Making a PVC Plant Stand

Brunswick, MD(Zone 6b)

Just finished making my plant shelves. Not hard at all. Took me about 3 hours more or less. The worst part was the dust from cutting the PVC. I think it’s even in my hair. Total cost was around $113. Could’ve saved a little if I hadn’t gone with the plant grow lights, but I wasn’t sure which regular fluorescents to get so I spent a little more to play it safe.

Here’s the step by step pictures.

Thumbnail by miatablu
Brunswick, MD(Zone 6b)

All the PVC cut into the right lengths and the PVC connections laid out.

Thumbnail by miatablu
Brunswick, MD(Zone 6b)

First level put together. Putting it together was the fun part!

Thumbnail by miatablu
Brunswick, MD(Zone 6b)

Frame done.

Thumbnail by miatablu
Brunswick, MD(Zone 6b)

Lights and everything else. I need longer chains and a timer. I thought the one I had gotten a long time ago was a 3 prong, but it wasn’t.

Thumbnail by miatablu
Brunswick, MD(Zone 6b)

TaDa! All done. I’m very pleased with it. I’m thinking about painting it when the weather gets nice enough outside. Next time I post a picture of it there will be plants on it.

Thumbnail by miatablu
Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Miata, Great Job!!!! I had my DH cut me a piece of Partical board so that I could use a heat mat just to get the seeds started. Adds a nice flat surface under the flats.

West Pottsgrove, PA(Zone 6b)

Neat! In case anybody's interested, PVC takes lacquer paint beautifully, but you have to sand the shiny coating off for it to be really permanent. When you said the worst part was the dust from cutting, I figured you didn't glue the joints... no need to, I guess, it's not like it has to hold water. That pvc adhesive really stinks.

Columbia, MO(Zone 5b)

Turned out great!

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Claypa, I asked hubby not to glue the second one he made just in case we needed to take it apart. He was happy not to glue it!


Thank you for rounding up this great plant stand. I have all the materials except the four ways and lights. I would like to add shelving so the stand can feature house plants and a timer when not pressed into plant starting duty.

PVC will clean up nicely using a latex glove on hands, acetone wipe and then spray painted.............although brush painting will use about a third the paint for about a third the cost.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

I'm in awe!!! Great job!!

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

WTG!!! I am so envious that you started AND finished your project. I started work on a copper arbor 2 weeks ago and it's still looks like your 2nd picture - in pieces :( This chilly weather has slowed my progress - the copper's too darned cold to work with!

Brunswick, MD(Zone 6b)

I planted 3 flats of seeds on Sunday. Just got back from Lowes with my longer chains and timer. Now I'm in business.

Ladygardener, for now I found some wood slats to support the flats, but I think I'll take your advice about the particle board.

Claypa, thanks for the advice about the painting. And like Ladygardener, I didn't glue it. I also wanted the option to disassemble it if I wanted.

Thanks Tetleytuna.

Docgipe, how's yours comin' along?

RCN, I have no doubts you'll finish up your project in no time and it will look beautiful. You amazed me with the steps to the arbor that you surprised your husband with. Please post pics when your done.

Chantell, where is "Awe" and how is the weather there? ;-)


Docgipe got a snoot full of a spring cold. I did get the pieces cut but have not gone to the big box store for the fittings I do not have. That would be the crosses and a T or two.

I am doing it as a permanent growing stand for the violet cuttings Critter shared or swapped with me and the Christmas Cactus..........six all different I ordered. Time permitting and growing being normal I'll give you all three guesses what I will bring to next years seed and goodies swap. The first two don't count. :)))

Our back East facing picture windows are trim painted in dark green. The new addition shall be the same color. Most plants are happy in that location. The violets will like the inside darker spaces or I may need to improvise a light shade hanging for them to hide behind.

I have a month to fit in a couple of hours to finish the plant stand.

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

Ohhhh cool. Maybe someday? The greenhouse will have to suffice for the time being. LOL>

Brunswick, MD(Zone 6b)

Made a little change to my stand. I returned the light fixtures and replaced them with ones that took the T-8 bulbs instead of the T-12. The hum in the other fixture was too annoying. The new fixture was a little more expensive, but since I couldn't find the grow bulbs, the less expensive regular bulbs balanced out the cost. And as of this morning, we have some germination! OK all you people who said grow lights weren't necessary, all together now "I Told You So".


Only once in forty years did I use a grow light. None of the greenhouses that produce liners for our gardens do either. Should say none that I know of. That is a good CMA. :))

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Go, you !!
The nice space between shelves will make it really useful for winter indoor plants.
The new light that I hooked up this year is on a shelf that's really not high enough. Already scouting for new place. Couple things ready for six packing soon. Lots going on!! could put tomato seeds in cold frame already....


I said I would build one of these plant stands. Instead my bride has come up with a better idea. What I will build now is a stand that melds much better with the room it will be displayed in and used full time in. I really like this stand but it does not meet with the ballance of our development of a plant room. The pictures of our concept will be shown here as it gets done. Much more effort will be required but our new idea will work even better.

I see several of you are building the PVC stand. I'm sure it will give you all of the benefits mentioned. I shall now enjoy your build as you progress.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

NIcely done, Miata!

Doc, I think an East window is ideal for African violets -- that's what mine had way back when in Pittsburgh, with no need for any shade or sheer to cut the light.


Considering a two foot shelf we find the little extra distance inside the East window to be where our violets look and grow the best.

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

I must agree that the PVC stand is not for everyone, but if you have a damp old basement like mine you can't beat it.
And it is easy to make, and if you take the list to one of the chains like Lowe's they might even cut the PVC pipes for you.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


I see you sacrificed some space among your beer and bar stuff to have this seed stand!
To me--that would also be the ultimate sacrifice.....Gotta keep our priorities straight! Right?


Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Gita, Beer and plants go together, Nothing like a cold beer on a hot summer day after weeding the garden. She is just getting an early start! LOL

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