Edisto Island, SC(Zone 8b)

LouC...saw your post and was wondering...your surgery turned out so well that you are hopping in and out of your raised bed?? saw no mention of a puppy or did i see one in any of the pics you posted so i'm confused here...i do hope you are saying the fusion worked out really well as my brother may have to have something like that done...

since this thread turned into really raised beds i'd like to show mine...copied from a fellow named cowpea on accessible gardening forum


Thumbnail by virginbred
Edisto Island, SC(Zone 8b)

these are 40" high and made using road grade plastic culverts cut in half...with holes drilled in the bottom for drainage...i've filled them with a combination of coco coir and compost...they will remain sitting on this concrete pad unless my husband needs the space...i'm really looking forward to seeing how they work out this growing season...

Thumbnail by virginbred
Dallas, TX(Zone 8a)

your combo coco coir/compost mix sounds real good, would like to see pics and let us know how it works out. I am also trying a coco coir amendment to my raised beds. the mix is about 20:80 ratio parts by volume of coco:compost.

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Now THAT'S a raised bed. Looks really good. No stooping and complete control over the soil and varmints.

Hahahaha! I'm not jumping in the raised bed. The dog is. Surgery is now 6 months and I am doing very well. Will never be 100% but then at my age, who is. Release from pain of 5 years is well worth it. Went to a well qualified surgeon and had more than one opinion.

I,too, will be following your progress with the beds.


Edisto Island, SC(Zone 8b)

glad to know you are doing much better christi...will keep the forum posted on my progress...virginia

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

It is going to be a fantastic weather day. The yard crew is coming to help with my latest "I have an idea"...haha. DH and the man that owns the landscaping company both just roll their eyes when I say that. If I had the room I would be showing them pictures of your raised beds. Envious as I see the old barn and the hay stack in the background.

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