Need some company - Part 2

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

This time it requires an RON....remain overnight..or two...or three...but I won't push my night though..and you don't have to get up early the next day!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Doesn't that sound interesting?

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Well, I'll tell you one thing for sure - my next trip to Texas includes (whenever that may be) a stop for however long in Desoto to visit an angel I met once and intend to adopt, AND a RON or two in the Houston area. No more zipping through! You have no idea how much I miss you guys!

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

I know...I have that little Gecko that reminds me all the time..

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Ha Ha...hope he sings happy songs to you my friend!

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Hi Everyone!

We found a new gardening "friend" out in our garden today too....My daughter and I were standing out at the pond looking for the tadpole when she spotted a very long...maybe three ft. ribbon snake! She started screaming and ran in the house and got her brother to come outside to help find it. He did, but it slithered away very fast. Online it says that they eat tadpoles, frogs, etc, so we probably don't have the tadpole anymore! They are non venonmous water snakes. They like marshes, and ponds. It says that they usually don't bite unless handled. Neither DS or I plan on doing that.

I had just been behind there last week cleaning out and rearranging some plants. Most were in pots, so put a Hawaiian Scheffelera and Brug in the ground. Didn't see hide nor hair of him at that time. I think he may have arrived recently. I think he is full grown; he's pretty long. I would really prefer not to share my garden with him. Anyone have any experience with Ribbon snakes?

They have a product at Lowes called "Snake-be-gone" so I thought of getting some. Any other suggestions? I hate snakes. First one I've seen in probably eight years!

Spent the day shopping for material with my daughter, then the afternoon over at her house. She made my oldest graddaughter a pair of white poly cotton capris. It was her first time to make pants and put in a zipper. I read the pattern and supervised. They came out cute. She did a good job!!! We had never used that particular pattern before, so it went really smooth, everything considered. She is going to make her another pair, only in navy blue, and then some different tops to go with them....mix and match. Will probably go back over there tomorrow. She says she needs the "moral support"! It was fun, we have't spent that much time together in a long time.

My peach double hibiscus tree bloomed three more single flowers......What is happening?

Shari, we miss you too! We really enjoyed your visit here so much!

Randy are you back to work yet? Did you get rain today? It really poured here!

Aloha and Yokwe Y'all!

This message was edited Apr 5, 2008 12:13 PM

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Aloha Jeanne, what a fun day you had with your daughter, except for the snake bit! I hate snakes even though I know they have a place in the grand scheme of things, I feel lucky we don't have them here!

I have been sewing too - nothing quite so fancy as capris though! Just "scrub's" for my son for work. Do any of you guys use "scrubs" for working in the garden? I do, they are loose and comfortable and wash easily...I have my spare sewing machine at work so I can fire it up if I get some quiet time between visitors coming and going. I have also been doing some repair work for the guys, such as sewing up the pockets of their work shorts which always seem to get holes in them from the key chains they have to carry.

I have been watching everyone's garden come to life again after the winter - I really enjoy the pictures everyone posts of their beautiful plants....


Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Hey Jen....I use scrubs when I travel to the hot climes. I actually made a bunch with mix/match colors/patterns. All cotton...wonderful for treking thru jungles!!!!

mulege, Mexico

I got my long jeans on today to hellp Tony clean up the east "forty". We've been dumping tree trimmings, leaves, etc. there for the five years I've been here. Now it is time to plant!!! I'm going to put a couple of my blackberries there and a bunch of macadamia nut trees. It's fairly shady and relatively cool so I'm hoping things will survive there that would not make it on the western side which is like a frying pan in summer.

There is a big "open" yard sale next week so Karen is sorting out duplicates of books. I'm finding duplicates of video tapes. I'm also potting up some of my macadamia nut trees - I think I planted a couple hundred seeds and think every one of them has germinated. They should do well in this area so I'm happy about that success. I only got two malabar chestnuts and the dogs ate one of them on the day I got home!!

The new puppies are adorable. I think we will take them to the yard sale and hope to find them a new home. It shouldn't be too hard.

I am feeling so much better. The dogs got me up at 6:30 and I worked alone until 8, then with Tony until ten. Then I potted up some of the macs. I'm taking a break now and a bath. More later today when it's cooler.

I've also been cutting the sidewalls out of a load of tires which we will use on the east hill.

Enjoy your day everybody.


Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Wow...I gotta rest after that email from Katiebear! And I thought I worked hard!!!

Good on ya, Katie

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Our girl Katie does more work when she is recuperating, than I do in a week of health! My goodness, slow down dear heart! It will all be there tomorrow for you! I think you are going to have one gorgeous site when you get done with it all. Wait - whatamitalkin? Gardening is never "done"! Well, it will be gorgeous when it matures, how's that?

All you sewers (that is sew - ers, not soo-ers!), you have my undying admiration. I tried to sew a dress once - got one dart pointing to my neck and the other to my bellybutton...nuff said. Good on ya aall!

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Yes I'm back to work, it was a tough week too!

