The FLOWERPOT Cafe' VIII - Join us for a cup of Flowers!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Traci missed the party? I am with you Karma, I was sure I was dancin on at least one table and noticed her boogying?
Sorry the cone melted, even Steve commented that he would like to have the creamy yellow custard, hope that isn't the one you dropped.
I am wondering the same about your Gerberas, I have had no luck with them in my past, can't even get the store bought potted ones to thrive around here.
How bout just cutting one or two and put in a small bud vase, with perhaps a sprig of quince or forsythia? That way you could enjoy them inside and out without picking all.

london England, United Kingdom

Hi everyone,
What a party and great weekend, Thanks all for making it happen!

Star, been thinking about your gerberas, it's hard to know what to suggest, when I can't see your containers. Have you got some floral foam? maybe a parallel line arrangement, or something in a low dish.
Traci, Nice to see you back! Good luck with everything on the 8th.
Yes, I thought Traci was in the hot tub too!!!!

Wish that cybermaid would come over here today!

london England, United Kingdom

I HATE flowers..................................

london England, United Kingdom

only joking! APRIL FOOLS...........

New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Hahaha. .. good one.

Humansville, MO

hope every one have a good APRIL

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Firstly, I wanted to thank everyone for all the WONDERFUL treats for Teensy!! You have no idea what this meant to me, but just know we enjoyed ourselves so much looking at all of them. She kept saying, "Those are for me?" I wish you could hear the awe in that little voice and the sweetest gasps of delight. Yes, she does gasp. Too cute. All I could do was smile from ear to ear and hold back a couple of tears, as I was touched you all went out of your way for a friend. She is learning how to use the computer and I can't think of a better way to teach her than through flowers and good people!!

I STILL haven't finished looking at everything, but it will have to wait till next week, most likely. I am stealing a second to share an "arrangement" Teensy and I did last night. Hope you can find a nice spot to place it. We were walking the yard and I was showing here all the new flowers that have bloomed on our shrubs. She HAD to have a handful to put in a "base", which is vase in Teensy language. So, we grabbed one of everything, including dandylions. LOL. this is what we got from 'the plop' and 'stick it in' methods. If anyone knows what any of these are, I would be happy to know. Funny to have so many treasures and not know what they are. I know the forsynthia NOW, thanks to another thread here and also the pincushion flower. All the others came off bushes, very LARGE bushes.

Thumbnail by pupilpropogtr
Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Close up. Thanks in advance. I would really love to know what the little hanging "snowball" flowers are. The are on large bushes as well. I hope to use them in another arrangement soon, as I love the way they hang.

Thumbnail by pupilpropogtr
New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Too late for April fools but a belated one to you Elle!

Traci, the pink flowers are azaleas, and i think the white one is bridal wreath spirea? I don't know the species, but here's a link to one of them.

It's a beautiful arrangement, and even more beautiful that the two of you did it together.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Oh the body trying to stretch and wake up. Don't think there is enough coffee to do that this morning.

You asked about the gerbers. Nope i have them in 2 gallon pots, and need to get them divied here pretyty quick and bigger pots too cuz they are rootbound.

These are the florist tall cut gerbers. I didn't grow them from seed they came as plugs. Little tiny ones and they take a bit to get established, months in fact and evry other week have to be drenche din a fungicide and still need treated. They get powdery mildew easily too so need to be sprayed with rose spray fungicide.

I don't want to put themin the ground cuz i afraid with my luck that I wil lose them and they expensive and dont want to have to buy some more.

They aren't liek the little gerbers the garden centers sell these have huge foliage and are bigger plants all around. Remind sme I need ot get them fetilized too.

Think I goign bakc to bed for another hour. Gues s the body more tired than I thought. See everybody later!

Pupil.. Beautiful arrangement you and Teensy made. Please tell she did a good job and thankyou for the flowers! : )

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Oh, you and Teensy did a splendid job and I have it sitting right here in my windowsill in my office so I can smile at it all day long. I am not reall good at this, but the blue flowers near the center look like bachelor buttons, but you better get an expert opinion. It is a beautiful arrangement whatever it is. That spirea is white as snow and really sets it off.

london England, United Kingdom

Hi everyone,

Lovely cheerful arrangement from Teensy and Traci, Thankyou. I'm pleased to hear Teensy liked the arangements we made for her.
I can't grow Azalias or Rhododendreon here Traci, they look absolutely gorgeous from your garden.
Sorry Candee it's staying in the cafe!!!!!! you will have to make your own arrangement for your office!

I got some gerberas yesterday Star, I'll see if I can make something with them later. I would like to see a picture of your gerberas in the pot with the leaves on! I have only bought them at the florists and the leaves are always gone, I have no idea what a gerbera leaf looks like, Please! Do you put bleach in the water when they are cut?
I saw a floral demonstration last night and the arranger said bleach helps to keep them straight, has anyone tried that?

