Need garden rooms design help with sloped Florida yard (#2)

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

I thought that I would start a 2nd thread to continue from this thread link since it is getting too long:

I finally finished the 2nd garden room in my backyard. I used a weedeater to whack all the grass and weeds down around the 3-tiered raised bed in the center of this area. I put down weed block plastic screen to cover the ground, then relocated the existing pavers, and added mulch! I also added two more beds to create an entrance into this garden room. I planted 2 bushes on each side using "Snow on the Mountain". Add my two water Lotus containers and then added 30 bricks across the ground to complete this entrance. This is my Hummingbird and Butterfly garden room. My dh said it looked like a "zen" room, so I have officially named it the Hummingbird & Butterfly Zen Garden Room!

This is what the area looked like last year:

I figured it cost us approximately $650 to do both rooms total. Since we did it ourselves, the manual labor was free! LOL! I have a feeling that if we had paid someone to do both garden rooms, it would have cost us several thousands of dollars! So even though my poor back is killing me, it was soooo worth it!

Now I need to figure out what to plant in the garden bed against the house. It needs some vertical plants. Any suggestions?

I have 5 new garden beds around the patio fence which I am planning to plant Morning Glories that can climb all over the fencing and arbor and possibly Sweet Autumn Clematis. The MGs for sure, but still on the fence (no pun intended) about the SAC! Any other ideas anyone? Any constructive ideas about what I have done so far?

I have already used up my 2008 garden budget on these 2 garden rooms, so I'll just be working on the plants in the beds and maybe build and add a few more wooden raised beds around my yard. But next year I already have plans to build a small pergola for a private sitting area against the back wall of my house. My dh is actually excited about building that next! He was really impressed that the arbor and fencing turned out so nice ... thanks to his woodworking skills and my design! LOL! But I gotta tell ya ... I need to be 10-15 years younger to do all this heavy moving and lifting and squatting. This old body can't take abuse like it used to! (Whew!)

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