hawaiin woodrose/merremia

mulege, Mexico


There was some discussion about propogating cuttings from a hawaiin woodrose. I can't find it now, so I'm starting this thread.

I have a merremia which I thought was a hawaiian woodrose but I might be wrong (got a bad case of CRS). I got the seeds from JLHudson.net. Big seeds and I think they all germinated. Due to moves and other stuff I am down to one - but what a beauty. Learning from my experience with the others I planted this one where it could grow and grow and cover my house instead of my orchard. It is about four years old now and has grown about 40 feet in every direction. It once pulled down my phone wire. It has provided shade, shade and more shade where there was none when I moved in. In the subtropics this is wonderful.

The main strem is now about eight inches in diameter. I wrote to JLHudson about it and they wrote back that they had never heard of one that big!

It has lots of little yellow flowers in the fall but has not produced any seeds. I have also not gotten any "woodroses."

Another plant called woodrose is a convoulace. My merremia flowers look like a lot of morning glories. I'd guess they are closely related but I don't do much plant technical stuff.

To respond to Randy's question about propogating, I have not had any success with cuttings or with layering. It's a mystery to me. The way it grows and spreads I sort of expected it to propogate easily.

In short, I don't know what I have and I don't know how to propogate it.

Can't find anything in the plant files that matches it.

Haven't mastered pictures yet. Soon. I hope.


Hi Katiebear I don't know about whatever it is you are growing but if you peg a bit of that vine down against the ground it might root down into the earth.It works with a lot of plants and climbers and is worth a try.Good luck with it

mulege, Mexico

Tried that several times with no success. Will keep trying.


Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Thanks Katiebear....this is valuable information, particularly in light of the size of your vine. I am beginning to think that the vine is challenging if not impossible to propagate from cuttings, otherwise you'd think you would see the vines for sale. In fact I've only found seeds for sale in online or other nurseries..but no live vines which usually are from cuttings. Out of about 50 cuttings I think we have 3 that are still green and I think they are going to bite the dust too, leaving zero of 50.
So, you have tried puting some of the live vine on the ground to try and root? They really don't like being near the ground do they?
It would be interesting to hear from others too regarding the subject!


mulege, Mexico

I've tried to layer it in a planter like Chrissy suggested. That's almost foolproof usually. But - nothing.

I also tried to transplant one and it died.

Hudson says they can be kept in a pot - mine is in a large bottomless planter.

They are pretty easy from seed. Just be careful where you plant it. My experience is that it doesn't like to be moved. And if it likes where it is it gets BIG.


Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Yes, I've found out already, which is why I had 50 cuttings! LOL.

It is such a ferocious vine. I've never seen anything quite so vigorous. Thick and heavy on the vine, and the leaves are downright huge. My experience is similar in the fact that the seeds seem to be fairly easy. My vine is 2 years old now and the main trunk is already an inch in diameter. I just took out about 1/3 of it because it was so thick. It has yet to bloom.
Interestingly, I noticed a re-appearance of a second vine in another location that I thought had perished. The location it is in does not have enough sun in the summer.

mulege, Mexico

Mine has two main trunks. One is 20" in diameter; the other is 22".


Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

that's a large vine!!
I tried all sorts of cuttings from woody to greener. The woody ones showed promise for a while. They stayed green for 3 weeks, then started kicking off one by one.

Ok try just burying a chunk of the living tendril under the ground ...strip the leaves off about a foot of it and bury that foot under a few inches of earth ...do it at the end of a piece of vine, so it won't kill anything.Water it and place a brick or rock over where you buried it. Leave it alone and don't poke or pry. Give it a few weeks and if it has rooted then you can cut that section from the mother plant ...if you want it in a particular place do the same thing but in a pot. :)

Sinking spring, PA(Zone 5b)

Katiebear, from everything you are describing it does sound like Hawaiin Woodrose. The growth habit certainly fits the bill. Furthermore, I know several commercial nurseries who propagate that plant by cuttings. Its also interesting that you described it as looking like a morning glory because a second common name for it is Wooly Morning Glory. I am curious- would love to see a pic if you can post it!!!

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Isn't the -Baby Hawaiin Woodrose- described as the wooly morning glory....those are two different ones...

mulege, Mexico

According to JLHudson the Hawiian baby woodrose is argyreia nervosa. He has a description and pictures of the seeds of several argyreias which I found by doing a search for woodrose.

As I said at the beginning of this thread I somehow recollected that my merremia seeds which I bought from Hudson's were called Hawaiian woodrose but I think I remembered wrong. The merremia which they are currrently selling is not called Hawaiian woodrose.

I think there is a lot or misinformation out there. When in doubt of others' information or my own memory I go to Hudson. They are the most thorough sellers I have found in terms of supplying correct identification and information about correct identification.


Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

I'll give them a look...

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

do they have a website?

mulege, Mexico

Yes, wwwJLHudsonseeds.net. Note it's net not com. The owner is a character. I read the catalog for fun as well as for information.


Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

okay..I found it....wow..I know this place...I bought all of my brug seeds there about 7 years or more ago...The brugs and daturas are still with me today...beautiful and large!

mulege, Mexico

I have an update on this.

First, my plant is a merremia, not Hawaiin woodrose.

Hawaiin woodrose is argyeia nervosa, I got some seeds for this from Horizon Herbs. They are soaking now.

My merremia continues to grow and provide lots of shade.

My merremia has bloomed but never sets seeds. It might need a more tropical climate. We are sub-troopical here.

