Strawberry Patch for 08

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Set up my strawberry patch of Tribune strawberries which were specified for my zone 10 growing. I am awaiting their arrival which shall be this week and I will set six plants per EB (earthbox) for a total of twenty-four plants in four EBs. Thought I would use a Cherub EB over them to give an added attraction as the Brug will not hog the sun. I'll keep you up to date on their arrival, planting and progress.

Thumbnail by Tplant
La Grange, TX(Zone 8b)

Tplant, Is you Brug growing on the east side of the house? If so, that's a perfect spot for the Brug, but not for the strawberries. Strawberries need full day sun to perform their best. If Earth Boxes are as expensive as I think they are, you need to get the most out of what you plant in them to make using them worthwhile.

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Hi bettydee --- Thank you for your concern! The corner that they are in really faces the south. The right side of the home faces east so they do get full sun. They seem to be doing very well in this location but I am concerned about the strong winds we are having at this time and for the past four days. My poor "Cherub" brug has been taking a beating AND ALL HER FLOWERS HAVE BEEN BLOWN OFF. Yet she still gives off an evening fragrance that is delicious but back to strawberries.-- I purchased them bare root from Nourse Farms and every one of them "took". Very happy with them. They even gave me a few extra which I planted in-ground. (EBers forgive me?) LOL The berries, Tribune, were specified for my zone 10. Never grew this variety before and if I like them I may set up a permanent patch along my fence line.

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

My strawberrys are doing great. I've been picking off the first flowers already to insure a quality crop. Can't wait for the first juicy sweet berry. GROW! GROW!

Thumbnail by Tplant
Boca Raton, FL(Zone 10a)

Tplant- How are you. Here's a couple of pics of my Chandler berries. No flowers yet, but growing good. All 25 took.
How many flowers do you take off a plant? What kind of difference does it make. My plants are June bearers.


Thumbnail by BocaBob
Boca Raton, FL(Zone 10a)

Here's a bunch in a EB

Thumbnail by BocaBob
Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

The purpose for removing the first few flowers are to discourage the plant from producing pre-mature fruit and also sapping strength from the plant when it is needed to grow and produce quality fruit. However this may not be necessary with your plants as I do not see flowers and you do have a different variety than me. Your plants are a little larger than mine but I would still pinch off the early buds. This is only done at the early stages of growth.

Bordentown, NJ(Zone 7a)

Tplant and leetomkatebob:

Updates on your berry plants? How are they doing?


Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Mine were doing great! Much to my surprise we had a large batch of berrys very early but now they have the dreaded "Red Stele?" which is a killing rust like virus that kills the plant. I am very surprised as it was not through my doing as I washed my EBs with bleach and used fresh mix. It must have been transferred with the plants? I will contact the Nourse people and let them know. I'm sure that they have had other complaints!

Glen Ellyn, IL(Zone 5b)

Have you done a report on Nourse for the Garden Watchdog?

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

LT -- I will after I contact Nourse.

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