Embarrassed to ask- Gallardia seeds

Sinking spring, PA(Zone 5b)

What's the secret to germinating gallardia? I have been covering them in a thin layer of soil and keeping consistently moist. I have had great success with all kinds of seeds across the board, so I must be probably giving these guys too much of a good thing. Anyone have experience with this plant? Thank you! F4F

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

I have experience, but I didn't think there was a secret. Hmmm, they need heat and once they germinate, keep them a little on the dry side. It's possible that they need light. The seeds floated up to the top of the soilless mix when I watered them.

I realize that doesn't answer your question, but I guess I would look at the source of the seeds -- where did you aquire them? Do they look like little space shuttles &/or badminton birdies?


Sinking spring, PA(Zone 5b)

Badminton birdies. I got them from trade from 2 sources, so I figure it must be me. Here is a picture of my seed starting tables..........it has still been on the cool side for us. A couple of days in the 60's and one night nearly 50 a couple weeks back. Maybe they are like palms- prefer 80 degrees consistently to germinate.....they are the state flower after all!

Thumbnail by fauna4flora
(AnnaRuth) Danville, VA(Zone 7a)

f4f, I don't have an answer, but would like to know any tips as well. I have some sown in starting medium, and just pressed them into the soil, as it said they needed light. Maybe I should have covered them some;. I also started some using the coffee filter method. I just would like to see which ones germinate first. I have both in a bathroom when the space heater maintains a pretty constant 75-78 degrees. (ouch, my utility bill) I'll let you know when I see green, if I see green.

Chewelah, WA(Zone 5a)

Do these seeds require stratification maybe? I've tried surface sowing and lightly covering both, and so far I haven't had any luck either.

(AnnaRuth) Danville, VA(Zone 7a)

Dont know woofie. I'll try to research it tomorrow. I don't recall reading it on the pack, but I don't see so well!! I did try those in the coffee filter. Perhaps they will sprout first. Will keep you posted!

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

I grow them. This my third year with them. They can take as long as three weeks to germinate.

I start mine in tiny seed trays with soiless mix, put seed on top of mix and cover with tiny bit of vermicultite and put in baggy and just sit on kitchen counter where they get light 24/7 from kitchen light bulb.

They like warmth durnign day, which they get from sun coming in window and like cooler temps at night, so all they have is kitchen light on which speeds up proces s some.

Mine too usually float closer to top and when they emerge they get kinda floppy so as soon as cotelyeons is up good I try and get them out fairly fast and rebury up just a point past cotelydons so they will grow straight.

They grow slow too, but the blooms sure are pretty.

Sinking spring, PA(Zone 5b)

Thanks Starlight! It's been past 3 weeks for me, so I am going to hope that warmer weather may still wake them up.

Woofie, what is stratification?

Durham, NC

these beauties grow wild in Oklahoma along the roadsides. They LOVE hot weather and prefer it dry and sunny.
I just sprinkle the seeds directly on the ground in the fall and wait for spring. They pop up everywhere. The take two seasons before they bloom.

Wadsworth, OH(Zone 5b)

I'd try replanting them again...but as a side note, it could be old seed, even if they're from more than one source. I am TOTALLY not "dogging" on seed trading, but I noticed a lot of the seeds that I've gotten from trades (thru my mom doing round robins, etc) have been old or just don't germinate for some reason. Could be that they've been traded back and forth for the last few years, or maybe packaging? I don't know. Try buying a packet of gaillardia from walmart (cheap...like 97 cents a pack!!) and see if you're still having bad luck.

Chewelah, WA(Zone 5a)

F4F, stratification is just stuffing the seeds in the fridge or freezer for a while to fake going through winter. I had to do that with some dwarf columbine seeds that I couldn't get to germinate.

I wonder if I'm keeping my gaillardia seeds too warm at night. I have them on a heat mat because it gets down below 40 overnight still.

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

Fauna4, I had another thought -- Are those seeds from a named variety? Or do they just say "Gaillardia"?


Sinking spring, PA(Zone 5b)

Let's see, going from memory here- at least 3 named varieties, and one un-named. Something like that.

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

Alright, that was my only idea..that something like Fanfare might not set viable seed.


Sinking spring, PA(Zone 5b)

Thought you might be going there with that. Un named was part of round 2 I tried. Not sure if it's been the 3 weeks that one member suggested these seeds might need. Guess I need to go ahead and add dates to my labels!

(AnnaRuth) Danville, VA(Zone 7a)

Hi guys,
Well, I have found that mine germinate faster using the coffee filter method. I had to pot up some this a.m. that had sent out their root overnight, so I was late for work. But I was afraid if I didn't, they might get a case of the "fuzzy whites"...Mine in the seed starting medium are in the maternity ward waiting for a sign of green. Overall, I'm quite pleased with the coffee filter way of doing things. Can anyone give me any tips of germinating lavender? Seems it's dragging its little heels in coming up....
anna ruth

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Suzy, I have one seedling of Fanfare that I sowed last year I get to see if they will come true this year :) I have a few seeds of burgandy I'm going to start pretty soon. I guess I should start hunting now huh lol

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

LOL! Probably. I have lost a few things myself this year!

From what I hear, Burgundy will come true, and th egermination will be a lot better than most kinds.

How many seeds of the Fanfare did you sow? There are 2 things going on: (1) is if they come true from seed, but the other (2) is if they are nearly sterile and the seeds are just husks. My Germination is terrible. I didn't know when the thread started, but last year I had one seed out of a lot germinate of Arizona Sun, and then succumb to too much water in the Ws jug.

If you only sowed 3 seeds of Fanfare and got one to germinate, then that's not so bad.

This is terribly off topic, but has your B&B Salvia come back? What am I looking for? The branches are deader than a doornail; does it come up from the crown?


Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Suzy,, the B&B does come from the bottom out by the crowns and also you may find other shoots coming out from aroudn the sides of the pots too, but they won't start coming out til ya have consistantly warm weather day and night.

Mine had started up and with the cold frost we had the new shoots got bit and i had to remove them and they are making more. The covers blew off of them during thew frost and high winds.

If I can find some batteries that are still good wil take pics later tonight or tommorrow to show ya what ya looking for.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Suzy, forgot to tell ya if ya havent cut back the dead stem do so to about an inch or two above the ground.

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

LOL! A good stiff wind will just blow that stem over. It is hollow and very light -- like a daylily stem after its spent the winter outdoors. That's why I was asking because if the plant was like Caryopteris/Russian Sage, where the buds came out the stems, I would be looking at one dead plant. LOL!

Thanks for the tip. No frost.


Edited: nevermind, got my Genus confused...doh

This message was edited Apr 9, 2008 2:14 PM

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Suzy, I had a lot of seeds to the fanfare planted and only got one but the way they multiply I don't mind that too much. I planted mine on the picnick table outside in the spring I didn't WS them.

I haven't had B&B before I'm just hoping these two seedlings make it, mine don't look so good! I think the basement is way too damp this year! It's messing with a lot of seeds!

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