when to pinch tops off plantlings for more fullness

Evansville, IN

I have so far successfully grown several varieties of plants from seeds, hollyhock, blanket flower, 4 o'clocks, butterfly plant, cupid's dart, english daisy, hibiscus, love in a puff, chinese lanterns, poppies, sweet pea vine and climbing spinach to name a few. I read somewhere in another thread about pinching off new growth for fuller plants. On which plants would this be recommended and when would be the ideal time for this? Also if it is recommended on some of my plants what method should I use and how much should I pinch off? Most all have at least 2 sets of true leaves.

Also I have been watering frequently, most plants at least daily, due to them drying out under the lights. Should I maybe try watering every other day? I have potted most into 3" pots and don't want to lose any. Also should I be bottom watering? I have been on some but not all as I am afraid since they are in bigger pots that the water will not get to the roots from the bottom. Will the roots get the water?

I would appreciate any feedback. I am so afraid of losing any of my little plantlings that I am skeptical and hesitant to try something new or different than what I have been doing.

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

Hi Lily in Evansville!

Pinching is a good thing, but you need more of a stem and more leaves. The result you're after is for a new shoot to form where each leaf, or set of leaves, meets the main stem; therefore, you need a lot of leaves. Well more than 2 sets, because you will be pinching off the top set. So maybe 3 or 4 sets of true leaves, one set of which you wil be pinching off and either trying to root in a little experiment or tossing in the trash.

We've been talking about this is the Cottage GardenForum, and basically none of us knows the answer for every plant. Sweet Peas get pinched after 5-6 sets of leaves. Morning Glories after 6-7. (I found this info online somewhere)

Four O'clocks, Use 4-6 sets, depending on how far down they are and how close the nodes are.

The only Blanket Flower I grow comes from a basal rosette -- I'm not sure there is anything to pinch. Same with Hollyhocks, but I am sure I have never heard of pinching Hollyhocks.

Nasturtiums get pinched, but be carefule what yo uwish for...sometimes the trailers are very pretty.

Poppies - -I was thinking about sacrificing one to see if it works to make them branch and give more flowers...stay tuned!

There is a book you can pick up at your local library you might like to read. It doesn't talk about seedlings, but rather the plants themselves.

The Well-Tended Perennial Garden: Planting and Pruning Techniques by Tracy DiSabato-Aust



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