help please

Danville, VA(Zone 7a)

I am new here to this forum and I am hoping someone can help me ?
I planted seeds in a new bio dome that I got for Christmas. They are sprouting nicely. I now see what I believe to be mold on the bottom of the baby seeds... Can I spray something for this or is all hope gone? I never used the dome before and now am thinking I did not have this problem lastyear when I just used big peat pots.
Thank you for any help.

Northeast, LA(Zone 8a)

Susan I use the biodomes and love them. Mix up a mild 1 to 10 bleach solution and lightly spray your plugs and leave the top off. I take it these are sprouted seed? Is the mold green or is it the hairy white. I think the green is algae and shouldn't hurt your plants.

Danville, VA(Zone 7a)

Thank you so much for the fast reply... It is white fuzzy... I think the plugs were to wet? Yes this is on the little one that have sprouted.. I did take the domes off.. So is that where I went wrong I kept them on? I have other seeds in there that have not sprouted yet. I pulled two of the plugs out that had killed the babies but the rest look pretty good just fuzzy...LOL
Thank you once again and how are you?

Northeast, LA(Zone 8a)

I'm doing good Susan. I leave the lid on mine if they have not sprouted. I start potting them up in styrofoam coffee cups as soon as they sprout so they can be outside the moist enviroment. I used these last year and had all types of problems. I have a lot of them this year and have learned how to use them. They are great because as soon as a seed spouts I can pot it up without disturbing it's roots. I do not use the hole in the middle unless I have large seeds. Tinest seeds just lay on top others I tear the sponge a little bit between the hole and the outside edge and place the seed there.

Danville, VA(Zone 7a)

Ok so Cindy you are telling me I can pot these up and do I spray them then? or before I take out of dome? I have my stuff mixed and ready I just need to know how LOL I am a fraidy cat... sp is awful... also do you keep your domes open or the wholes closed on top?
I am so glad you are doing well... I miss talking to you....

Northeast, LA(Zone 8a)

I keep my holes closed because they are under lights. The light will dry them up over night. I would spray only the seedling affected unless you see signs of the problem on your sponges..If I suspect I have over watered I take the lid off and place under the lights. Hey you can talk to me anyday. I am always hanging around midsouth.
Good luck on these. Cindy

Danville, VA(Zone 7a)

I took the domes off these are the really BIG bio domes... I will plant the little ones in solo cups for today unless I get done doing this fryed chicken sooner then I will run to store... I will put domes back on later... I also have lights on them Cindy.... So I am going to spray the babies now then finish the chicken...

Northeast, LA(Zone 8a)

I'll be right there to help you eat that chicken. Cindy

Danville, VA(Zone 7a)

Cindy you of all people are always welcome to eat the chicken or anything else in the house :-) I make what the south calls northern fryed chicken... I only fry boneless, skinless breasts. My chicken is not greasy... Hey there was a time when kids were in school then my one son went into the Marines and brought home haft of his platoon and I think I cooked 50 something breasts that week all because Matt said you never tasted chicken until you tasted my moms...LOL I still have kids from collage call and say hey mom where home this weekend can you cook us your nothern fryed chicken...LOL these are not my kids these are friends of theres...LOLOL gotta love them and they are young men now but will always be the boys or the kids to me....

Northeast, LA(Zone 8a)

mmm sounds good but alas the dr made me go on Sugar busters. I do miss my fried chicken. Had my oven fixed today so I may just oven fry some. (does not substitute for the real thing) Cindy

Danville, VA(Zone 7a)

Stupid question.. What is sugar busters?

Northeast, LA(Zone 8a)

Sugar Busters is the name of a diet just like South Beach is. Not a stupid question.

Danville, VA(Zone 7a)

Oh ok never heard of that ... I am going to go to Wait watchers I know I spelled it wrong..LOL

Northeast, LA(Zone 8a)

I never did very well with the weight watchers. I know a lot of people who have though. Are you waiting to go?Sugar Busters is very much like the South beach diet. It was well known here because I think the two people who wrote the book was from Louisiana.

Danville, VA(Zone 7a)

I have not gone yet Cindy I was waiting for life to slow down a bit...LOL I am going to look your diet up later..LOL
Cindy when you take your seeds out of the dome do you have them on a heat mat? Also do you just have lights on your seeds or heat mat also?

Northeast, LA(Zone 8a)

It depends where I am trying to grow them. In the shop I use the heat mat because I don't run the heat out there. I have a glass room now that I am heating with a little heater so the room is very warm with the lights too. Top shelf has no lights so I use a heatmat there. I keep my seedlings under lights until I feel they are large enough to live off the light of the glass room. Seedling needs a lot of light to keep from being leggy. If you can keep them fairly short until they get the first true leaves it is easier to keep them from growing leggy by pinching. If you only have artifical light it is important to keep it close. One of the best tools I have is an inexpensive temp probe. The probe has a wire about 18 in. long. I slip the probe under the flat and read the electronic readout. This lets me know for sure how warm my soil is and not just guessing. I use it to check my heat mats too.

Danville, VA(Zone 7a)

Ok got you I think...LOL I have my domes on heat mat and lights... I took out some vinca's and easter egg plants that had second set of leaves...Also on Lily. So Cindy I just pinch the tops off to keep from getting leggy? I had leggy plants last year.. don't want that this year...
Thank you for all your help.

Northeast, LA(Zone 8a)

As long as you have a set of true leaves left. Not the first leaves that emerged. If mine seem to get real leggy between the first set of real leaves and the second I pinch the second set off. This helps mine to make a sturdier stalk. I have been running a very light air movement (fan) on them too. I have been told this makes them hardier too. Dries them out quicker though. With the sponges you can transplant the seedlings to a cup before the first set of real leaves if you need too.

Danville, VA(Zone 7a)

Oh well I just cut the tops off..LOLOLOL I have more to plant and I have the fans and will hook up after work tomorrow... Cindy you have a great day tomorrow and thank you so much for all your help.

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