Bareroot Dwarf North Star Cherry Arriving Too Soon?

Zimmerman, MN


I have two bareroot Dwarf North Star Cherry trees arriving 4/4, but we still have snow on the ground. I think our soil is still too frozen to dig a hole, so what should I do? Should I keep it boxed in the garage, or pot it and wait for a little while? If I pot it will I miss planting in the dormancy season? I'm very new and I spent some money on these, so any advice would be greatly appreciated!

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

I would keep in a cool place until you can get the holes dug. You don't want them to break dormancy before planting. Hopefully that would not be more than a week or so.

Zimmerman, MN

Ok, I'll keep them in my garage then. Thanks!

(Louise) Palm Bay, FL(Zone 9b)

I would put the bottoms in a garbage bag with some damp peat or something to keep the roots from drying out since you cannot heal them in for a bit. healed in inside your garage should be just as good. you could use a garbage can too with some peat or bagged top soil to heal them in. Just make sure they are damp.

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