Possible planning (nonwork) party?

Port Angeles, WA(Zone 8b)

I'm thinking about 17 May as a possible date for a "planning" as opposed to work party at my place. I think I've run the idea by most, but just in case ~ I'm not ready for a work party because I don't know exactly what I want where and don't know what will work where and don't have enough money to buy garden mix at $30/yard + delivery!. What I would like to do is have a planning party instead, which will consist of me giving each of you a plat plan of my property drawn to scale, with the house, the furboys yard, existing beds (all two of them), Quarter Acre Wood, etc., mapped out on it. We will then do a "walkabout." I will share with you my ideas and and you will offer your input as to what you think would work well in the different places on the property, writing them on the plat map you have been provided. I will then research the plants you have suggested and will come up with a plan for the different areas. I think the communal effort will create a really marvelous plan and certainly expand my choices in addition to making it an overall PNW forum memorial landscaping event. I can only imagine the really positive energy that would be incorporated into the entire acre. I would not be able to walk in any part of the landscaping without thinking of the person or persons who offered the ideas for that particular area. I think this would be good...no back breaking labor, just a gentle walk with food and beverage (could be wine for those inclined to stay). Let me know if this date works for everyone (although I'm sure it won't work for everyone, my hope it that it will work for most). DH is the "king of smoked meat and barbeque sauce," has two smokers, makes his own barbeque sauce, and LOVES to create food for the masses. No worries for the vegetarians in the group ~ our son is a vegan, so we are well-versed in alternative meal planning! The following weekend is Memorial Day and we will be out of town at a dog trailing event, which just happens to be at a friend's iris farm (yes, plants can be brought back from there, so anyone looking for iris, let me know and I'll see what I can find). Let me know how this date works for all of you. If we have enough people who can make it, I'll ink it. Could also possibly be the Saturday before.

Burwash Weald, United Kingdom(Zone 9b)

Me too please - I can get in on this one if you e-mail me a plan and a brief.

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

Outta that sounds good, but that won't fly for me, I'm taking my Vac on the 27th of April to the 5th of May but I'm close and can make a trip to you during that time. you are not that far from me, drove it for 8+ years have friends in Sequim and PA.
The 27th is the trip to Heidi's, let me know what day would work in that time frame for me to come see you . you can still do your plan. with the rest of the DGers, I don't get weekends off. Soooo Sad

Port Angeles, WA(Zone 8b)

Hey Tills ~ Usually any Friday through Sunday is good for me, but we do have our dog training every other Sunday. Better yet, what are your days off? Let me know what works for you...my weekend schedule is fairly flexible.

Laurie ~ I will be HAPPY to e-mail you, snail mail, paper airplane or whatever the plan to you. I will also take more photos on a good sunny day so you can have a better idea of what it's like. The problem I'm having is that the photos posted don't really give a good perspective of topography, size, slope, ground, exposure, etc. So I figured if I had everyone over, they could see it first hand and have a better idea of what I have here. Hey ~ your DH "zips" over to Poland for the day...how 'bout you "zip" over to Washington for the weekend?

This message was edited Mar 9, 2008 7:21 AM

Whidbey Island, WA(Zone 7a)

This PNW group is fabulous! There are only two problems with the group - #1), Laurie lives in England and #2) right now I can't participate!

But how I love reading all this stuff . . . just love it!!!

Port Angeles, WA(Zone 8b)

Murmur ~ I'd be happy to include you in the same way that I include Laurie. . .send you a plan and let your imagination run wild!

Moscow, ID(Zone 5a)

Sheri - I can make it, as long as I know 3 weeks out - that way I can avoid scheduling conflicts. I'm flexible with the date - let me know what's best for you and the others.

By the way - thank you for speaking to the issue of perspective. No matter how accomplished a person is at photography, a picture is 2 dimensional, and until you are physically present in the area photographed, it is incredibly difficult to understand the sense of space.
I noted that again at Rach's - pictures had been previously posted, but size & depth was not comprehensible until I did a walkabout.

I am anxious, however, to see a plat drawing of your property. If you're able to make these available prior to the chosen date, please send me one. I would like to familiarize myself with where I am going to be. I'd like to do a mental "flyover".

A cheery, but not over-the-top "Hello" to the Smoked Meat/BBQ sauce Master!
And a noble Queen's wave to you!

Olympia, WA(Zone 7b)

It's on my calendar! Looking forward to it. Rach

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)


I'd really like to be there, too. I also like the idea of getting the plans early to start thinking about the whole area first. I second Kate's comment about perspective, size and depth.