I'm waiting for the electricity man to come and put a new meter in. Isn't it annoying when they say they will be here betwwen 8am and 5pm. only the whole day to wait!!!!!!!!!
Don't know how long it will take so I may be without electricity a while, better go and put the kettle on before he gets here!
Have a good day all.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Must be that blonde thing Traci - I mistook the

Hope you can find a nice spot to place it.
for whereever I personally wanted it!!!
So here it is back, I found a nice silk arrangement to put there in its place.

I have such a good time in this cafe! Thanks again for having me.

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

LOL, I will get you one for your office as well, Sue. Just give me time. You know I am not the quickest!

I have gerbers that I purchased at the big box shops and overwintered. The stems get very long and sometimes are doubled (stems stuck together) with two blooms. They started blooming a week ago!! There are TONS of leaves on them, so I have to assume they are the same ones Star was talking about.

Thumbnail by pupilpropogtr
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Traci, you have quite the green thumb going on there, that is a lovely color.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)


I have not heard of bleach being used to make them stand up tall. I know just a minute amount of bleach with some preservative is good. Teh tiny bit of bleach just to help kill more bacteria.

here a picture of one of mine. A baby one, young. This was taken thin a coupel of month sago and it was darn cold outside. These sat in pots in the cold, frost and freezing inter we had. They slowed down growth alot and look a bit ragged from winter.

These florsit tall gerbes have big leaves. They look like almost big curly oak tree leaves on steroids to me. LOL and then again some of the leaves have real long stems before ya even get too the leaf part and they hang down aroudn the sides of the pot.

Thumbnail by starlight1153
Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

Hi All!,
Stopping by the cafe for a quick hello. I hope all is well with everyone.
Happy gardening,

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Hi Adele, nice to hear from you. Come back soon when you can.
Those gerbers look mighty healthy to me!

New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Morning everyone! Nice to see you again Adele, hope all is well with you as well.

Star, you said you had to divide the gerbers. Do they grow from bulbs? Your baby looks really big and healthy. Congrats!

It's early, but wondering if anyone would like an orange sorbet for breakfast?

Thumbnail by karmaplace
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

It looks scrumptious Karma, but way too pretty to bite into!

New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Thanks Candee! Have to warn you, there's a floral aftertaste.

london England, United Kingdom

Hi everyone
Star, your plants look lovely and very healthy. The leaves look like the dandilion leaves I found for the rabbit yesterday! HUGE!!
Apart from using bleach in the water someone else said (who is a nurse) viagra in the water keeps them up too, I didn't ask how she knew that!!

Hi Karma, I would love an orange sorbet if you have any left please! (you know I can't resist sweet things)! BTW are they from your garden? they look beautiful.

Hi Adele, nice to see you, hope everything is ok with you .... We MISS you dear!
Hi Candee, Sorry about yesterday! It's just that we don't get arrangements from Teensy (or her Mum)! very often!!!

Hi Traci, Wow! growing those beautiful gerbera, you kept that quiet!!!!! lovely.

Have a great weekend everyone. I'm off to dig! see you later.

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Hey everyone! You all know my wonderful friend, Kathy, formerly a princess, has had a rough time lately. Please check out this link.

Sue, a little funny story for you. The blue flowers are pincushions, but after you posted that, I went out and looked at the new stuff blooming. Guess what.....I have bachelor's buttons as well. LOL. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.

As for the green thumb, it has yet to be completely tested. So far I have only overwintered and had them survive. The real test will be the remainder of the year. A whole spring, summer and fall to prove you wrong. LOL.

Adele, good to see you!!

Karma, beautiful and not skeert to eat that one. Send me a serving please!!

Terri, I kept quiet about all my overwinters, just in case they didn't make it :^) So far so good on the gerbers. I have three more pots to plant in a container. Boy, do those dry out fast!! The good thing is that they all have new buds!!

Star, I am curious, what is your foundation that you are selling plants for. Is there a website to look it up? I am going to be placing an order with you soon. Your classifieds look amazing!! Talk about a GREEN THUMB!!

Pincushion plant. This was a week or so ago. You would NOT believe the number of buds on this sucker!! One stem on it now is about 6" higher than the rest. It never quit blooming all winter. Amazing little plant.

Have fun in the garden all! I have cuttings coming in and have to prepare!!


Thumbnail by pupilpropogtr
london England, United Kingdom

Your pin cushions look lovely Traci, mine are not flowering, but have buds so it wont be long.

Gerbera's on ice is my offering for today. no foam, no foliage!

Thumbnail by terriculture
Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Afternoon all!

Stil rainign here, but the thunder has finally quit enough to get back on line for a few.

