Where do you get ProMix?

Mackinaw, IL(Zone 5a)

I keep reading posts about seed starting, and have seen ProMix mentioned several times. I can't seem to find much in our area other than Jiffy and Miracle Gro.

Just wondering if it was commonly available, and I just didn't look the right place. . .


Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

Hey, Booker, I found mine at a locally owned place that sells wholesale to the public. They have pots by the gazillions, but you have to buy 500 of them at a crack.

Other people in Illinois (down south or in the middle, not Chicago) have found it at Lowe's and HD, but I have never seen it there.

Some garden centers have it - be prepared for sticker shock.

Another idea is to ask if a garden center will sell you the stuff they use, but it might not be Pro Mix. They might do it because they have to buy in quantity, too, and getting rid of a bale or two might be a good idea for them financially. LeBug does that, Tabasco, too, I think I read.

If you Google 'Pro Mix' and 'Canada', you will find their website. Look at all the different kinds they have! Must be 2 dozen different formulations.

I have ProMix BX, but I don't like it and can't wait until it is GONE! I have to add about 20% perlite to each batch I make (moisten) and also moisture crystals and fertilizer. I add some other goodies, too, but I would add thse regardless of the brand. Most green houses use a wetting agent for the ProMix, too, unfortunately, I have no idea what that is. :)

Just some miscellaneous scrap ruminations - I hope somebody can help you better.


This message was edited Apr 4, 2008 3:33 AM

Raleigh, NC(Zone 7b)

You shouldn't have to add perlite or a wetting agent to the Promix-its already in there. Granted, for plumerias and some other plants I will add perlite, but as a whole, I use it as is for annuals etc

There are many companies that make a product just the same as ProMix, but charge a heck of a lot less. I never buy ProMix because of the cost. All it is, is peat, perlite, sometimes vermiculite (but not always). a wetting agent, lime charge (to raise the PH of peat-which is 3.5) and a starter fert (which is very low and hardly counts as using fert). Thats it. You can't substitute straight peat for it though, because you need the wetting agent and the lime charge-which then brings the PH to around 6.2 or so. So when you are looking for it, know that there are many other companies that sell the same product. Most nurseries etc use another company than ProMix

I would find a grower in your area and see if they will sell you a few bags. Call a garden center and see where they buy their annuals and thats the grower

Amsterdam, NY(Zone 5a)

Are there any greenhouse supply stores in your area? I buy from Griffins. A compressed bale of promix is around $23. Growers also use Fafard in our area. If you call promix (I can't recall the name of the parent company, it comes up on a google search), they can tell you local distributors. Griffins is only on the east coast, but there must be a similar company somewhere near you.

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

Tigerlily, I know, but there is somehting wrong with my set up compared to a greenhouse grower an the ProMix BX is a total flop here. Things stay too wet for waaaay too long, then all of a sudden, one day they are dry as a bone. It's too hard to rewet.

I reported this on another thread, and somebody said how great it was and how wonderful and fluffy. Fluffy? So I quit pushing down so hard on it to pack it in the packs, but unlitmately it made no difference; as soon as I water, top water or bottom water, the stuff sinks down into a heavy soggy AIRLESS mess. I hate it, I tell ya! The 20% perlite keeps it from compacting.

Tiger, Do you mist or have individual emitters, by any chance? I know I water differently than a greenhouse would, but golly! I have grown from seed before and the soilless mix wasn't really ever an issue until last fall when I noticed my favorite had changed, and my methods haven't really changed since the early 80s...except the heat mat. Gotta love the heat mat!



Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

Yes, I went to a landscaper/garden center just yesterday asking for pro-mix and he said they used to use it but they like Fafard better. So he sold me a bag of Fafard for $16. (smaller than my bale of Pro Mix BX for $26. from my Feed & Seed store).

I'm not knowlegeable enough about seed starting/potting medium to draw intelligent comparisons though. I'm hoping the Fafard will work, though.

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