Port Angeles, WA(Zone 8b)

I am today delivering houseplants I have been sitting for the past one and one-half years to my Bro and SIL. Upon my return home, DH and I are heading out with the 250' tape measure to start making the layout. I will snail-mail or e-mail a copy to any and all.

Does anyone have a preference on the date? I know April is EXTREMELY busy for everyone (myself included), so May looks the best, either the 10th or the 17th. You guys vote (either of those days is fine for us), and then we'll ink it.


Oh...BTW, everyone. Thanks so much for all the babies over the past few weeks. The pot ghetto, which was nonexistent prior to the swap, has officially gone condo!

Olympia, WA(Zone 7b)

I vote for the 17th. Rach

Snohomish, WA

If you want some crazy ideas give me an all shade area and I vote the 17th!
When you find yourself in danger, when you are threaten by a stanger, when you think that you will take a lickin'. There is just one thing to do, when theres no one you there for you, just call for Super Chicken!!!!! Bock, bock ,bock bock!!!!!

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

You must like 'Texas Ranger' but took it in a diff. angle LOL

Port Angeles, WA(Zone 8b)

So far it the 17th - 2
10th - 0

Hey Gordon ~ Here's one for you: http://video.aol.com/video/tv-in2tv-magilla-gorilla-sing-a-long/1831090

Snohomish, WA

That's so cool! Gotta check out what else they have on there!

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

I vote the 17th as well :)

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Crazy kids . . . I think May would be great - my April is pretty full already. And by then we'll have lots of evening-time. What a fun idea!!

Vashon, WA(Zone 8b)

Due to family needs, which are sometimes unpredictable, I won't know if I can come until we get closer to the time. But I'm not sure I'd be the best person to ask about garden planning, as I have consistently made total messes of most ornamental beds I plant--putting things way too close together for example. I'm good at weeding though, and I could offer some experience with what plants the deer are more likely to leave alone

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

MHF, right there you're providing some help that I can't give-other than stuff I've read, I know nothing about plants deer won't eat. I could design Sheri the best Deer Salad Bowl in three counties without some of that sort of info. I do hope you will be able to be there!

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Holly -

You've hit right on the reason you can be helpful - because you've tried a bunch of things that haven't worked. Nothing can match real-world experience. I think every one of us has done something like that (more than a few times).

Snohomish, WA

Flowering Maple! Lady said sure it will over winter with mulch! Long whistling sound...........................then very large BOOM!!! And cut!

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

An Abutilon? Did you lose it?

I have a couple of friends on the west side (Ballard, Shoreline) who have them. I wonder if it just gets that much colder up here.

Snohomish, WA

The ONLY plant I lost! It was very pretty! Flower World lures you in with them in hanging baskets, and bush form and tree graphs. Bright pumpkin orange flowers that lasted till October. Then the cold hit and it died like a slug with salt! If I ever do anouther Abutilon it will be potted and become house bound. We'll talk milk jugs some time too! :-)

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

Oh, you mean like the one that's living in my garage?

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Sue - what? Do you have an Abutilon in your garage? Or a Milk Can? I think it should become our trademark garden ornament. How funny if we each had our own Milk Can section of the garden. Sort of like a contest, but with no winner. How did YOU decorate with your milk can? LOL

So Sheri - I posted some of the pictures I took of the green elephant church memorial garden on the thread about planting under firs. I just listed some of the plants I remember that were in that garden (OMG, I'm using threads now to take notes for myself for future reference. I'm officially addicted. Sigh.) Anyway, there's a picture of the climbing hydrangea, etc. there. I'm going to reference this for planting under my firs - you might want to, too.

Will post the picture of the "rock theives" on the GE thread (forgot I had that on my camera) later in the week when I've caught up on domestic life and sleep.

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

Abutilon, but not in a milk can.... lol on the "dairy garden" ;)

Snohomish, WA

The winner is someone who can get the cap off any of those rusty things!Like pulling the sword from the stone!

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Didn't think about that . . .

Sue - funny. I really thought you meant the milk can. Hehehehehehehehe.

Burwash Weald, United Kingdom(Zone 9b)

Ohhhhh, climbing hydrangea! Please please, remind me at the weekend to take a snap of ours - I can not claim authorship, I am indebted to a VERY previous owner - but it is to die for, and I am absolutely sure who ever planted this one is long buried! What a memorial it is, and I am grateful to them.

