Got taters!

Lakeland, FL(Zone 9b)

Red Pontiac

Phoenix, AZ

Paul, when you used tires, how many did you wind up with? I just put the second tire on last week and it's ready for another! Not to mention the second and third tire. What have I got myself into?

Lakeland, FL(Zone 9b)

lol i did 3 tires

Phoenix, AZ

I may have to go begging for more tires!

Phoenix, AZ

This morning while it was still cool, we put a second tire on the Bintje's and a third - 3rd! - tire on the Adoras. I see now that I should have gone to get the tires; DH got tires so BIG they take a ton of soil. At this rate, if they keep going like this, I may have potatoes over my head! I'll take photos later when the sun isn't so bright. I'm going to need some shade soon.

Phoenix, AZ

Three story potatoes! These are growing like mad; I hope there's a successful harvest at the end of all this work.

Thumbnail by tomatofreak
Phoenix, AZ

A shot showing my 'shade structure', lol.

Thumbnail by tomatofreak
Lakeland, FL(Zone 9b)

Poatoes look good

Phoenix, AZ

Thanks, Paul. I hope to keep 'em that way. The big test comes when the temps ratchet up to 100 - 110. Cross your fingers for me.

Lakeland, FL(Zone 9b)

Ok . am going to dig some of mine on Friday

Glendale/Parks, AZ

TF how many plants are in each of your tires?

Phoenix, AZ

I planted four seeds, E, W, N, S in each tire. I think the tire with Norkotah still has only three up although I've seen a bud below the surface. Don't know why it's so shy. So far so good, but this is the first time I've ever done this and I have no idea how it will all turn out. All I know is that those doggone tires are big enough to hold a bushel or two of potatoes!

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5a)

I've got 3 up now, TF, but I can't find my paper that says which ones are where! :( I'm guessing it's even cooler where I had planted them than I would've guessed, and maybe that's why they're so slow. Hope they'll have time to grow and produce before it gets too toasty!

Glendale/Parks, AZ

I have four Ford Explorer tires so will probably use only four slips. There are 8 or 9 slips on that SP. TF if you want the rest you are welcome to them.

Lakeland, FL(Zone 9b)

I was Reading That The Waxy Type Poatoe Holds The Best

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7b)

Those taters are looking good!! I'm way behind the power curve on my end. I got Kennebecs and Red Pontiacs under leaf over the weekend. Usually I've got it all in by March 17. Was not to be, sigh. I had to return my order from Seed Saver exchange, nasty, nasty. I won't be ordering from there again. Just got a shipment from Roninger's which are cut up and getting callused. Hopefully we'll get those under leaf this weekend. We've had torrents of rain for several days so can't get out and do much.
I just think it is so cool all the different ways you can use to grow taters, so neat!

Lakeland, FL(Zone 9b)

I Have Red Pontiacs

Lakeland, FL(Zone 9b)

Chekens Scratched up a Few Poatoes

Lakeland, FL(Zone 9b)

heres the pic

Thumbnail by phicks
Phoenix, AZ

Those look yummy, Paul, especially the little ones. I just realized today that I won't be able to dig out any little 'new' potatoes from the tires till the whole shebang is done! I do have two varieties, Caribe and Charlotte in different containers so there's hope there but those two were planted later and they're much smaller.

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7b)

phicks, now you've got me going, I want some of those little ones and some fresh green beans with some onion...........yummy.
tomatofreak, you might be able to "cheat" a bit by carefully and gently moving some dirt around in your tires. I can hardly wait, I just wish the good Lord would save some of this rain we're having for July and August when we really need it badly. sigh

Pelzer, SC(Zone 7b)

When is the time to take the BabyTaters? I love new potatoes, and that's really why I grow them.

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7b)

Once your plants get about a foot high, you can gently go exploring for some baby taters.

Pelzer, SC(Zone 7b)

Grin....a foot of plant above the mulch, or a foot from the ground? I'm a bit confused where they start, as these are "volunteer" plants, growing where my last year's crop, umm, "failed".
I think I'll just check evey once in a while...

Lakeland, FL(Zone 9b)

Heres a Pic of a Few Small Russett that i dug today to go with the small reds mmmmmmmm they was good . the russetts was not from seed poatoes but from sets i cut my self Paul

Thumbnail by phicks
Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

I had to add mulch to my tires today. Still only 1 tire high but the straw had settled so I added some muck ( sawdust and horse manure ) and some rotted hay to fill the tires completely. One has some nice leaves coming on. They don't get a lot of sun where they are but it is the only place i have to put them. I hope they do well enough.

Mesilla Park, NM

Well, Paul that looks like a great harvest,...!!! when can i dig some of mine up?? here is what I have today.. do I need to wait for them to flower? This is very exciting to me.. I planted some very tiny potatoes too (three varieties, some bigger), I don't have a name for them though, are mine getting close?

Thumbnail by Gourd
Lakeland, FL(Zone 9b)

those look good when did you put theam in ?

Mesilla Park, NM

They went in, in January

Phoenix, AZ

That's about the prettiest little tater garden I've seen! What are the wrought iron thingys? They look like hose holders but I'm guessing you don't need that many hoses in such a small bed. If you remember what varieties you planted, let us know. Inquiring minds and all that...

Mesilla Park, NM

Oh yeah, I got those hose holders this winter ON SALE for a couple of dollars, thought that the beans might climb up those, I guess I need to take off the faucet/spickett. They regularly sell for something like 29.00 ea and they marked them down for 4.00 ea.. I couldn't leave them.

Lakeland, FL(Zone 9b)

you should have small poatoes

Phoenix, AZ

I should have small potatoes, Paul, but I can't find 'em! I tood doccat's advice and scratched around in the Norkotah tire (the only one that hasn't been added to), but only came up with a stem and I was afraid I'd upset the whole thing so I gave up the search. I have two other varieties in different containers that I'll work on when they get a little bigger. And to think I have green beans in the fridge!

Lakeland, FL(Zone 9b)

my beans are about ready yellow pole beans

Mesilla Park, NM

When did you plant your tomatofreak?

I am afraid to dig them up too. Also, the varieties I got were 2 bags from Lowes, didn't notice the name, and some from a local orangic store, (I see if they have more, those were small soup like potatoes), and then the ones I had in the kitchen from wallyworld

Next year, I'll have a better idea of what to do and WHAT to buy.

Mesilla Park, NM

Did you all plant the beans at the same time as the potatoes? I just planted more, some of the ones I had in there got dried out by the sun and wind.

Lakeland, FL(Zone 9b)

find out what poatoes do best in your area thats what you need to grow

Mesilla Park, NM

Okay, i'll check, where would I check anyway?

Lakeland, FL(Zone 9b)

i planted my poatoes in Feb My Beans in March

Lakeland, FL(Zone 9b)

The Local USDA

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