Tree tubes for deer??

Steubenville, OH

We bought 21 fruit trees from Stark Bros and will be planting them this week. We have a very heavy deer population here (every morning we see at least 25 of them out in the fields eating breakfast.) It was suggested that we buy tree tubes (to prevent the deer from eating our trees), which we did (Here's a link to what we bought
I don't understand though, how these work with fruit trees. The trees are about 3 feet tall or so, but the tubes we ordered are 5 feet, upon recommendation of the sales rep. long do we keep these tubes on, and how do the trees grow branches if they are in the tubes? Has anyone used these before, and what did you think of them? Sorry for my ignorance, but I want to make sure that on the one hand, these will work against the deer, but on the other hand, the trees will grow properly. Thanks for all your advice.

Orwell, VT

I use large wire cages staked in place to protect my apple trees from the deer. The tree tubes will not do the job for you. I do use tree tubes to protect the lower portion of the trees from rodents and rabbits but only have them go up so far, it depends on the depth of your winter snow. I have found where a branch has grown out from the protective circle of wire to be browsed by deer. Eventually you will have trees large enough to be above the reach of the deer. If you are planting dwarf trees then I would enclose the whole area in an electric fence.

I hope I have been of help


Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7b)

Agree with David. The tree tubes help protect from rabbits and other small rodents that will crib the bark on your young trees and can kill them. But it sounds like a deer fence in this situation would be a good investment!!

Steubenville, OH

OK thanks. Most of them are dwarf or semi dwarf trees. If we surround the area with electric fence, won't the deer jump it and get to the trees. David, what kind of wire cage do you use? Do you make them yourself and how far from the tree do they surround it? These trees weren't cheap, so it's worth it to me to protect them and not give the deer an expensive afternoon snack! Thanks

Orwell, VT

If we surround the area with electric fence, won't the deer jump it and get to the trees?

It depends on the amount of pressure the deer are going to have on your apples. I would put surveyor's tape or white rags that will blow in the wind on the electric wire. Go with two strains of electric wire one at 2 1/2 feet and the higher at five feet. Deer will jump much higher but if they haven't gotten a taste of your trees they might leave well enough alone.

David, what kind of wire cage do you use?

Heavy wire fence that is five foot high that I believe they use to reinforce concrete...... wire squares that are about 2 1/2 inches by four or five inches.

Do you make them yourself and how far from the tree do they surround it?

Yupe I make them myself and circle each tree or clump of trees so that all branches are in the inside.

The trees that I'm protecting are for wildlife and are planted far from the house. When they are big enough I will be removing the wire so that deer and other animals can have easy access to them.

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7b)

And there are always shotguns, venison is good!

Gulf Coast, United States(Zone 9a)

The tree tubes are to keep rodents from eating the bark off your saplings, not to protect them from deer.

In my case I have a bad deer problem in my neighborhood - the family across the street feeds them and if they don't get fed, the herd cruise the neighborhood looking for plants to snack on. To keep them out of my backyard where the fruit trees are, I electrified the perimeter of the backyard. To train them to respect the fence, I put foil strips on the wires and smeared peanut butter on it along with skewered crabapples on the wire. The deer haven't been into the yard since I watched a couple does and fawns zap themselves on the fence while going after the bait.

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