Dwarf Peach Tree Question

Triad(for a few more, NC(Zone 7a)

I live in NC near the VA border. I have a five year old dwarf peach tree that for 4 years out of the 5 has gotten hit with some sort of creature that causes the peaches to ooze a clear sticky gel like substance from holes in the peaches when they are small. The peaches then end up falling off or getting bigger but being not edible.

Can someone tellme what this is and what I can do about it short of ripping out the peach tree and using it for firewood.


Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

Probably the cucilio http://www.virginiafruit.ento.vt.edu/PCPeach.html. But growing peaches in the Virginia -Carolina are usually requires an aggressive spray program. In addition to the many insects and diseases that attack the fruit, the peach borer is high;y likely to attack the trees. In the short run, you can try a home orchard spray, immediatly after petal fall and continue as directed (usually 14 day intervals) for the rest of the summer. Peach borers and many of the fungal diseases are atttacked during dormancy.


Triad(for a few more, NC(Zone 7a)

Oh Great...sounds like plan B might be my best option.
Anyone for a good bonfire?


Wichita, KS(Zone 6b)

You're going to set it on fire because of bugs? I know there are some people who can grow some of this stuff with no spray but I feel homegrown with the use of the necessary sprays is still way better than buying in a grocery store where you have *no* idea just when they did spray. lol

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