Need some company - Part 2

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Howdy folks! Here we are...just noticed that John posted some pics...I'll try to get him over here.

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

That was a great shot of the sea horse from John! Just loved it! Needed something to help brighten my day.....really starting to pay for the work we did on the daylily flower bed Wed. Right leg has been in pain all day, even with meds, so will take it easy tonight and probably a few days!

Hope everyone else is well! Did anyone ever here from Jaye? Hope they are OK as well!

Aloha and Yokwe Y'all !!!!

I want a thread on 'gardening through the pain'..... injured my back yesterday morning and have been grumbling ever since with not being able to finish what I started. But I know I need to give that back a day or two rest.

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Don't want to repeat the long story about back/sciatica pain. I am doing better but that is compared to what...doing bad?

Jaye has had a really bad case of THE FLU. She is just barely getting along. Prayers for her are always appreciated. Such a sweet and kind person.

Jeanne. I inherited a full grown sago from my aunt and uncles estate. I have planted one of the babies you gave to me. I hope you will not be upset as I passed the second one on to Mitch today. They both have weathered the winter with no bad results.
Still so pretty. You are such a generous person, I did not think you would mind if I shared one of them.

Hopefully, my garden is getting to the point where i will have things to share. Before, my garden was sort of sparse. Working on that.

Hope this Good Friday has been one of thankfulness for everyone.


Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Don't mind at all! I know that Mitch will take good care of it!

Dutchlady, hope your back gets better real take care of it! Christi tell Jaye our prayers are with her!

Tropicman, hope you are doing better as well!

Hope everyone else is OK! Aloha!

This message was edited Mar 21, 2008 9:54 PM

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Doing good here. Just spring fever. Can't do anything outside cause it's still to early. Grrrrrr....

mulege, Mexico

I'm home safe and sound after almost a month in San Diego, most of it spent laid up with the flu. Goods news - the rash on my arms is almost healed. My new doctor and I are delighted with each other. All test results are good except for being borderline diabetic (which may be part of the problem with my arms not healing). Anyway, I've got medication for that and permission not to return for eight weeks!!

Had a pleasant trip home after getting through customs without my plants being spotted. (Tip: hide the plants and put lots of stuffed animals and other kids stuff where they are likely to look.)

I'm so happy to be home and to be healing.


Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

So glad that you are home safe Katiebear! Do take care of yourself!

Shari....are you doing OK? Hope everyone is fine out your way!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Seems we should request a thread for "How have you handled your back pain".

Bet it would be overrun.

Cloudy and damp this morning...might get rain.



Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Katiebear, such good news! So glad to hear that things are going well. Keeping you in my thoughts.

Jeanne - thank you for the concern friend, having some computer troubles, and being very very busy away from home. Hoping you are feeling better as well.

Christi - stand outside and smile...the clouds will fly away! Know you have also been in pain lately...sending you many happy, healing thoughts.

Yokwe all!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

I seem to be complaining way too much these days. Will get a hold on such things.

Love ya,


Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Good to hear from you Shari!

Sometimes it can't be helped Christi...we all understand! It was absolutely gorgeous today. May rain tomorrow, but we could use it. I would love to get a few things done in the garden tomorrow, but the rain may say, "rest instead" if so then I'll do that! Gotta be flexible!

Hello to everyone.....Hope y'all have a great day!


Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

I appreciate the encouragement I get from all of you.


Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Hang in there Princess K - hang in there!!!!! Thinking of you!


mulege, Mexico

Hi everybody,

I've been out playing in the dirt. In a month, maybe two, it will be too hot to work hard so I'm moving a lot of rocks now. Also planting. Got blackberries and raspberries from Nourse and the plants are beautiful. I had to keep them in water (with a little EM1 added) for almost three weeks because I got sick and couldn't come home. Planted most them yesterday and today and they look great. The raspberry plants had roots up to three feet long and the are already putting out suckers. They are supposed to do fine up to zone 12 so I am hopeful that I will be the first person in Mulege (and maybe in the Baja) to grow raspberries.

Got really rundown with three weeks of flu but am doing better now. Still not much energy. I need new knees, too.

Citrus are blooming here. When I moved in here, even before we put in floors, I planted lots of citrus. Now lots of them are blooming.

Got several dozen (or hundred) little macadamia nut trees that need to be potted up. Also plumeria cuttings. I can sit for those. Whoopee.

Lots and lots to do. My arms are almost all healed. Very little pain. What a relief. I was really getting depressed about this. Finally got a doctor who determined to help me get better. What a difference. I'd almost forgotten what it is like to be pain free.

Had to take one of the dogs to the vet in Santa Rosalia (35 mile trip) yesterday as she ate a light bulb (most of it anyway - we found a few pieces of glass, no base). I'll go get her tomorrow.

And Tony will be here tomorrow so work will get done even though I'm not here.

Take care, my friends.


(Kim) Philadelphi, PA(Zone 6a)

Hi katiebear!
Well I am very glad you feel well enough to have fun playing in the dirt....plumies berries..citrus and macadamia's oh my :)
Hope your pooch is okay...what was that doggie thinking??? Be sure to take it easy okay!!

