question regarding Cow's Tongue plant

Crozet, VA

Is there really such a thing? What is it like? I saw someone talking about it yesterday and need an explanation. Last year I took my niece several slips of Lamb's Ear. Whenever she would write me, she referred to it as Cow's Tongue. John and I really got a kick out of it. I finally told her last week that she was calling it the wrong name. She said that I had her mother to thank for that, because that is what her mom was calling it.

Now, I am the one a bit embarrassed. I didn't know until yesterday that there was a plant called Cow's Tongue. Who of you grow it and does anyone have pics? Thanks.


Shenandoah Valley, VA

Sounds like just a regional name. I've never heard it called that and when I did a search, the only plants called cow's tongue I came up with were prickly pear cactus and this tropical plant:

Crozet, VA

Thanks Hart. Hmmm....I have never heard the prickly pear called cow's tongue. It is quite interesting what folks call different things.

I remember commenting on all of the free growing PP that we saw on our drive to your home. I found it quite interesting because I have never seen it growing freely like that.

Thanks again sweets.


Shenandoah Valley, VA

I haven't heard it called that either. Probably another regional nickname.

Bedford, VA(Zone 7a)

No, there are many different kinds of prickly pear and most ofo them have round pads but the cow's tongue one is more like the shape of a pea pod, only much bigger and resembles a pointed tongue, hence the name. I have round padded ones, ones with huge thorns and one with no thorns but am working up the courage to knock on the door of house near me where there is a bed of cow's tongue and ask for a piece for my hardy cactus garden

Bedford, VA(Zone 7a)

Here's a link to a picture

Crozet, VA

Thank you so much Terri, for doing my work for me. I forget to use the plant files in order to look up things.

I have seen the plant around but never asked it's name. Thanks for the education.


Bedford, VA(Zone 7a)

Ruby, you are quite welcome! There are so many people on this forum with greater knowledge than me so I am extremely happy when I actually have an answer for someone, LOL!

Crozet, VA

No problem.


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