The florsit gerbers need to be dived about every three years. let me tell ya it alot easier when ya see the new babies coming up to detach them when they have a few roots than to have to try and dump a big pot and battle with a knife to try and cut then power the cut and try adn repot again.

The reson for the divindign is after about 3-5 years the quality of the flowers from the mother plant goes down, but they cna stil be used to make more babies, more like stock plants.

The ones i have were loaded with babies, but cuz of room and weather at the time I didn't get them divided when the babies was young and now they giving me fits.

Lol Viagra for flowers. Makes ya wonder what in that stuff. if I can go to a store that not to busy and buuy a small pack without turning 60 shades of pink and red, might get a pack and try it on some cut flowers and see what happens.

Pupil, I don't have a web page up yet, I workign on it, but it real slow comign cuz I so puter dumb and even with my typing wiht the dyslexia with it take sme forever to try and correct spelling. generally I do locally, so only have some xtras that I put up to try and help.

Would take up a whole lot of space on here, and mess up the cafe , so to tell ya about it , so will send ya a dmail about it.

Oh them pin cushins sure is pretty looking. ^_^ ( love the new button)

Not sure what my Gerbera bloosm are gonan be looking like after all this rain, we need it , but don't need so much of it at once or for so long, but I better hush before I get none and have to go to watering.

terri.. Like how ya did that. ^_^ . Give sme an idea. maybe I coudl get a piece of foam and just stick them into it and do somethign like ya got there goign for form. : )

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Star, Thanks on the gerberas. I've been playing around with them, you said you didn't have any foliage.
Here's some with lentils covering the foam. On the menu today.... sunny lentil stew!

The weather has turned horrible again for the weekend, typical!! it's been raining most of the day here.

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

A table arrangement for the cafe using, Iris, roses and Chrysanths.
You can tell when it's raining here, I'm indoors making things!!!!!

Thumbnail by terriculture
Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

OK, I have to wipe the pie off my face and give CANDEE a huge apology. I have been calling you SUE!! I am so sorry, but am blaming it on the divorce. LOL. For you, my gorgeous bachlor's button. Hope you like it!! I have read somewhere they are great for dried arrangements, so now I have to figure out how to dry them.

Star, thanks for the D-mail!! I admire you for what you are doing. I went to Auburn, so I know the area well. You are my new hero!! Now, how did you do that smiley?

Terri's on a ROOOLLLLLL!! I love days like this. Keep them coming, dear!!

I cannot get over the blue.......

Thumbnail by pupilpropogtr
Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Another Gerber in bloom. I love the color. It is much more subdued than most I have seen (Don't get me wrong, I love the bright ones as well!!)

Thumbnail by pupilpropogtr
london England, United Kingdom

What a pretty pink! yes much more subtle and elegant!!
So, you call 'Cornflowers' bachelor buttons, ok. Love those.

'Special Delivery' for Traci.......

Thumbnail by terriculture
Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Thanks for the lovely roses!! I have really begun to love them more and more and my yellow rose bush has buds. Yay!!

Here is where I IDed the flowers. Yep, Bachelor's Buttons are Cornflowers. I learn everyday!!

Another Bachelor......

Do you know how to dry them?

Thumbnail by pupilpropogtr
london England, United Kingdom

no sorry! I just air dry everything and hope for the best.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Dave gave us the smilies. Ain't it cool. Ya just key your finger on the shift key and don't let up then ya type 6_6 with the shift key down all the time. looks like this when ya type it.

Pupil... It gonan be a long haul and somethign that gonna take years to do, but that where my life is headed and will be what I work on now til I put my feet in the grave.

Land is so darn expensive and since they moving another whole base to this area the prices have doubled and tripled.

I have my stuff which I grow and sell for me and then I have the Dreaming Green stuff for the project.

Love the pink Gerber. Have one simliar in color. The one I really love and maybe sometime I cn aget a pic of it is called Tucan. It starts out one color and as it continues on, It changes colors and has shades of organges and yellows like a Tucans break.

Still misty rainign out their, good o see it sorta stop rainign, but everythign is soakign and ripping wet and gotta check plants here in a bit.

london England, United Kingdom


london England, United Kingdom

oops! just testing.

^_^ ^_^ ^_^

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

LOL.. The smiles sure do add a touch of color to the threads. They don't replace looking at real flowers, but a nice touch to see and remind us all to share a smile evryday with somebody and anybody.

london England, United Kingdom

Thankyou for teaching us how to do the smiles! ^_^

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)


Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Hey, I did it!
LOL Traci, never even noticed the name thing, that blond thing again!!! I read the link for your friend Kathy and am saddened to hear that news.

I love that pink gerbera, it is so soft and quiet unlike those bold, loud one, although I like them all.

That table arrangement with the iris is really nice. The colors are all spring.
Star, what is the project, guess I missed something.

This message was edited Apr 6, 2008 7:49 PM

Coffs Harbour, Australia


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