here are my amyrillis in bloom!!!!

Pensacola, FL(Zone 8b)

Hello, I am new here to pensacola and had no idea that amaryllis grow so abundant.....

Thumbnail by pensacolagarden
Tolleson, AZ(Zone 9a)

Love those blooms!! Any idea what their name is?

Poughkeepsie, NY(Zone 6a)

VERY nice!!!

Pensacola, FL(Zone 8b)

No Idea I would love to know.......

Scott Bar, CA(Zone 6a)

Looks like H. striatum. My son has a yard full of these in Panama City, FL. The ones he sent me do extremely well in a pot. They bloom continuously all winter.


Pensacola, FL(Zone 8b)

wow thanks so much.......James

west Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

it looks like H striatum to me too--I love that one;

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