Help with my guava trees...

No. San Diego Co., CA(Zone 10b)

I have pineapple and strawberry guava trees in pots. The pineapple just dropped 50% of its leaves and I'm trying to understand why. It's in full sun, was growing happily, but since our last rain was several weeks ago, I have it a good drink a few days ago. Boom! The leaves dropped.

The strawberry suffered a bit during the winter and I had it against a south wall that gets too hot, so I just moved it to the east side and potted it up to a bigger pot since it grew last year.

Does anyone growing these in a similar zone (or just smart about guavas!) have some tips for me?

Central Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

Kaper, how's your guava?

No. San Diego Co., CA(Zone 10b)

The pineapple is replacing its leaves, Dean, but the strawberry is a goner. I suspect I'll have to put the pineapple in the ground this fall, if I can find somewhere I can amend the soil. We're considering raised beds for some fruit trees - our soil here is awful except for native plants.

Thanks for the reply.

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