My shotia tree is blooming for the first time. I wrote to Hudson about it (got the seeds from them) and they wrote back that they have two, much older than mine, that have never bloomed, probably because they are in a temperate zone (northern California).

I keep learning. (Alas, I also keep forgetting, but not everything).


Tolleson, AZ(Zone 9a)

Katie what are you low temps and high temps?

mulege, Mexico

Our winters are definately cooler than the summers. It rarely freezes. Several years ago when my friend Tony came to work he told me that there was a thin layer of ice on a bucket of water. That was big news.

The summers are hot and humid. I'd guess we have some days over 100 but I don't keep track of the temeratures.

I'm constantly looking for food plants that will do well here. Some of the newly developed low chill peaches look hopeful.

How's your yacon?


Tolleson, AZ(Zone 9a)

My Yacon I am sure was really good since the gophers ate it!! I put it where I thought I had no gophers only to find out that they had a secret tunnel. I now have an explanation as to why some plants just died off!! I did not find it until I decided to replace a dead plant and my shove just kept going!!
So I will have to try it again some time. We just added to more kittens to our crew so hopefully they will help when they are bigger witht he gopher control. What I do not get is they seemed to have left most of the jerusalum artichoke that I planted??

mulege, Mexico

Horizon Herbs has the plants for sale. I really like them and their products. I have 16 little ginko trees grown from their coir-packed seeds.

I lost most of mine due to a non-friend. Of the few that survived, my dogs ate one. The other two are covered by fan covers.

I understand the yacon are sweet. Maybe tastier than Jeruselem artichokes. I see and ad campain: "The taste more gophers chose!"


Tolleson, AZ(Zone 9a)

LOL I guess maybe that is why they liked them . I just know it is not pretty to see a grown woman having a 2 year old temper tantrum in her front yard in front of her 3 youngest kids!!
I will go and check out that site.

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Reading all this with interest, how confusing when so many different plants are called the same thing! Sorry, I don't have a thing to contribute about propagation, but...
If anyone is interested I have 4 seeds which I appropriated from the parking lot at Charlie's in Pa'ia. To the best of my knowledge they are Merremia Tuberosa because they have the seven lobed leaves and the yellow flowers. They are as common as dirt here and grow to an enormous size, something I wouldn't want to cope with in my garden - I already have enough problems with wild vines!

LMK if anybody wants them - plenty more where they came from!


Tolleson, AZ(Zone 9a)

Jen I would love some of those!! I had a nice sized vine that a friend in Florida sent me and my dog decided that it was his own personal toy. Ripped it out of the pot so many times I could not count. I tried putting it in the ground but I think it was just too late!!

mulege, Mexico

That may be the merremia that I have. I had to be careful where I planted it as one I put in at the last house where I lived tried to take over the whole orchard!! The one here has just broken it's concrete container. When I have some time (ha, ha) I want to put a hypertuffa "rock" around it. Meanwhile, nothing seems to slow it down.


Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Aloha MarieO! They are yours, I hope you won't curse me down the road! D-mail me your addy...

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

I've already had to cut mine twice this year. I'm afraid the way things are going that I only get to experience the leafy vine, and not the blooming one, unless it's a real warm winter...this winter was fairly warm, mabe that will increase it's hardiness for blooms this year....we'll see though..it needs high humidity I heard to bloom.

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

I'm interested if they are not all gone by now.


Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Aloha Christi,

I sent the seeds off to Marie, but will be happy to pick up some for you next time I go over to Pa'ia.

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Ironic that I should come to this post now, Jenny. Have been reliving Maui by looking at the pictures. We didn't take very good photos but it is enough to jog my memory. so wonderful. Don't worry about the seed. I have more than I can say grace over now. Hope all is well.


Mona in Metcalfe, ON(Zone 5a)

real woodrose is a tuber that can be stored for winter lol I am not sure what you have there but it doesnt sound the same as what I have

Thumbnail by scicciarella
Mona in Metcalfe, ON(Zone 5a)

full name merremia tuberosa its in the name
now there is another vine called hawaiian baby woodrose which spreads like whate you are saying and have small flowers

Thumbnail by scicciarella
Mona in Metcalfe, ON(Zone 5a)

the one I have makes the wooden roses
this plant only grows to 10 feet and the tubers can be stored or left in the ground in warmer areas

Thumbnail by scicciarella
Mona in Metcalfe, ON(Zone 5a)

this is what the leaf looks like

Thumbnail by scicciarella
Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

and yours blooms in zone 5a?
Mine climbs all over the place..right now it's about to eat the entire greenhouse, covered 4 brugs that are adjacent.

Mona in Metcalfe, ON(Zone 5a)

yes because I take the tubers in for the winter and store them but when I started them from seed I did it in a pot and just brought in the pot in the fall and stored the pot now I take out the tubers and replants them at the end of march and back outside at the end of may

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Do you fertilze them or anything..mine lives year around outside, I've also grown it from seed I brought back from Hawaii. I think it's 2 years now, but it has yet to bloom. what months does yours bloom. I understand them to be primarily a winter bloomer.
Right now alls I get is the monster and no princess

Mona in Metcalfe, ON(Zone 5a)

always plants need food

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

I agree, but the vine is so vigorous I hesitate to add to it's robust nature, and want to give it something that will focus it's energy to blooming.

Mona in Metcalfe, ON(Zone 5a)

ok then feed it 15-52-15 that is not for growth it is for formation of flowers
your gives little yellow flowers
the one I have give large deep yellow flowers most of the year

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