Nasty bugs already - help w/Sedum please????!?!?!?

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a) I went to get some PP's for someone I promised them to...start checking on the babies coming up when I realize that it "looks" like something sticky is on my new sedum leaves comin' up. Then I see those white crawling things - aphids? Last year I hit all the sedums with the neem oil mix. It took care of the bugs but played havoc with their poor leaves - they looked ratty for months!!! Any suggestions? If ya'll need pics of these creepy crawlies...let me know...always up for taking a good macro!!

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Spray them with soapy water. You can mix in a little dab of vegetable oil to make it stick better if you want. Or if you want to be fancier, get you a bottle of insecticidal soap spray. They have that at Walmart too, Safer brand.

Make sure you spray the tops and bottoms of the leaves. And, yes, it sounds like aphids.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

How the heck can they be out already? Dang little baby sedums aren't but a few inches up and they're attacked already!! Will try the soap first...I just don't want the buggies nor my leaves looking beat up by sprays...ugh! Thank you, Diane!!

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Diane, you beat me to the suggestion. I use a soap mix to get rid of buggies that eat up my new dayliliy leaves, I think they are thrips that attack the daylilies. They are sneeky can't see them but you see the damage they cause.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

They're gettin' the soap tonight... I assure you!!! Little monsters!

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Go get them!!! Chantell

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Thrips cause little silvery lines in the leaves. They don't eat holes. They are awful and hard to get rid of. I don't think insecticidal soap would work.

Maybe those are slugs eating your daylilies?

Chantell the Bane of Aphids!! LOL

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Diane, your comment on the daylilies made me do a search on daylily pests. I found out that they have Spring Sickness, the pictures show exactly what they look like. I did spray the leaves and crown with IS and it cleared up. Might have been just luck. Thanks for the nudge! lol


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