trouble with my camellia

Disputanta, VA(Zone 7a)

I re-planted my camellia in Nov of last year (we moved). Before it was in full sun, didn't do great but it was green. I've replanted in part sun & it's turning yellow. The soil is slightly amended red clay. Any suggestions?

Temperanceville, VA(Zone 7a)


Please, where is Disputanta? I would love to know. Pam

Disputanta, VA(Zone 7a)

I'm about 35 m SE of Richmond, right off 460 E, in Prince George Co.. Hmmm...Temperanceville, sounds like theres a story behind your towns name too. Where are you located? debbie

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


For one--Camellia's like acid soil--just like Azaleas and Rhodos. Clay of any color is not the way to go. Try to amend the soil with leaf compost (good for drainage too) as that tends to be acid. Good humousy soil. Get a bag of "Leaf Gro" at HD. It is made from all the leaves they pick up at out curbs. VERY good for trees ans shrubs! Dig it in to a 2' depth if you can.

You can dump your coffee grounds around the plant now and then--just don't over do it. Used Tea bags too.....Keep it mulched to keep the soil moisture up. However--you do need to work towards better drainage all around the plant. Clay does NOT drain very well. Even if you have to pull up the whole bush--amend the soil correctly, and then re plant it. NOW would be a good time to do it....asap!

Also--Camellias do not especially like full sun. Mine is on the North side of the house and never gets any direct sun. It is gorgeous! Above all else, Camellias don't like blustery Winter winds and need some kind of screening to protect them. Other shrubs on both sides--or do a burlap screen around it for the Winter. You are in the same zone as me---so we must have similar temperatures.

Besides anything else--transplanting a shrub is a traumatic thing. You did not say how big it is--but I am sure many of the roots got severed. Just like when you are down with the Flu--you would not go out and have a steak and fries--would you? Time to "heal"......

Just bear with it! Do not over water or overfeed. Let it recover.
I would recommend you dig it up, amend the soil properly and then re plant it.

Good luck! Gita

A picture would help. Do you have any?

Temperanceville, VA(Zone 7a)


I am on the Eastern Shore of Virginia about 6 miles south of the Maryland/Virginia state line right off of Rt. 13. I am sure there is a story behind the name "Temperanceville" but I haven't had time to ferret it out yet, only lived here 3 years! I am about 1.5 hrs from Virginia Beach.

Gita - great info on camellias. What about black spots and brown leaves? What can I do for that? Pam

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


I have also had yellowing/browning leaves on my Camellia that start showing up this time of year. Seems that it does not bother the bush any, though . Some of them fell off naturally during the Summer. Now I am seeing them again.

I don't know what the spots could be.....Have you checked to see if it might be scale? If you can dislodge the spot with a fingernail--it just might be--but usually scale is on the stems--not on the leaves.


Temperanceville, VA(Zone 7a)


Thanks, I will try the thing with the spots.


Disputanta, VA(Zone 7a)


Thanks for the advice. I ordered a load of topsoil Fri. after reading your message. ;)

I believe I've picked out the best site to transplant. My camellia is about 2 - 2 1/2 ft tall. I'll post back once I transplant & will try to figure out how to get a picture posted so you can see what I'm talking about. Thanks again.


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