Spring Cleanup who's with me?

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

I sure hope that it doesn't mean doom for your new iris garden either. I'm glad that they mostly look good.
I'm glad that your beds are doing fine MA

Sand Springs, OK(Zone 7a)

I was hoping strong March winds would de-leaf my bed ! looks like it going to be crawling an scoot on my bum to get them clean and weeded .
I go down so easy but getting upright is getting harder
my 30 year old brain and 66 year old back,
are at odds with each other .

Thumbnail by tazzy
Greensboro, NC(Zone 7a)

You're gardening buddy looks plum tuckered out too:LOL: I forgot that I had to dig up a few bulbs for someone and I think I'll be disrupting a couple of other things to get to them. Oh well, they're either rebound or they won't. I've gotta get those bulbs out and in the mail.

I so want to buy iris again this year. Just don't have the space.

Lebanon, OR

I love the kitten:) ours is no longer a kitten as in April he will be one year old and driving the two older cats nuts.

Yes, it is so much easier to get down at our age than up!


Durham, ME(Zone 3a)

Well spring cleanup is finally here in Maine. Really odd having a snowbank in half my garden and the other half having to be cleaned up. Fertilizer time next week and usually around the 17th we plant the cold weather veggies. Will be later this year I think.

We did it, bought that Sequoyah wood burner. Part was installed a few days ago to help us heat both the water and for warmth. Our base board units will be heated by a seperate water system. When the snowbank melts the other part will be installed. Even paying for the loan will be far less than the $500.00 a month oil bill we were forced to pay this winter.

Gasification, orange tagged so no pollution, I am very allergic to nickel and with inside wood stoves this goes into the air like car fumes and cigarette smoking. Not wanting to go to the hospital every time I breath it in for I stop breathing without my allergy medicine, not contributing to pollution more than is necessary is a big deal. My family can't have an inside woodstove because of me. I can stop feeling guilty about the oil bills and this unit is big enough to heat several houses, an outside swimming pool and what I hope to get next year for real a green house.

The crocus bloomed yesterday so I am feeling better. Only lost two iris so far and that is good for I thought the arilbreds would mostly die. So far those uncovered from the snow seem green and making babies.

Bold Vision and Peachy Face bit the dust. All squishy. Do not think I want to replace those two, they never bloomed, never looked healthy here with my climate so I do not miss them.

Rehoboth, MA(Zone 5a)

Meiner, have not heard of this type of wood burner, where to you keep it? Am sort of confused as to how does it work?

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