perth, Western Austr, Australia

I grew this fella from a cutting, it has a nice flower, white with a pink to red rim, the other franjapani's are cuttings of white ones im told, so im hopeing they are going to do well

Thumbnail by Norm_au
Perth, Western Austr, Australia

I like these, they grow white and blue balls on long stems, don't know name

#37 - Agapanthus

This message was edited Apr 18, 2008 1:49 PM

Thumbnail by Norm_au
Perth, Western Austr, Australia

This stuff I put in small clumps along this large planter along the wall, then these other little colourful flower things came up as well (from previous owner) and together they look great, 3 to 4 months they have grown like that from small clumps of them. no name

#38 - Sun Jewel

This message was edited Apr 18, 2008 1:50 PM

Thumbnail by Norm_au

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