Kiowa Blackberries Blooming 1st year?

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

My turn for a question...

I purchased a bundle of 10 Kiowa blackberry plants from the UrbanHarvest plant sale about a month ago. I really spoiled them by putting them in a well-drained raised bed which had some compost and goodies in it. They are really taking off and have some great foliage and are about 2' tall now. My questions is why are they blooming the first year? I thought blackberries produce primocanes the first year and those don't flower until the following year?

Should I pick off these flowers to encourage them to put on vegetative growth instead of trying to fruit?

Tuscaloosa, AL(Zone 7b)

That's what I have read. Hmmm. I wouldn't think you should pick the blooms off, though. Again, I read that the canes only produce the one year. So, waiting for an expert to chime in here.


Alexandria, IN(Zone 6a)

I have some Kiowas.....really thorny!...large berries.

One year my blackberries got winter killed back. ....I have Triple Crown too. I know that the TCs shot up some new shoots that year and bore some fruit! Perhaps your stock is a bit out of sync and doing that.

If you have additional shoots coming up and not blooming, I would let the first ones go ahead and fruit.

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Thanks for the ideas, folks!

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Looks like I might get as many as 70-80 berries in my first year. Guess I'd better start building my bird exclusion device. Gonna be a couple of PVC frameworks with bird netting that I can lift up to get to the berries.

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