lasagna gardening helps

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7b)

tasha, unless your grass has gone to seed, using it on your beds is not an issue. Do google lasanga gardening for lot of detail information. But the first thing to start out with is layers of wetted newspaper (no color, just the black and white parts) or wet cardboard (no waxed, it takes forever to break down), then a layer of peat moss or compost, a layer of newspaper, layer of grass clippings etc.....use compost if you have it and you can also add composted animal manure as well.

Plano, TX

tasha--so funny you would ask that question--i have my lasagna beds which i started last year and i just dried out grass clippings on top--the dried grass looks so nice on the top but i was wondering the same things--would grass grow from it? anyhow thanks for asking what i was wondering!

Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 5b)

Thank you Doccat and PlanoLinda. I appreciate the knowledge that you posted. I will Google lasagna gardening as suggested. The numerous postings on this thread is remarkable and the knowledge gained is worth its weight in gold.

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