Part SixLet's See What Yo Having Blooming Now.

Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)

(Cutting down on dial-up drag.)

Continuing from Part Five:

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

I'll start. Ambiance from RC

Thumbnail by bsharf
Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

I fell in love with Ice Queen from RC. Nice pure white and excellent form. It was very slow to break dormancy, then took off like crazy. There are 3 scapes.

Thumbnail by bsharf
San Gerardo de Rivas, Costa Rica(Zone 12b)

I love the red picotee "edge" on Ambiance and I really like your Ice Queen. She almost looks like that Oriental lily called 'Casa Blanca', which I'm particularly fond of!

Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

I love when they look like garden lilies. Those two are great ones.

west Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Naughty Lady

Thumbnail by dmj1218
Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

How naughty are they?

San Gerardo de Rivas, Costa Rica(Zone 12b)

They'll never tell!

Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

Then they are definitely ladies!

Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)

Mmmmm....cherish the Naughty Ladies.

Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

Charisma today.

Thumbnail by boojum
Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

Fairy Tale. Love those green centers!

Thumbnail by boojum
Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

Here's my oldest hipp. which I assume is Red Lion. Does Red Lion have a red base on the stalk like this?

Thumbnail by boojum
west Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Cherish The Ladies--good band and hippeastrums

H striatum blooming here today unaffected by fence construction.

Thumbnail by dmj1218
Ewing, VA


Thumbnail by mariava7
Ewing, VA

Double Dragon on it's second season...

Thumbnail by mariava7

That Double Dragon is a beauty! I haven't seen that one, another got to have!!!

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

Another shot of my new favorite double, Ice Queen

Thumbnail by bsharf

OHHHHHHHHH my!!! another beauty for my list!! Running out of room fast!!!

Nantucket, MA(Zone 7a)

'Ice Queen' is a winner, on the wish list as is Ambiance.

Here is 'Dancing Queen' and she has finally grown to her royal height. She had been blooming on short stalks that made her out of proportion the last couple of times. Patti

Thumbnail by bbrookrd
Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

Nice one, Patti!

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

My Lovely Garden in full bloom.

Thumbnail by bsharf
Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

Nagano in full bloom. I like the nice pure orange color.

Thumbnail by bsharf
Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

Just beautiful and clean.

Nantucket, MA(Zone 7a)

bsharf, I am a sucker for orange and Nagano is the best I think I have ever seen. Stunning. Patti

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

here is samba, stunted

Thumbnail by vossner
East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

from RC, sold as "Ambiance". Doesn't look like it to me, what do you think?

Thumbnail by vossner
Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

That's a tough call. Your Ambiance and My Ambiance, both from RC, are very similar, but not identical. Both have the red picotee edge, variation between flowers on the percentage of red, and the backs are quite close. My are a mid sized bloom, around 5-5.5 inches, and the tepals do curl back as the flower ages. A couple of possibilities: Did RC get this cultivar from 2 different sources, hense a slight difference. I did have 3 mislabelled bulbs from them, so it could be a substitution. The only other one that is close is Cclown and that is very frilly. There could also be a slight difference in flower size, if you grew yours outside, mine was indoors. Sorry about the typing errors, my computor is on strike, it refuses to delete tonight. I forgot to mention, that my Samba was also stunted, so RC definately had a bad batch of Samba.

This message was edited Mar 29, 2008 6:16 PM

Thumbnail by bsharf
East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

thanks bsharf. I see similarities but mine has so much of a green tint to it. I will email them and say it is not what I ordered. I wanted one that looked like yours. It was planted in a bed with "red" flowers. I wouldn't have picked something w/ so much green in it.

anyhow, that is 2 of 5 that are wrong. I am not impressed by that at all! Might as well stay aggravated with domestic vendors, no need to expand internationally in this respect.

Nantucket, MA(Zone 7a)

What makes a hippeastrum stunted? I have had a few, and some seem to get it right the next year and some go from being tall to stunted? They all live in the same conditions. GH from the fall to late spring, then out to a east side on covered deck with most of the plants from the GH until Oct when they go back to the GH and rest up for the late winter show. Patti

Kurten, TX(Zone 8b)

This is what I have blooming now, and it has been glorious. I did not know the name of it, but after reading this thread it seems like it is Nagano? I found this unlabeled bulb at a mark down bin last year somewhere - sometimes it's a homerun. ;)

Thumbnail by rosysunset
Ewing, VA


Thumbnail by mariava7
Ewing, VA

Mont Blanc

I never knew Mont Blanc is huge and pretty till now...

Thumbnail by mariava7
Ewing, VA

A very big dissapointment for me.

Bingo from Amaryllis Bulb Company, planted way back in November, put up a scape then dried out without opening it's flowers. Now put up a stunted second scape and produced 1 flower. :-(

Thumbnail by mariava7
Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

There's always next year!! I had Santa Fe from RC do the same dry scape thing this year. Only it didn't send up any more for me to see it. I just hope it IS Santa Fe after the bulb mix ups reported. So count yourself lucky Maria!

Ewing, VA

So true Boojum. Sometimes you get lucky, sometimes not. Hopefully next season it will perform better.

Talking about performance, take a look at this...

Jungle Star (s)

Thumbnail by mariava7
Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

Rosysunset: I don't think that you have Nagano. My Nagano's back is lime green and a pale orange with no white at all. Also the veining on your bloom is much more pronounced. Might it be Hermitage, which is more orangish red? Unfortunately, color is really hard to judge on an uploaded photo, esp with differences in the camera's reading of the red-oranges, and the type of lighting.

Thumbnail by bsharf
Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

That Jungle Star is wonderful.

San Gerardo de Rivas, Costa Rica(Zone 12b)

I love your Jungle Star too Maria, and yes, talk about performance - wow!

Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)


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