Why is this happening. I need help here!!

Gilmer, TX(Zone 8a)

Sometimes when I sow things in flats, or whatever, I'll sit them somewhere while waiting to take them into the lights. Of course, a lot of the time, I forget and they sit there a few days. Most of the time when I remember and go to get them, they have already sprouted.
Am I not supposed to be putting the seeds under the lights. Am I supposed to wait until they sprout. Sometimes I think the ones I leave on the Desk or something sprout better.
Anyway, do I have weird seeds?

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Yes and go ahead and get those under the lights that have sprouted, a lot of times when I'm transplanting and finish a seed tray I set them to the side until I can empty the dirt out and some will germinate that I thought wouldn't germinate or I just thought they all germinated and then there will be another seedling or two pop up and those seed trays are just sitting somewhere they don't even get light just waiting to empty the dirt out lol

The seeds that need light to germinate will germinate with just the light from the house as you have found out so you don't really need to put them under lights but I think they germinate a little quicker underlights plus they have the heat from the lights too to help them to grow faster.


Saint Cloud, MN(Zone 4b)

LorraineR you just have strange seeds-LOL No, just kidding. It really depends on the type of seed you are germinating. Some need light, true, but most do not. The ones that you bury don't need it. The problem comes once they have sprouted and if there is not proper lighting, they can become leggy and scrawny.
Hope this was helpful :o)

Gilmer, TX(Zone 8a)

It's all helpful, I think I've been going at this backward, I'm worrying about keeping the ones under the lights before they sprout, and they would probably be better off if I didn't. Then when they start growing I end up with the;m in window sills
Really don't need a lot of heat from the lights, it's 80 something here to day and it rarely gets below 40 or more at night.
So, it's ok to leave them out of the lights until they start to sprout.
And by sprout, I mean as soon as I see any green in the flat !!! Sure would help me!!!

Joey in Conroe, TX(Zone 8b)

Hey Lorraine did you read critteroligists artlicle on seed starting with heat mats? It's really good!
She has a link to using rope lights, I used that method with chamomlie tea this year myself and it has worked great! And cheaper too! More plant money LOL.
She also has one about starting peppers specifically and it has a lot of great info.
Hope this helps! I know you have a mountain of seeds from the mixed swap!

Gilmer, TX(Zone 8a)

I feel so bad, I still haven't gotten mine planted, but anji said she already had some stuff popping up!!

You would die if you saw where I have seeds germinating. I only have 3 (2 bulb) shop lights and it's in a room that is supposed to be a small bedroom, but has lots of light, so it's a mess. Everywhere you look, little plants!!!

I haven't used heat mats yet, cause it's so warm here anyway. I was afraid of getting them too hot.. Isn't it getting warm there too.

Thanks for the links

Joey in Conroe, TX(Zone 8b)

Oh no, you can keep them at about 70 - 80 on the mats, thats what they say is optimal for soil to germinate lot of plants, like peppers and tomatoes and lots of more tropical stuff too. Usually your house isn't that hot and then the soil will be even cooler. I have a rubbermaid box with rope lights in sand at the borrom. I put my trays on there and put the top back on. I don't have a temp controller, but I just purchased an inexpensive aquarium thermometer and stick it in a pot of soil. You would be amazed at what it takes to keep soil at that temp. I check my boxes every morning and take any that have popped up to the lights (I'm running out of room!!)
Some plants are cool temp germinators and the packet or some research will tell you which are. They can be planted in just flats without heat. I'm sure everything will sprout eventually, but the bottom heaters sure makes it go a lot faster!!
I'm sure critter or one of the mopre experinced seed kickers can explain it better than me, but hopefully I didn't screw it up too bad!

Gilmer, TX(Zone 8a)

I'm going to try it. I guess when it's 45 outside, we may feel ok, but the plants inside aren't. Maybe I'll just take them under the electric blanket with me. Oh no, forgot, that's the cat's spot.
I have one that I guess has been watching me turn it on and off, cause when I go to bed now, he gets up to the controller and hits it with his paw.

McLean, VA(Zone 6b)


I love reading your post. They always make me laugh.

Gilmer, TX(Zone 8a)

Thanks, my kids don't call me funny, just sarcastic!!! I always figure the best person to laugh at is me, easier that way, doesn't make anyone mad!! lol

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