Katye, you are absolutely right about perspective and being present to really see the land - HOWEVER, I have not noticed the absence of such presence has slowed me down from having and VOICING very loudly my opinion on anything and everything. I do reserve the right, for everyone, to toss out all such opinions - stamp approved, crown off. (Gordon, would you like a turn with my crown?)

Port Angeles, WA(Zone 8b)

Okay everyone...looks like the 17th. That's great for me. It is officially INKED, (borrowing Laurie's crown ) stamped, approved! (here's your crown back, Laurie. Thanks for the temporary queening).

Kathy ~ thanks for the pix. The hydrangea is something I definitely want.

MHF ~ Everyone has something to offer. Your beds are beautiful and I would LOVE to not feed the deer with my landscaping. Last year she ate all the leaves off my apple and two cherry trees (first year planted, so that's okay) so will have to net them this year. Hope you can make it!

All ~ started measuring yesterday and will work on the "map" so that you all will have it well in advance. I will also post pictures of each area. There are a fews areas for which I already have the vision, just not the plants. The remainder of the yard is just kind of a blur. All I know is I want wandering pathways, all connecting, in amongst different beds of different looks.

Okay everybody. . .here we gooooooooooooooo

Buckeye, AZ(Zone 9a)

Hey Outta,
Can you send me a copy of your area too! I hope to be able to attend. Sounds like a blast to me!

Olympia, WA(Zone 7b)

I will add it to the PNW DG calendar!

Vashon, WA(Zone 8b)

I will make it if I am able to, along with my list of plants that deer have not devoured (some left alone, some nibbled mildly), and some that they have munched but the plant grew fast enough not to be decimated completely.

I do have a milk can, currently hanging out on the patio. The lid is rusting out, so soon the issue of getting the lid off will be moot. I also have a cream separator pan which I have planted as a container with the drain spout over the edge of the porch. Both of these came from the abandoned barn on the farm where my husband grew up in South Dakota.

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

Sheri I thought this old tread of the trip we made to Heidi's would give you some ideas, it did for me.


Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Holly -

Even better. Your milkcan comes with 'provenance' as they say. It has a history known to you, which, I think, enlivens it with lots of magic.

Rachel's border in front under the fir is rosemary interspered with boxwood. Have you tried to border your favorite plants with rosemary or lavender? It seems that works for many people. And a massing of either of these is beautiful. With the rosemary you can leave it natural or make it a little more formal. It also seems like some of the rosemaries can take quite a bit of shade, thought obviously they won't flower as well in the shade.

This message was edited Mar 10, 2008 12:58 PM

Moscow, ID(Zone 5a)

Laurie - I have no doubt about the wealth of info and high quality sovereign advice you could and will give. LOL - and looking forward to hearing you LOUD & CLEAR!
I was referring more to my own inability to have an adequte comprehension of a space both by itself & as a part of the larger whole. I do best if I am "in" the area in question. I think 3-dimensionally, so the best way for me to absorb information is to experience it.
When are we going to experience your royal presence???
Do I need to hie myself across the pond to convince you of a visit?
The bees - Da**-it! Think of the bees!!!

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)


Burwash Weald, United Kingdom(Zone 9b)

Katye - I agree wholeheartedly that being in the space gives a real reality to the planning - but being in my own reality (whether it has anything to do with real reality or not) - well, as queen, what can I say! Royalty has a history of not considering othe's sense of reality! (I've just read Tomalin's biography of Pepys, which gives a fair ol' view of the royal 'we')!

You are more than welcome to 'hie' yourself ov'r ta England - but there are no travel plans for me, other than in my extremely vivid imagination.

Love to you all - L

Vashon, WA(Zone 8b)

Sure wish we could go on a field trip to England. Think of the gardens to tour (Laurie's of course being the jewel of them all) and Beatrix Potter's house to visit. Now I know what I'd do if I ever won the lottery--take the PNW forum on a world garden tour. Problem is, I generally don't buy lottery tickets and somebody from Vashon won it once (the guy who worked at the county landfill), so my chances are nil. So sad.

Sheri, how exciting that you have your property map underway. That is bound to be helpful for long range planning, and should be fun to play around with on rainy afternoons when you don't feel like getting soaked outside.

Here's the milk can, awaiting a better spot.

Thumbnail by mauryhillfarm
Buckeye, AZ(Zone 9a)

They make nice pot holders in the garden, there are two in this picture both have pots on them...

Thumbnail by cocoajuno

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