Gosh...got a little carried away

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

This is my 1st time to try wintersowing. I'm not sure where I'm going to plant all these 65 jugs. (all different mix of annuals & perennials).

Thumbnail by joannabanana
Whitsett, NC(Zone 8a)

joannabanana - what are some of the seeds you started?

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

I'm a 2 finger typer, so this is going to be a task.

Silene, Canledula, Phacelia, Butterfly Flower, Balloon Flower, Helipteram, Acroclinium, Aster. Crego, Dusty Miller, Anagallis, Oranamental Cabbage, Victoria Salvia, Canary Bird Vine, Crepis Rubra, Glorisiosa Dble Gold Daisy, Lavetera, Geum,, Angle Amber Viola, Lemon Mum Marigold, Blue Poppy, Bunny Tail Grass, Angels Choir Poppy, Ooh LaLa Poppy, Fruit Punch Poppy, Limanthe, Purple Rain Pansy, Zulu Prince & Orange Prince Venidium, Wahlenbergia, Larkspur, Amaranthe, Gypsophila, Sanvitalia, alyssum, Sunflowers, Laceflower, Schizanthus, Cappuccino Rudbeckkia, Brachycome, Clarika, Ice Plant, Linaria, Sweet Peas, Heliopia, Didiscus, Anchussa, Abutilon, Phlox, Convolvulus, Gazania, Stipa, Melinis, Thunbergia, Eucalyptus, Pavlova Aster

there it is....too bad my garden isn't an acre

Whitsett, NC(Zone 8a)

Wow! Wow! That is alot! Let me know if the ice plant works . . . the poppies will work great for you, as well as the marigolds and the morning glories. Gazania worked for me . . . ooh, if the eucalyptus works, let me know where you got your seeds!

I'm looking forward to your garden once it warms up for you!

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

Quite an impressive line-up!! LOL

Some of those seeds you've named I've never heard of--it will be interesting to see/hear about your successes!

And it looks like you'll need a five acre garden!

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

What a gift you have - you even made milk jugs look good!

North Pole, AK(Zone 1)

I'm curious...What are your current high/low temps?

I love a lot of the flowers you sowed and now have to research the others 'cuz like Tabsco, I've never heard of several...

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Our temperatures are typically below freezing @ night & daytime high can be over 50F. Today's high is 14C, which is about 57F. There will be a number of days where is will not get above freezing in March. Our average last frost is about Mid-May .

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

CLAP, Clap, clap!!! Very impressive! It's a wonderful addiction & the best cure for the "winter time blues"!

Fayette, MO(Zone 6a)

Love it..!

I am hoping everyone that is showing their wintersowing containers now will show them again later so we can see what worked...

Fair Grove, MO(Zone 6b)

I currently have around 250 kinds that I have WS and so far so good. I have 2 varieties of Digitalis coming up, I already transplanted 2 varieties of poppies and I also have a couple more that have just germinated. I WS several shrubs so I hope they come up. Here's the short list.

Mock Orange
Callicarpa Dichtoma
Callicarpa Americana
Queen's Poppy
Drama Queen Poppy
Orange Poppy
Lavender Peony Poppy
Pink Peony Poppy
Breadseed Poppy
Himalayan Poppy
Sweet Shrub aka Carolina Allspice
Bells of Ireland
Indian Pink
6 Coneflowers
Mina Lobata
Hyacinth Bean Purple & White
Hibiscus both tropical and hardy

That's all I can think of without my spreadsheet in front of me.
I didn't realize you could WS Morning Glories & Gazanias, I better get mine out there quick.

Fayette, MO(Zone 6a)

The sweet shrub sounds really interesting .. Where did you get seeds?

I am very excited about the hardy hibiscus I planted... Hope it works.!

Cordele, GA(Zone 8a)

joannabanana, sturdying your milk jugs in those cement blocks is a great idea!

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Actually, I thought I would move them to a less sunny area. Daytime heating may stimulate germination & we may get some pretty cold nights for a while. Then again, this is the 1st time I have tried wintersowing, so what do I know??

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

sigh . . . how is that everyong else has stuff sprouting - but not me? sigh . . . .

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

LOL Well, I don't know..., do we really want stuff sprouting now? I would be afraid of it freezing out in a cold snap still to come. At least for us here in Cincy I think there's still a bit of harsh weather to come...

Buffalo, NY(Zone 6a)

I can't even see most of my WS containers underneath the snow on the deck. So no, no sprouting here either. :)

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

I agree with tabasco. Here in Cinti, I'm not too anxious too see most seeds sprout yet. That foot of snow we got last Friday is quickly disappearing in this warm weather, but the cold will return soon. But I did sow one jug of dwarf BBs to have one early sprouter. They'll take most anything the weather can dish out, as well as allowing me to see some actual sprouts.

This photo, taken last Saturday, shows my bins full of milk jugs. Sort of.


Thumbnail by kqcrna
Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

Most of our snow is gone from the weekend is gone so I'll be able to check for a few sprouts today.

I looked for Batchelor Button seeds at Lowes yesterday and they didn't seem to stock them. Are they sold under another name? I would like to have some early sprouters too.

I planted some raddichio and random salad greens seeds yesterday in a big bin so I'm hoping I'll get some of those to sprout soon. They say they like the cool weather and I would love them for an early springtime salad! Hope it works out!

Thumbnail by tabasco
Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Well...I don't believe it!! The Clarkia has germinated. We have no snow & the temps dip to -10C or 14F. I thought the sweet peas would be 1st.

Thumbnail by joannabanana
Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

Tabasco: Sometimes bachelor buttons are labeled "cornflowers" or "centaurea". I have one BB seedling sprouted in the whole container. The only others I have are alyssum and rose campion.


Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

My bin of mixed salad greens from Scheepers Kitchen Garden Seeds germinated a couple of days ago. I'm really looking forward to some nice salads this spring!

I believe I have some Centaurea seeds from a trade and I will go ahead and throw those into a container. Thanks for the tip.

Is anyone else running out of potting mix??? )-:

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

I'm running out. I'm pretty much out of containers ... but i did find those shoe box things i used last year. I'll have to put them in the 2gal ziplocs though.... funny thing -- at the end of the block, there is a milk jug off on the side of the road... i've been meaning to go grab it.

OH, i have zero seedlings too.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

We have had cold days & nights for the last week. Can't believe it Royal Ensign Convolvulus germinated. Weird. Also the annual baby's breath germinated. Our day time high are currently +5 C, 41F & night lows are -10C, 14F

Thumbnail by joannabanana
Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

Pretty neat, huh?



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