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Dogs and their tendency to munch on any and everything! Had one eat a couch once! Sure hope the glass did no permanant damage, Katiebear! Just get you well, and now you get to nursemaid a mutt! Go figure...

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

At this very moment DH is retrieving one of his shoes from the 4 month old puppy. What could we have been thinking???? Takes a bare minimum of 2 years before the baby puppy behavior simmers down. Guess it keeps you young. lol


Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Thelma used to be obsessed with bras! She would shred them and they aren't cheap!!!! Neither would go after shoes altho Louise is the ball chaser and can still do a number on a tennis ball. She still has her stuffed 'babies' she got 7 years ago as a puppy...not a tear on them.!!! They are not only picky, but can be very destructive, eh?

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Same thing with my two older dogs and their "babies". Mattie has taken Chester (the newest) as her real baby. Had her fixed when she was a pup and she has loved her old sock and teddy bear as a substitute. Now she grooms little Chester.

mulege, Mexico

Hello all,

The dog that ate the light bulb is home safe and sound. The vet assurred me she had "good poop." She's very happy to be home after two days at the doggie hospital.

My immigration status is legal again Good for another year after which I'm a permanent resident alien.

Got a load of tires at the dump and two bags of sawdust for bokashi from my friends at the lumberyard. Lots to keep me busy but I'm still going slow and recovering from that nasty flu.

We are in full spring going on summer. Beautiful weather. By mid-May we are suffering so we bask in this while we can.

My dog Misty was fixed before having any puppies but she has mothered both puppies and kittens. She stood over both to protect them and wouldn't let my other dogs come in the house!! She also cleaned them up and played with them, both puppies and kittens. She inspired me to say that our motto is "We don't discriminate on the basis of species1"


Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Katie - sooooo good to hear that pooch is fine and well. Love your motto! Enjoy the weather while you can.


KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Speaking of weather, we have had some nasty weather here. Major winds, tornadoes in some areas, flooding in southern and eastern MO and not a lick of rain around here.

I took a Wal*Mart sack full of clothes and some rubber boots to keep my feet dry. Never needed them. I come prepared and the rain stays away. I'm not prepared and we get hit hard. LOL. I just can't win!

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Oh and Katie, glad to hear your dog is ok and that you got your immigration status legal again. :~)

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Hi guys,
Had a fantastic vacation with the parents. we hung out alot, did gardening, partied with friends love the folks.

Christi- 3 weeks my dear. Even though my Gemini sign belies the suggestion of procrastination, I'm getting ready- Please Dmail me address/phone so I can google directions..we can work out the nitty gritties too!

Shari- you have Dmail

missed you guys!

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Missed you too Rj!!

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

I've got to post picts - the entire garden has exploded in blooms. This is a good year for the Brugs..they are all loaded and smelling like heaven.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Well, hurry up and do it. LOL.

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

I know...I have a bunch of pictures from the last week. I had to take the folks to the airport today, and intended to get the photos ready to post..but..the called my name. I looked around to see who it was that called, and the next thing I knew I had zonked out for an hour and had to get ready to go to work. I have a feeling I will sleep very late tomorrow!

Did someone say Brug pics?????? lol had a holiday???
wow and I might have known you are a Gemini ...I have noticed there are many Geminis around daves garden ...great multi taskers!
Sounds like you enjoyed your holiday ...that is a great way to go into Spring about those pics Rj ...pretty please with strawberries and cream on top ...Hi everyone hope you are all recovering from bad backs and various injuries cause Spring has Sprung and the earth throbs with promise.
happy gardening

mulege, Mexico

Mango trees are starting to bloom here.

The dog that ate the light bulb is fine. My dog Lady went to her new owners yesterday. An American brought over two puppies this morning. Someone had dropped three off by his house and one had been killed by a car. Karen was going to say no but I said yes.

I've been potting up plumaria cuttings. Lots to do here. I'm really grateful to have two people to help me. My arms are much better but I still have arthritis, especially in my knees. When I'm potting it's such a blessing to be able to ask Tony to hand me something so I don't need to get up! I'm able to get a lot more done.

Remember the secret of happiness is to be grateful for what you have.

I'm grateful for all of you.


Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

You sound happy, Katiebear...that's good.

I am off to murder some weeds....a hui hou.

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Side of the green house I didn't pull the brugs.

Thumbnail by rjuddharrison
Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

the newly landscaped side

Thumbnail by rjuddharrison
Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

As usual, the results of your landscaping and gardening skills takes my breath away! How could anyone not enjoy themselves in your wonderful backyard tropical paradise?

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

LOL..golly thanks Shari...wish you could come over and sit down and chat..
I also opened up the seating now...alls there is is the tree, and arena type seating all the way back to the umbrella's like you enter this big seating area...The response has been great..people love it.

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

I may just have to make another trip to Houston someday. When can I pick you up, Shari?


Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

doors always open.

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Beautiful, Randy! Love it!

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Ha! My mom is trying to talk me into going down to Brownsville in Sept. My brother is getting married on a boat somewhere down least that is the plan at the moment - he changes his mind about once a week. So...who knows? I may just drop by!

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