Need help with shade garden revamp

Watertown, WI(Zone 5a)

This is reposted from the Shady Garden forum, where it got overlooked. Maybe I can get some tips here! :)

I have a little 18 foot long by 3 foot deep border along the walkway to my front porch. Because it's a walkway, I want it to have some impact, but the hostas that were planted there when we moved got absolutely chowed by slugs last year. (Not a lot of impact except for visitors going, "Whoa! What happened to your plants?")

I'd like to try and find something a little more slug resistant and perhaps something a little less common than hostas. I'm aiming for a more natural, airy, almost cottage garden sort of look. I'm thinking of relocating the hostas to a less visible border (but someplace where I can still enjoy them). This location is on an east/southeast wall so it does get some morning sun and dappled shade in the afternoon. Here's what I was thinking of putting in their place:

3 - Brunnera, Jack Frost -
2 - Vinca minor (already there) -
3 - Viola, Queen Charlotte -
3 - Campanula persicifolia, Alba -
1 - Bleeding heart (already there) -
3 - Viola, Etain -

Too many plants? I think I always get a little over-zealous. The spacing looked okay on graph paper, but it sounds like a lot of plants for the space when I list them out like that.

This is my first time really trying to plan something out and I'd love comments, criticism...anything to help me decide whether this is a plan to stick to or scrap. I honestly don't have my heart set on any specific plants, just a light, informal, slightly woodland look. I would like to keep the vinca and the bleeding heart in the picture because both of them do so well in this location. Other than that, I'm completely open for suggestions.

Here's a picture of the garden as it was last spring before the slugs got at it. Thanks in advance for any advice you can give!

Thumbnail by KaylyRed
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