Rita (placenciarita) Jerry (texasbigleaves) Matt (truetropicals) and Kyle came down to Houston for the day. They toured the garden, went shopping at Another Place in Time, Joshuas...lunch at Some Burger, then went over to Waynes at Zone9tropicals, where a plant buying frenzy ensued as he had a lot of unusual stuff. Duh..I didn't bring my camera..
Rita found this cool EE at another place in time...and they had just one I bought's cool.
They are of course...great folks !

Here's the EE...

Thumbnail by rjuddharrison
mulege, Mexico

Well, I paid for all the work I did yesterday today. Got up this morning, cut the sidewalls out of the last half dozen tires and went back to bed!! Slept until early afternoon.

However, as any of you who have chronic pain problems know, when you get a good day it's hard not to run with it.

Back to Santa Rosalia tomorrow to pick up my papers at immigration.

The new puppies are just adorable. Hope we can find them a good home.

I'm still tired so I'm playing poker instead of gardening.



Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Katiebear - here's wishing you a Royal Flush! Take it easy sweetie!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

This was our weekend for our annual Spring Fling Dingy in East Texas. Cypress Lake has been voted the most beautiful lake in Texas for the last...I don't know how long. We have friends that live there and there is a total of 7 couples that have been doing this thing for 10 years. The guys play golf and the gals gossip, shop, and drink bloody mary's...not necessarily in that order. Really tired and elated at the same time tonight after getting back home just a short while ago. We have changed our attention in the last 10 years from apparel, to decorating the home, AND NOW THE BEST OF ALL....TA DA...THE GARDEN. We all came home with our autos loaded down with plants as that part of Texas can grow a toothpick. Can't wait to get in the garden tomorrow morning early....well, not too early. Had withdrawal pains not getting to "see" you guys for the last 3 days.

Waiting for you Shari. Randy will be here soon. Yay! Jenny has promised. Have to work on Carol. Jeanne you are always welcome. What a day that would be!!!!!

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Waaay cool PK...but always there cyberly! You will have to post pics when you can, of your new acquisitions!

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

I'm with Shari, it'll have to be cyberly for awhle. Not able to travel at this time.
I know y'all will have a great time! Thanks so much for offering!

No signs of Mr. Snake. Hopefully he had lunch (the tadpole) and moved on!


Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Hello, everyone.

Gail and I are sailing on a cruise this Saturday for that Grand Voyage we have been contemplating since last September: 20 days, 3 continents, 9 ports of call in a wheelchair-accessible cabin featuring a double balcony. We are both very excited. I will be bringing my laptop computer with me. I'll be able to connect to the internet and send out pictures, etc.

I have created a thread so you can follow this much anticipated adventure along with us .

Please join us at:

See you there, hopefully.

Thumbnail by lourspolaire
Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Have a wonderful trip Sylvain! Bon Voyage!!

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Thanks, Shari.


Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Sylvain, sorry there are no cruise ship ports in DeSoto (Dallas), but perhaps someday you could get here anyway. It would be great! Not quite as good as your upcoming adventure, but.....


TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Hello all!
I know most of you are food lovers plus good cooks...thought you might be interested in checking out this thread. Will whet your appetites.

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

You will LOVE your trip!!!! Casablanca is gorgeous!!! and if you get a chance to take any trips out into the countryside...DO go: Marakeesh, Volubilis...fields cholked with wild narcissus this time of year! Fez is unreal!!!! AH - takes me back about 30 years!!!!


Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Let's not forget the Casbah. Remember the old movie line ..."follow me to the Casbah"?? No longer like it was in the 40's and 50's, but still an amazing marketplace of the world. Spend a day and just wander, the whole world is represented.

mulege, Mexico

Hi Everybody,

Everything is fine here. Lots of work to do. My friend Karen is living with me and she's a lot of help. We have nine dogs between us so the hardest part of having her here has been working out dog areas as they don't all get along.

Tony has been coming five or six afternoons a week. Between my two helpers I am feeling much less alone and overwhelmed.

I brought back some Caroline raspberries from Nourse Nursery and they are doing well. One of them has flower buds already. We'll have to see if they survive the summer. That's the big test here (for people, too). I also got blackberry plants. I moved them yesterday as they were going to fry where I originally had them.

I soaked some morning glory seeds in peroxide, then EM1. They are sprouting so I've been planting them here and there.

My banana trees are doing well. They keep people who are driving up the road which is across the arroyo from looking in my bedroom window so I have been able to remove the tarp which I had up and can put up lacy curtains. To the left of the banans I have a view of the river.

My arms are almost completely healed. Very little pain now. I was feeling pretty hopeless about them when I went to San Diego. I am still recovering emotionally, I think, I sometimes sleep for 12-14 hours. Not a bad way to recover. I wake up to a pack of dogs jumping around, totally excited because it's a new day!! And who knows what other exciting things can happen now that we're awake for it.



Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

So glad to know that you are doing well! Do take care of yourself! I understand the need for too!

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