on the Label label label

Novato, CA

Sorry, got the old Libby's label commercial song stuck in my head.

Well as most of you know I am installing a display garden ... and I am somewhat detail obsessed. ( somewhat ! ha !! ) _ more like compulsive obsessive disorder on a grand garden show scale.

I need to label the plants in the garden.

I hate doing this. *!* - I know it is an excellent educational factor, but I hate the way the usual white tags muddy up the design and make it look like a yard sale!

So I could use a couple of very creative suggestions for some lovely but understated looking card name tags.

The overall look , emotion and fee of the garden is "quiet , personal, inner reflective , zen like sanctuary".
The garden room is surrounded by a tall hedge of tall whispery bamboo plants and has a few nice big fat bromeliad and succulents as accent and detail plants.

I thought about writing in black sumi ink on bamboo leaves , pasted to a bamboo stake but they kept on curling . - though I liked the bamboo stake look .

What can you guy think of that will be unique but not too big and flashy as to call attention to " hey look at all those cool plant tags".
Subtle , sophisticated, but with fine line and attention to detail.

Will need about 2 dozen or so.

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