What sprouting in my yard?

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

A blizzard, which lasted a day and a half.


Thumbnail by kqcrna
Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

My 6 foot husband in a drift

Thumbnail by kqcrna
Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

My jugs, taken today. There are 31 jugs in those bins

Thumbnail by kqcrna
Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

My house

Thumbnail by kqcrna
Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

Back yard patio

Thumbnail by kqcrna
Bucyrus, OH(Zone 6a)

You inspired me. :) My patio.


Thumbnail by joegee
Bucyrus, OH(Zone 6a)

Back yard. There's a needle palm buried in here somewhere. :)


Thumbnail by joegee
Bucyrus, OH(Zone 6a)

My neighbor, being more brave than me. All travel is banned today in my Ohio county, Crawford.


Thumbnail by joegee
Bucyrus, OH(Zone 6a)

The view to the south.

Thumbnail by joegee
Bucyrus, OH(Zone 6a)

My poor buddha is buried up to his neck. Look for him in the lower third center of the photo. He is also wearing a little snow-peak cap.


Thumbnail by joegee
Bucyrus, OH(Zone 6a)

kqcrna, you folks got it harder than us. We just had a winter storm with blizzard like conditions. You got the full on brunt of the storm. Stay warm today. It looks like we get relief by the end of the week.


Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

how much did you folks get in that last storm?
we got a dusting that melted as soon as the sun came up.

so, all we have left from our winter storms are the old shoved piles of ice and melted snow that is sheets of ice.

Bucyrus, OH(Zone 6a)

We have somewhere around a foot here in North Central Ohio, with a few more inches still to fall. Gusty winds have turned it into high drifts and closed down my county. Kqcrna's area saw it a lot worse, I think.


Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

We also got about a foot. It started around 7 a.m. yesterday and ended (hopefully) at 4 p.m. today. There were blizzard warnings for about 24 hours. Also a level 3 snow emergency here, all travel banned except emergency vehicles.

Seems to be over now, and the sun popped out!


Bucyrus, OH(Zone 6a)

I just went out to start digging out. The sunset is gorgeous. We got 15" here. It's amazing how many people do not understand the words "travel ban." They're now getting stuck in the middle of streets. The police will make $$$ today, assuming *they* can get out. :)


Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Yanno how they have that "stupidity" thing in Arizona.... if you get stuck in the water and we have to tow you.... you will be charged.... they should have the same thing for "snow rescues".

I just think there are so many with absolutely no common sense.

my oldest used to get so mad at us when we wouldnt let him go out when it was snowing.... til a few months ago, we had blizzard like conditions and he had to drive home from school. [it was his 12 hr day... and the snow didn't start til 7pm ish]
but it certainly terrified him.... now he knows why we always told him , "No".

Buffalo, NY(Zone 6a)

We're up to well over a foot here in Buffalo! They say maybe two feet by morning. And I was thinking of actually doing a bit of planting next weekend. I mean, they are forecasting a thaw, but how long will it take to melt this stuff?

This message was edited Mar 8, 2008 6:58 PM

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

a coupla days with sun and at least mid 40's and you could lose a lot of it... but 2 feet, not sure... we have yet to get that much on the ground at one time. think we lost about 14" [to the bare ground] in about 2-3days last month. [bit of rain and 3 days in the 40's]

i say .... good riddance .... i'm so ready for Spring.

Buffalo, NY(Zone 6a)

Me too. I e-mailed a native plants nursery about visiting next weekend when I'm in their part of the state, and they almost treated me like a crazy person! But hey, I don't mind buying dormant plants and planting them in soggy March ground. We usually do have bare ground in late March. Last year I bought some woodland wildflowers in late May, and they went summer dormant as soon as I got them in, so I want to avoid that this year.

This message was edited Mar 8, 2008 7:04 PM

Bucyrus, OH(Zone 6a)

LOL Jsorens! YOU folks are in the snow belt. :) I have a friend down here from up your way. He tells me before he came down here he had never heard of a "snow emergency." We just got a piddling fifteen inches of white stuff. That's barely more than a foot. My understanding is it would hardly be enough to delay school up in the lake effect areas. You measure snowfall in FEET.

I salute you hardy folks!


P.S. I have heard of winter sowing, but I have never ever heard of snow sowing!

Buffalo, NY(Zone 6a)

Well, I have to admit that this is the biggest storm of the season for us. We don't get as much as those people in the Tug Hill area downwind of Lake Ontario. They had something like 11 feet in one storm last year. Two is about the limit here, which suits me just fine. :)

Bucyrus, OH(Zone 6a)

If we got eleven feet here, we'd be paralyzed until June when it finally melted. I can't even begin to imagine what an eleven foot snowfall looks like. White. That's as far as my mind goes. White. :)


Buffalo, NY(Zone 6a)


I can't even begin to imagine what an eleven foot snowfall looks like. White. That's as far as my mind goes. White. :)

Thumbnail by Jsorens
Bucyrus, OH(Zone 6a)

Oh that's just wrong! LOL! I mean, that boggles the mind. I could imagine digging little rooms in the snow, winter patios, like the IceHotel up in Sweden http://www.icehotel.com/ . Shees.

Maybe painting murals on the snow walls with food coloring?

You'd have to get inventive with that much snow. Where does the snow go that they remove from the roads? Do you have a snow mountain somewhere that you can ski on in August?


Buffalo, NY(Zone 6a)

That Icehotel actually looks like a fun experience. I bet it's expensive, though, given the costs they must incur to "build" it every year.

Even here the "snow mountains" in the parking lots can get pretty enormous; I can't imagine what it's like in a town like Mexico, NY. The spring floods coming off the Tug Hill plateau must be something to behold.

Bucyrus, OH(Zone 6a)

I just priced it out. $550 per night, with breakfast, mittens, and a funny little cold-baggie "overall". :) Yah, expensive, but what a neat experience. :) I saw a documentary on Icehotel once that said the beds are actually quite warm. The bar serves all of the drinks in ice glasses. The restaurant serves some food on ice plates.

I have heard that areas in New York south and east of Lake Ontario get enormous amounts of snow. We fill our reservoir here with winter flood waters, to avoid pesticide and fertilizer run-off. I'd imagine a big hole in the ground could be drained every summer and filled in the winter with snow/meltwater and provide a pretty high quality water source, then again road salts would be a problem.


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